Monday, March 7, 2011

Cons For Buying And Selling Human Organs


Il bat-figlio della Moratti e l'antro di Robin

La notizia del maxi abuso edilizio del figlio della Moratti potrebbe far sorridere in un paese dove se ne fanno di tutti i colori: da affittopoli a puttanopoli, tutto sembra oramai esser permesso e chi più ne fa più merita considerazione e consenso.
Il rampollo ha comprato cinque capannoni industriali, se li è ristrutturati per farci un mega-loft, dotato di tutti i comforts e delle innovazioni più tecnologiche che ci sono in giro. Così come altri milanesi illustri realizzano il loro personale sogno erotico - modellato sui film porno soft degli anni '70, come " La poliziotta ", " Infermiera at night, "or even" Fiorina the cow, "or" That great piece dell'Ubalda, naked all hot "- the young scion Moratti, with too much money in his pocket and little knowledge, has succeeded to realize his dream of worthy rival of Bat-Man.
The scion is not completely stupid, and realizing that to turn the intended use of premises must pay the charges (they do all the good citizens), has masked all the municipal engineer to visit, peddling its warehouses for commercial and plasterboard walls concealing the works that could not be good for the honest official. So he knew to defraud the City.

That the City Council of which the mayor is in his mamy odor re-election and where she, herself, should enforce state laws and regulations that the City has been given. Certainly its mamy did not know the house of her child, which will never have had, as well as their immediate family are all well placed in Milan that counts, right as left.
not fair to blame the fall on the parents of the children, but to do justice we thought that the architect of the young Moratti, not being paid, has seen fit to denounce the whole.
The impunity of these powerful reach the point of committing irregularities of all kinds, not to pay its employees and, possibly subjecting them to all manner of humiliation, for wonder then that they are not shut up and denounce ... and that the City of mamy be forced to step in with a complaint for breach of good planning.
No fear, my dear illustrious sons and unpunished, a pardon is not denied to anyone. You'll want to mica that begins with you? A few days of "pillory media", then the Italians will forget everything, forgive all.
digest everything.



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