“E’ preoccupante il silenzio della Rai sulla richiesta dell’AGCOM di far partecipare al Festival di Sanremo i rappresentanti dei consumatori come osservatori sul televoto”. E’ quanto dichiara Massimiliano Dona, Segretario generale dell’Unione Nazionale Consumatori (UNC), commentando l’assenza di qualsiasi iniziativa da parte di viale Mazzini in attuazione del Regolamento recentemente approvato Antitrust Authority of Communications.
"Nobody has contacted us, despite the imminence of the Festival, the Advocate-Dona there was no indication on the actual conduct of operations to which we should attend."
"We relied on an attitude of fairness by Massimiliano Dona Rai-go-but we are the usual: the company has not even explained where and how it intends to exclude the use of call centers and any other mechanism that affects the ' collective interest as a falsifying the results of the vote appears to have occurred in other circumstances. "
"At this point Insists the lawyer-Dona-Regulation is clear: according to Article 5, paragraph 4, it is forbidden to cast votes via automated or not, fixed or movable, which allow the sending of massive calls or SMS, or by users who provide call center services. "
"For this end-Dona-invoke the cooperation of the telcos that should reasonably be able to oversee such a ban, if the economic interests do not always prevail yet the rules are respected."
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