Pisano: the Luminaria. Emilio
strips always shine in the sky where the myriad of stars that appear to the eye sight of man as infinite points of light for centuries are detached, for one night, from the "fantastic" creativity of Pisa, from the sky to put them down and neatly with geometrical precision along the walls of the Arno, on the facades of ancient buildings and even on the surface of its waters continue to flow forever into the sea. The first edition of this extraordinary illumination, according to manuscripts of the time, dates back to 1688, when Cosimo III de 'Medici took place in the chapel of the Cathedral just ended, the crystal urn containing the remains of Saint Ranieri and da allora fu chiamata col nome del Patrono. Il passaggio della “reliquia” fu salutato dai pisani con l’illuminazione delle strade e delle facciate degli edifici con tipici “lamparini” (lumi di cera accesi dentro appositi bicchieri di vetro). Dalla fine dell’Ottocento l’usanza dell’illuminazione, arrivata ai nostri giorni, assunse il nome di Luminaria. In effetti sembra che fin dai tempi remoti i pisani erano soliti illuminare il corso dell’Arno ed i palazzi per sottolineare in modo particolare liete ricorrenze. E' da dopo la costruzione della cappella di San Ranieri, che la luminaria si svolge insieme ai festeggiamenti dedicati al Santo Patrono. Inizialmente si svolgeva ogni tre anni e soltanto in occasione exceptional events, the same was repeated without taking into account the special calendar. In the early years were made lavish editions until the final two or three decades of the nineteenth century when the 'local authority was forced to suspend them for economic problems. Since 1886 the event was revived, with great effort, the initiative of a Catholic youth club, thanks to financial support of the entire community. But the restoration of this great event at Pisa, took place in 1937 together with that of the Gioco del Ponte. It was interrupted twice: the first was for reasons related to the outbreak of World War II (1940/1945), which continued even after the war until 1952, and the latter depended on the Arno flood that occurred in 1966, causing the collapse of the bridge in Pisa Solferino and some banks.
The feast of illumination of Pisa which is carried out on June 16 of each year ending with a great fireworks show that makes it increasingly phantasmagorical part of the sky of the city of the Leaning Tower.
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