Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cover Letter Forculinary

Two kittens thrown into a dumpster

The news of which we speak, really bad, I learned by reading a poster on display in front of a newsstand a few days ago. The cries of these two small animals have been heard by a passer-by who called for help to a man to get them out of the box. So the two puppies were rescued from a horrible death. This fatto crudele commesso da una persona senza cuore, mi ha fatto ritornare alla luce della mia memoria, quanto constatai nel 1949 quando percorsi, di mattina, l'argine del fiume Versilia che dalla Centrale conduce al Poggione di Ripa di Seravezza. Mentre transitavo vicino ad una fitta siepe, sentii dei rumori anomali che mi fermarono il passo. Incuriosito mi avvicinai alla siepe. Fu così che rilevai che sulla stessa era stato gettato un sacchetto chiuso con dello spago, che si muoveva in continuazione in seguito agli scatti disperati e frenetici di un animale che pensai vi fosse stato messo dentro da qualcuno che voleva liberarsene. Con un coltellino tagliai lo spago e subito, con un balzo, salto fuori un grosso gatto che si allontanò immediatamente dalla zona. It was after the war and there was much unemployment in Versilia and still suffered from hunger. Many men went to make the sand into the river to survive. This always reminded me to remember that cat that I saved his life. I did not write now to justify the miserable behavior committed by man against "the brother cat," as he called S. Francis of Assisi. I always hoped that the animal miraculously escaped death, has not returned to the house of his master, but I have found a good man who has taken with him, giving him the necessary support and love.
The same day I read on the playbill this painful fact, have passed the house where he lived Giuseppe Mazzini, the founder of Young Italy, which they took refuge under a false name when he was a victim of political persecution. Of this great man who in 1827 was affiliated to the Carbonari, only remember what we told him in class, in the thirties (more than 70 years ago) our teacher. They told us that he was a boy Giuseppe Mazzini in picking up a cricket, accidentally broke a paw, that shocked him until he cry of grief that touched this story describes well the whole class, has always remained in my heart.



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