Thursday, December 2, 2010

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The Passion of the Christ - a Mel Gibson's highly dramatic and full of scenes of unprecedented savagery against Christ the Redeemer.

Mel Gibson, with his film The Passion of the Christ, showed images of raw and extreme violence for the last moments of Jesus' life, but is mocked and beaten by fists and feet, stoned and frustrated in blood and finally crucified between two thieves, at the behest of those who did not believe that he was the Messiah, the Son of God come down to Earth for the salvation of mankind from original sin.
inclusion in the film must be some "flah back," related to the life of Jesus, who is known to us through the Gospels and the relationships with his apostles, the appearance of the Savior in all its incredible sweetness.
He had performed miracles, restoring life to the dead and the light in the eyes of one who was blind and lame healed, multiplied the loaves and turned water into wine, was considered a confirmation of human blindness, a blasphemer and false man, Both men took care of public affairs and directing them to the administration of justice, both from a lot of people unconscious and maòvagia.
was Caiaphas, the high priest who presided at the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish religious and political body, and judge who dared to propose the death of Jesus, asking to Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea, of infliggergli il supplizio della crocifissione, pena che di solito veniva comminata a persone condannate per i gravi delitti compiuti.
E il governatore Ponzio Pilato, che pur non ravvisava nel comportamento di Gesù alcuna violazione della legge, cedette alle pressioni del Sinedrio, forse perché temeva una sommossa di questa provincia che a stento sopportava la presenza romana, egli si rivelù un pavido che non seppe essere all'altezza della carica affidatagli.
Tentò, comunque, di salvargli la vita, infliggendo a Gesù la pena dolorosissima della fustigazione, alla cui esecuzione furono com andati alcuni soldati romani che, nel colpire il corpo di Gesù con verghe e flagelli di mostrarono un' inaudita ferocia.
It was not enough for the council and the crowd went crazy for this punishment, to set him free.
crucify him! Crucify !..." cried Caiaphas.
Pilate did not want to take any direct responsibility for the death of Jesus
front of everyone washed his hands. So prevailed
the wickedness of men who used extreme violence and murdered without mercy, the only son of God who preached love, charity and forgiveness.
I wonder how Judas may have betrayed the Master for thirty pieces of silver? He regretted
is true and that he felt remorse he hanged himself from a tree, the gruesome sight of his body dangling from the tree. Viewing this
film shook me deeply.
The face of Jesus reduced to a form of blood is a really disturbing image. The death on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus marked the return to grace and eternal salvation of all men of good will. That's the miracle of the Faith.
Satan the devil with the face of an angel, has always loomed in all scenes of evil represented in the film. In several films
cinematografiuche turn on the crucifixion of Geu, I had never seen pictures so very cruel.
Excellent is the interpretation of Jesus by the main actor is so is that of the other actors.
As Jesus goes on Golgotha \u200b\u200bwith the Cross on the shoulders, the background is the fantastic scenic view of the Sassi of Matera.
It 's a drama to be seen.
The soundtrack was dubbed in both aramarico, the language that was spoken in Judea at the time of Jesus' life, both in Latin. From
captions affixed to the film, read the words spoken by the actors interpret the film. Mel
Gbson for this work, has collected a priori that it is critical praise.
Some have argued that it is an anti-Semitic film, but the word "judacus" uttered in the midst of the teeth, clearly derogatory sense, by a Roman soldier to Simon of Cyrene who helped Jesus carry the Cross on Golgotha , ha dimostrato che così non è.
Per taluni critici critici il parlare dei romani è suonato falso, sì, troppo classico.
Sotto il profilo storico e filologico il rigore doveva essere il primo obiettivo del film.
L'aver messo Cicerone in bocca alla soldatesca romana indisciplinata e violenta, è stato considerato, da una parte della critica cinematografica, l'unico errore del film.
Ha fatto bene Mel Gibson a farci vedere come avvenne la morte di Gesù, il quale, dalle scene gikrate, appare in tutta la sua grandezza divina.
E' in questo quadro che trovo fulgide le parole da lui pronunciate sulla croce, prima di morire: “Padre, perdona loro, perchè non sanno quello che fanno”.

PS - This article of mine that I wrote after seeing the film directed by Mel Gibson, was published in the monthly Catholic Versilia "Dialogue", in January and February 2005, founded and directed by Don Florio Giannini. The cruel and violent scenes reminds me of the dreadful massacre of St. Anna committed 12 August 1944 by Nazi SS criminals, so much to make me think that Gibson was, in my opinion, the records that would make a great movie about this terrible massacre innocenti.In America I know who read my blog of close relatives 'Angelo Biondo, the girl who was martyred in Seravezza in 1944. If you know people involved in the production of films I could send them, just to get an idea. my story about the Massacre of St. Anna without pretension. Alexandra, if you read me let me know what you think? Thanks and best regards, Renato Sacchelli


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