Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Old Is Bow Wow In 2010


At the ceremony opened by the mountain of Pisa, Lucca and Livorno, which is celebrated on 16.1.2011, in the city of the Leaning Tower, in honor of gold medals and Vincenzo Zerboglio Ferruccio early warning, which has also attended by a representative of the section dell'ANFI Pisa (National Association of Financiers of Italy) I had the pleasure of knowing the parent company of Alpine, Cav.Uff. Florio Binelli and other alpine leave Seravezza, my hometown.
When, during the celebration of Holy Mass, the bugler sounded the notes of silence, I avvertito una forte commozione nel momento in cui, quale alfiere, ho alzato la nostra bandiera tricolore. Mio padre , nato nel 1906, fu un alpino dell'artiglieria da montagna. Suo fratello Guido, classe 1919, fece parte del 4° Reggimento dell'artiglieria alpina – reparto munizioni e viveri del gruppo Pinerolo della divisione Cunense che fu inviata a combattere in Russia con il contingente dell'ARMIR. Ricordo ancora il volto infelice di mio padre quando venne a sapere che suo fratello era stato dichiarato disperso in Russia. Ho avuto due miei compagni di asilo e di scuola, i seravezzini Gianfranco Pea e Mario Tarabella che prestarono servizio militare di leva nel Corpo degli alpini. Mario Tarabella, un giorno che andai a trovarlo in Torcicoda, mi showed his Alpine hat, with a beautiful pen, which preserved like a relic. First
George, who was also one of the first leaders of the Alpine Seravezza, and managed to get a free loan from the local municipality of Seravezza the establishment of the Group of Alpine on leave, was a dear friend. I attended with him in Rome from July 15, 1949 to 14 February 1950 the course students financiers. Given its record of Alpine and later by the financier, I loved to call "the man with two hats mountain" so as alpine and financier. Li painted a small canvas board facendogliene gift during a social lunch that took place later.
Broadly know the glorious history of Alpine Corps, which was proposed in 1872 by GD Perrucchetti. In the 1915/1918 war, the Alpini fought heroically. Were they to stop after the defeat of Kobarid, the advance of Austrian troops on the Piave, the Grappa and Moltello. The Guardia di Finanza, which was in the edelweiss and the black feathers "his flags, took part in this war victorious battalions mobilized with 18 pages of writing brilliant value along with the Alpine Corps.
On 25 January 1943, the mountain under the command of General Luigi Reverberi, Trent divisional commander, launched a violent attack against three Russian division in the village of attestatesi Nikolajewka to break through the encirclement and escape by the Soviets who had broken through the front along the Don River. The bloody battle forced the Russians to abandon their positions and this was a great victory of the mountain that could pave the way for the return home of 14 000 black feathers, even if it was the endless mountain who died, so much so that Nikolajewka Known since then as their tomb. When radio
Moscow on 8 February 1943, announced their victory against the Axis powers Germany - Italy, the speaker's voice changed his tone when he said. "Only the Italian Alpine Corps must be held across the land of Russia."


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