Friday, December 31, 2010

Acacia Seeds As Insecticide

Biography of Maestro Bruno Guerrini

Son of Antonio Guerrero and Augusta Falconi;
Seravezza was born in June 7, 1917;
attended primary schools in Seravezza Versiliese Technical Institute (4 years);
continued his studies at the Institute Master of Pisa, passing, at the end of the school year 1935-1936, the state examinations, achieving a degree of master, then
accomplished teaching, so occasionally and for a few days at the Elementary School and Seravezza also in the detached to the Chapel is now located in the location where the headquarters of the Group of the Alpine Seravezza on leave.
attended, with colleagues and Silvio Federigi Barghetti Mauro, a private course of preparation for a contest to get "tenure", held by Professor Giulio Paiotti;
won the contest was intended to teach the island of Rhodes, then colony Italian with all the islands of the Dodecanese;
attended in Arezzo, in the years 1938-1939, the course of cadet officers of infantry. Lieutenant, was assigned to a department of the division Bologna
in November 1941 he was in Libya with the X Division tank Company Divisional Bologna, which was overwhelmed by an attack that forces hurled by New Zealand troops in the direction of Tobruk;
was killed Nov. 26, 1941 in Bages Belamedh during a bloody battle, during which 45 officers were killed and a thousand Italian soldiers;
Barghetti Mauro, his colleague and close friend, in his article "No, Bruno, we will not forget, "published today on the n.324 of Versilia in September 1993 also reported The following story that made a common soldier of that Stazzemese, crouched in the crater of a bomb exploded near the stronghold occupied by men of Lieutenant Bruno Guerrini, the officer saw die seravezzino "Guerrini Lieutenant commanding a" stronghold "has two 47/32 anti-tank guns, a little over two toys, when compared to Anglo-Saxon armor of tanks; tactical manuals of the time "benchmark" meant "order to resist until death." Its cornerstone was hit by the fury of a big tank and he ordered his soldiers to fire now out of combat. Then she began the piece in person, loaded, aimed, sparò, colpendo in pieno il carro al quale naturalmente fece soltanto un po’ di solletico-." Stava per sparare l'ultimo colpo quando l'esplosione di una cannonata nemica frantumò anche le ossa di Bruno.”
Nel suo articolo il Barghetti, in relazione all’azione compiuta da Bruno Guerrini, ha inoltre scritto: “Nessun superstite ci fu che ne potesse proporre una doverosa medaglia d’oro alla memoria”;le ricerche per rintracciare il soldato dello stazzemese, ai conclusero con esito negativo (probabilmente sarà deceduto nel corso di questi ultimi decenni).

Monsignor Guido Corallini, attuale parroco di Santa Caterina a Pisa, che fu compagno di studi di Guerrini Bruno presso le Scuole Master, pointed out that the same for years, are based in a new building and that the old building is in use the past to a University Institute. Names, among them that of the master Bruno Guerrini, where the classrooms were, at the time, titled, is not nothing left. Al Dean pro - tempore State Institute of Science "G. Carducci "in Pisa, located in S. Zeno, Angela Pucci, he asked, in writing, a certificate stating that, at the time, the old Pisan they named Teacher training college classroom even the memory of his maternal uncle Bruno Guerrini, but again nothing was found.
Unfortunately, the research of plaque that was walled up in the classroom dedicated to the memory of Bruno Guerrini and ended on the pile of other old headstones that were uprooted and piled up near the school, made by the writer ended with negative results, in fact, nothing found.


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