EFFETTO LIBIA: stangata per le famiglie da 1200 euro annui
E 'record for inflation in February. According to preliminary estimates by Istat, the national index of consumer prices was up by 2.4% over the same month last year (it was 2.1% in January 2011). A trend is the highest level since November 2008. For
Casper - Committee against speculation and the savings, which include associations ADOC, Codacons, Mouvement national defense and the National Union of Consumers, even if inflation is stopped at this level for the rest of the year, it would be a blow from 915 € per year for an average Italian family. This figure, however, must be added the effect Libya. The increases in pump prices caused the crisis in that country, in fact, will have an impact equal to 300 € per year per family, which added up to € 915 above, will result in a Sting record from 1205 € per year. All that ceteris paribus, ie if the prices of other goods to maintain through 2011 the current trend of increase. Because if instead trigger speculative mechanisms, then the blow would be even greater. For
that Casper asks the Government to give priority to fighting inflation and to take immediate action to curb the bud any attempt to increase prices unreasonably and maintain household budgets. In particular it is essential to block the energy prices throughout 2011, have a cut in excise no less than 5 euro cents per liter, and introduce a mechanism for sterilization of increases in fuel prices.
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