Friday, December 31, 2010

Plans Halloween Coffin


One day in the late 30's, on the way to the top al Chiasso, dove noi scolari attendevamo di entrare nella scuola elementare, vidi che alcuni maestri parlavano con un giovane, bello di viso e con un sorriso splendente, ch'è sempre è rimasto impresso nei miei occhi.
Era il maestro Bruno Guerrini, come seppi dalla voce che si sparse fra noi ragazzi; ricordo che portava i pantaloni alla “zuava “ e che non mi sembrò essere alto di statura.
Da allora non rividi più quel giovanottino molto distinto.
Ero chierichetto, quando nel duomo di Seravezza, alla presenza di tutta la scolaresca, del direttore, Giuseppe Masini dei maestri e maestre, e di tantissime persone,tra le quali anche lo scultore pietrasantino Pietro Bibolotti, padre del tenente Enrico medaglia the value of silver soldier killed during a battle that was five days before the death of his friend Bruno Guerrini, was celebrated St. Mass in suffrage for the soul master Bruno Guerrini, lieutenant of the 10th Company of the anti-Bologna Division, killed in Belamedt Mages (Tobruk) November 26, 1941, during a battle against the forces available to New Zealanders of tanks, against which , shots of small anti-tank guns supplied to the military division of Bologna did not cause any damage.
perished in that bloody battle between a thousand officers and 45 noncommissioned officers and soldiers italiani.Stando the testimony of an anonymous soldier Alta Versilia remains unknown, Mauro Barghetti Bruno Guerrini learned that his close friend since childhood died heroically, while the men of his stronghold killed, continued alone with his gun to shoot at a tank, which centers without the means to stop acts enemy suffer damage to its advanced. When he was about to shoot the last shot was a direct hit from a cannon enemy that killed him on his body torn to shreds colpo.Il ended on the bloody heap of his soldiers killed during that terrible conflict.
I still remember the emotion and the general seravezzina regret of the whole community for this untimely death of his young son.
The photographic image of the young man in military uniform appeared to my eyes in the mid-50's in a framework attached to the walls of the room that the maternal grandparents of my girlfriend Angela, daughter of Joseph Pucci and Bruno Guerrini, Bruno's sister, who died heroically at the front of Tobruk, held as if their loved son was still alive among them. This in my opinion was a shining example of a great filial love that leaves me deeply moved. This room was furnished with the same furniture, desks, and books that Bruno had in his room in the house that his parents owned the Forge, and that they were able to save before the building was blown up by the Germans together with all houses in the neighborhood, from the embankment to Riomagno and countries Ripa and Corvaia.
Many years later the figure of the young and gentle Master Bruno Guerrini (deeply tied to parents and two sisters) and has resurfaced in the works of Giorgio Giannelli that in some articles published in the journal Monthly Mauro Barghetti Versilia today.
Barghetti Mauro, had publicly advocated the idea of \u200b\u200bremembering the close friend Bruno Guerrini, with whom he had studied together at the Institute of Science in Pisa, to
both graduate teachers, with a plaque to be mounted at the elementary schools Seravezza they attended. The
Barghetti was aware of the fact that in Pisa, where the master of the Institute Seravezza he graduated, he dedicated a classroom to his memory.
Why not do it in Seravezza, albeit very late? While Barghetti
Mauro told me also these facts, I could not understand the reasons for this insensitivity "primarily" in 1941 by school authorities Seravezza. In Pisa, the Istituto Magistrale
would immediately recall in this solemn way his student, who died heroically in a war 24 years, dedicating, in his memory a classroom. Why Seravezza, his native country dropped everything in silence? Given the
vanish than advocated by Mauro Barghetti, they invited my wife and her sister Anna, daughter of Bruno's sister, to direct requests to the Mr. Mayor Seravezza because it was walled up in the elementary school a plaque in memory of their uncle Bruno. In the letter that was sent, they did bear all expenses relating to the purchase of the plaque, the sculpture on marble than he wrote Mauro Barghetti and payment of the builder, look forward to receiving the response from the Mayor of Seravezza, a day I phoned the general of the Air Force, retired, Buselli Bruno, a native of Ripa, decorated for bravery and other military honors) Carla Bastianelli, who had married the daughter of the sister of Agostina Falconi, mother of Bruno Guerrini, because I concerned of the cases, in order to overcome the "impasse" that a suo dire, stava rallentando il procedere della trattazione della pratica relativa alla collocazione della lapide nella scuola elementare di Seravezza.
Mi fece anche i nomi del Sindaco e dell'assessore Marcucci con il quale lui si era già incontrato nei loro uffici .
Fu così che mi recai a parlare con il Signor Sindaco Lorenzo Alessandrini e con l'assessore alla cultura Ezio Marcucci. Fui accolto da entrambi con molta gentilezza. Mi parve di capire che la pratica sarebbe stata esaminata nel più breve tempo possibile.Non mi furono rappresentati motivi in ordine ai quali la lapide non sarebbe stata murata.
Con il parere favorevole degli organi scolastici il comune autorizzò la muratura di questa lapide in ricordo del giovane maestro Bruno Guerrini and after some substitutions in the school of his country, and in the detached of the chapel, where now the headquarters of the section of the Alpine Group on leave of Versilia, came to teach, before being called up, even in a school Rhodes, then Italian colony with all the Dodecanese islands.
The ceremony took place in a very moving experience. Monsignor Guido Corallini were present who had studied in Pisa with Bruno, pastor of the church of Santa Caterina of Pisa, was this priest to bless the plaque next to the parish priest Monsignor Seravezza Leonardi, while a bugler sounded the silence. There was also Dr. Bastianelli, cousin of the maestro Bruno. The ceremony was attended, with the flag, also a representation dell'ANFI Section Versilia - Historical Seravezza. Sadly, notes the absence of school pupils, even a small group was sent by the school board.
I did not know the reasons that he adopted the school board decided that the non-participation in the ceremony of the students, for which they were filled with tables laden with cookies, pastries, pizzas and other delicacies as well as orange and various drinks.


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