Friday, February 25, 2011

The Name Of The Song Jordan Sparks

1945 - arrive in the Versilia "Nisei", ready to launch the final attack on the Gothic Line

In March of 1945 I noticed that Capezzano Pianore had increased the presence di soldati americani. Si trattava di nuovi uomini,chiamati "Nisei", nati in America da genitori giapponesi, facenti parte del 442° reggimento, aggregato alla 92^ divisione “Buffalo”.
Ricordo che questi giovanissimi soldati , erano molto ghiotti di cipolline che gli portavano, a mazzetti, i ragazzi del posto, i quali ricevevano in cambio qualche cioccolata e del cibo conservato in scatola. Quei militari dopo qualche giorno raggiunsero la piana di Seravezza, dove sostarono nella zona di Pozzi, pronti, il 5 aprile 1945 a partecipare all’attacco finale che fu sferrato dagli Alleati all'estremo limite della linea Gotica per snidare le forze tedesche attestate sul Castellaccio, lungo tutto il Crinale del Monte di Ripa fino Folgorito to get on the mountain, starting from Riomagno and Desiata. After fierce fighting, which emerged shining courage and valor of the troops attacking, April 7, 1945 the Gothic Line, the stretch of Versilia, was breached. The motto of the regiment of these brave and courageous soldiers, was "Go for Broke", or goes or nothing! After the breaking of a boy Seravezza, Alberto Benti, my dear and unforgettable friend, who died in recent years, told me that he saw a pile Riomagno, many corpses of American soldiers who then, on several trucks were transported for burial in an Allied war cemetery that I was able to indicate. According to information acquired by the writer this cemetery ally should be in the province of Florence.


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