La campagna contro i cartelloni pubblicitari stradali lungo le strade continua e recentemente anche un ex consigliere del Comune di Sondrio, Francesco Violante, ha preso posizione contro una selva di cartelli posizionati in prossimità della ferrovia nel Comune appunto of Poggiridenti. Really sad that the response of the Mayor replied justifying it all as the need for the institution to have some income. As if 6 / 7 signs (on the lawfulness of which would also be discussed!) Could fix the budget of a town! There are no words ...
I write, however, to report to your attention the important conference to be held in Sondrio pv Saturday, November 22 at the Council Chamber of the Provincial Administration in Sondrio. It's called
LANDSCAPE AND ECONOMY, is sponsored by the Economic Society and the Foundation Valtellinese Louis Bombers, under the patronage of the Province of Sondrio, Chamber of Commerce and Valposchiavo.
The central theme of the conference LANDSCAPE which will be the cornerstone of identity and as a factor of socio-economic development and will be among the speakers a number of prominent academics specialists.
Economic development and protection of the alpine landscape, landscape rehabilitation, care of the land as a model of development, all arguments which are all central and fundamental point of our initiative. You can easily find the fold of the news conference at the archive site www.vaol.it SONDRIO / VALMALENCO and ECONOMY / WORK.
The conference is open to all citizens who want to participate, and in my opinion represents an important opportunity to raise our voice and bring to the attention of the rapporteurs and the surface, this problem billboards.
I think of going there and I will be the voice of this Committee, spontaneous and who among you, like me, is sensitive to the issue.
David Tarabini
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