"We requested to enlarge Rai messages that pass overlay during the Festival of Sanremo for informing consumers about terms and costs of access to phones and mobiles." It 'as said Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers Union (UNC), which was present yesterday at the Ariston Theatre operations of remote voting on the nomination of the Authority for Guarantees in Communications.
"The transparency of the information made user-goes-Give the attorney is a cornerstone of the Regulation recently approved by AGCOM in the matter of televoting: this is why we felt compelled to seek an adjustment of the 'super' which should be easily readable by viewers, even on medium-sized televisions.
Commenting on the evening spent backstage at the Teatro Ariston, in room phones and mobiles, along with the notary and the officials in charge of operations, Massimiliano Dona adds: "The operations went smoothly and also the failure of Gianni Morandi in 'announce the telephone number to call in to rate by fixed did not affect the outcome of the race, given that competition is for young people in a single session is open to all competitors and valid even in the light of the votes that I could monitor the terminals. "
Advocate Dona states: "Of course the checks that we can do during the evening only cover part of the mechanism of remote voting as some investigations, such as those relating to possible fraudulent use of call centers, may be only required at a later time telephone operators, since the ex post checks in any case be watching closely. "
"It is good-ends Dona-who, thanks to this year's Festival, the advertisements that the presenter is required to make up for clear indication of the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM), the new regulation issued by the Italian Communications Authority ( AGCOM) and our presence behind the scenes, viewers are more aware when using premium rate services such as tele-voting. "
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