Monday, February 21, 2011

Mountains Biffy Clyro Chords Piano


A mayor tiny
collegnesi Some reflections on the events after the conviction of Valentino

E 'yesterday's news of the sentence to two years imprisonment councilor Valentino ( read the blog of Civic ). When someone is convicted - especially for crimes against the Government and people harassed in carrying out its public functions - is never a good thing. Sorry for him, for those who suffered the crimes he has committed, for the bad situation when he put the body and himself. So it is not really the case to punish him, the law has run its course and a bad story has found its first (and fast) epilogue.
What is really incomprehensible - so was this summer when the story began - is the reaction of collegnese mayor, who has treated it with a faulty light, the innocence of swearing Alderman and his leaving the city for all this time without a major figure in government. She
prey of vice now spread so that, once elected, to feel in control of the city and take a back seat to the need to also be prudent manager and humble servants of the public good. There was no need for lawyers to figure out how to go and finish the story for political purposes or even to understand that in any case, the wisdom of the public suggested that the close collaboration with Valentino back in time when all of the randomly city \u200b\u200bhad learned of his indictment.
Oh, yeah! Because there is also this: the news of Valentino's involvement in brutta storia che l'ha portato alla condanna sarebbe probabilmente rimasta ancora nascosta se casualmente Giovanni ed io non fossimo stati a Palazzo di Giustizia quel giorno....

Se la sindaca sapeva prima di ciò che stava accadendo, avrebbe dovuto prendere provvedimenti e comunicarlo agli organi di democrazia della sua città, quelli eletti dai cittadini, proprio come lei. Una volta appreso dai giornali della storia, ci si sarebbe aspettati che intervenisse con energia per chiudere la faccenda... invece niente: sospensioni, sentenze di assoluzione anticipate, parole di conforto a tutti tranne che ai danneggiati.
In altre latitudini in molti chiederebbero ora le sue dimissioni, qui neanche a parlarne.
Accompagnata, as always, by the mouths of chicken butt of a large part of the political class collegnese - as part of the other - who smugly " awaiting the ruling of the judiciary" and showed understanding and human solidarity with Valentino long before the sentence intervene to curb the ambitions. Well, that goes well, the caste collegnese has folded in on itself in solidarity, which goes badly short-sighted perspective and a truly bizarre way of thinking about law has now pervaded the whole constitution, infecting even those who have morals flag and slogan. All justicialism
to regret and solidarity with one of them. Found guilty.
And now, as la metteranno?



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