Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Metal Core Scooter Wheels In The Usa

Cerpelli Pumps

remember Cerpelli pumps that the company was founded in 1904 by engineer Attilio Cerpelli. This company played an important role in giving employment to many workers versiliesi contributing to local economic growth, from 1935, when he moved from Liguria to the Central Seravezza. Mr Attilio Cerpelli at the company my father worked in the early 40s and my cousin Joseph (taken on 1 April 1964 at the age of 15 years, where he remained as an apprentice turner and, without interruption, for 38 years) and, in 1949, for a few months, even the writer. The workshops versiliesi Mr Cerpelli (acquired title after his election as MP for the Liberal Democratic Party, in the 25th legislature of the Kingdom of Italy before the rise to power of Benito Mussolini) worked in the years preceding the outbreak of World War II and also in subsequent years, many young people Versilia, employed as an apprentice mechanics, welders and turners. In the summer of '44 tragic Cerpelli the workshop was blown up by the workers of the German Todt Organization, as well as they did for part of Seravezza and entirely Corvaia and Ripa that were razed to the ground. In 1948 Mr Cerpelli resumed its activities, setting up another workshop in Querceta. In 1949 a foundry activated in a pre-existing warehouse locations Madonna, a stone's throw from the railroad. It was through the efforts of my father that the writer worked with me in this foundry were hired without being insured, three other young apprentices. Our pay was three hundred pounds a day. After the third month of work we received a letter in which it was announced that the company had arranged for us an increase of 10%, or 30 pounds daily. I always knew that the company built pumps Attilio Cerpelli he designed, high-potential, both for vessels for refineries and other industries. I had to read the Almanac Versiliese Giorgio Giannelli to learn the wide range of machinery produced by the workshop of the company Cerpelli, the most important in Italy, which had 1,200 employees, for the construction of centrifuges and rotary piston, turbo pumps, pumps, compressors low and high pressure frigoriferi per navi e impianti per condizionatori di aria, tutti macchinari di alta qualità. Se non avessi letto l’Almanacco Versiliese mai avrei saputo nulla anche sul “blue ribbon”, sì il nastro azzurro cui si fregiò il supertransatlantico Rex, il più bello del mondo, costruito dall’Ansaldo di Sestri Ponente con pompe Cerpelli, le quali furono determinanti per la conquista del primato di navigazione dell’Atlantico, che avvenne tra il 10 e il 16 agosto 1933, allorché, salpato da Genova con scalo a Gibilterra, giunse a New York con 27 ore e 20 minuti di anticipo rispetto all’orario stabilito. La traversata dell’Atlantico fu effettuata in 4 giorni, 13 ore e 50 minuti, alla velocità of 28.2 miles per hour, setting a record till then held by British navy vessels. It was a triumph for the Italian Merchant Marine. Il Corriere della Sera on 18.8.1933 in connection with this venture, he wrote: "The reason that predominates in the evaluation of the very important victory for the Merchant Navy Italian technique, is the possession, this glorious ship, machinery national total, designed and built Cerpelli workshops. Memorable expedition, which in 1985 was made by the workshop Cerpelli, a colossal machine fire for Saudi Arabia of the total weight of 24 tons, fully automated, designed and patented by its engineers. At the exit from the establishment of machinery attended the second class of a local elementary school accompanied by the teacher. A child, Fabio Verona, sent Versilia today as he noted in his diary about the event he had witnessed. The small Verona at the moment when the crane lifted the giant pump, believed to dream, as we read, among other things, nell'Almanacco Versilia, under the heading Cerpelli pumps. Cerpelli The engineer who had directed the technical study in his villa Capriglia, where every day the saliva specialized in professional design. Often Mrs personally examined the work that was carried out both in the workshop che nella fonderia. Nel suo andare e venire da Capriglia o dall’altra sua villa di Viareggio, sovente era accompagnato dal figlio, l’ingegnere Orazio, pure lui interessato alla gestione della società paterna. Mai ho avuto modo di scambiare una parola con l’onorevole Attilio Cerpelli, che di solito dialogava con il capo della fonderia. Fra i tanti bravi operai formisti della fonderia che conobbi 55 anni fa, c’era anche il signor Mazzucchi, padre dell’ attuale Sindaco di Seravezza. I modellini in legno, necessari per la fusione dei pezzi per la costruzione delle pompe, venivano forniti, nel 1949, dalla ditta costruttrice Vito Viti con sede a Seravezza. Il Cerpelli era un uomo anziano e molto distinto. Al solo apparire nella fonderia, intimava non solo rispetto a tutto il personale, ma anche un certo timore. Diversa la figura del capo dell’ufficio amministrazione, signor Feliciani, uomo affabile, sempre sorridente e gentile. La presenza dell’ingegnere Attilio Cerpelli in Versilia è stata molto importante sia per la ripresa economica nazionale che locale, in particolare a partire dall’immediato dopoguerra, quando la nostra terra, ancora piena di macerie, contava un tasso di disoccupazione molto elevato. Tanti uomini, compresi gli anziani, andavano a fare la rena nel fiume per guadagnare soltanto poche lire necessarie per sopravvivere. Alla ripresa dell’attività in Querceta, la situazione finanziaria della società Cerpelli doveva ancora risentire of the extensive damage suffered in the '44 war, not otherwise explain the failure of insurance apprentices hired in '49. It gives me great pleasure to emphasize that the company founded in 1904 by engineer Attilio Cerpelli, now known as Commercial Cerpelli Ltd based in Querceta, after passing over one hundred years of his life as "terrifying" crisis have resumed in full the its activity, so much so that counts among its current customers, the major oil companies, engineering and shipbuilding etc.., both domestic and abroad. I think also a duty to highlight another record achieved in 1998 when the company built two large Versilia split-case centrifugal pumps for the United Arab Emirates, 5,200 cubic meters per hour, never built before.


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