Friday, October 5, 2007

Wrist Injury Settlements

The massacre in the Valley Bodengo

Bodengo We got in the Valley to admire the fantastic places described in "A walk in Valtellina," but the omens of "Destruction of a paradise" contained in that volume 1985, unfortunately, have already come true.
The stock was constantly crossed by speed machines idle, lazy cars rushed to the mountains that rise to the polenta on Sundays. What beautiful lodges their minibus with satellite dishes.
the ban on driving by Gordon? We were the only ones observed. An agro-pastoral landscape
destroyed, the old cobbled street often raped by runs made with diggers, the forests no longer care ... and we could continue. But those who left
destroy Val Bodengo?

In the picture the beautiful bridge of dry old cobblestone street, and in the background, the ugly concrete overpasses done to allow the machines to get people to share in the polenta on Sundays, or simply to consume a bit 'of petrol.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How To Make A Zim Costume

We do a track??

  writes his friend Dario Leusciatti : 

Congratulations to the first edition of the magazine.
I fully agree with the spirit of the initiative and the content of the preface, especially with regard to our lack of environmental awareness and continuous obsessive search for the destruction of the ecosystems of our mountains .
In this regard it would be interesting to note in the journal
some examples of this shambles that continues unabated with the construction of forest roads
back a few years away in beautiful places we have the bitter surprise to see them torn apart by these wounds, leaving pay a horrible vision, as well as countless felled trees and branches scattered disorderly (but maybe someone should check that the work is done on purpose?).
I must point out the latest goodies:
- forest track in PRA Maslino ;
- Carnal-Davaglion Plan (the feriita orobico is clearly visible from the side, we hope to grow quickly to cover part of the vegetation ...);
-dulcis in fundum: the track leading from the dam to below Frera Lakes Toren (angosciante. ..) and cut the old trail, clearing all types of signs for hikers
( Orobie compliments to the park).

publishing this e-mail to Dario, sharing his observations in full and promising to enrich this intervention with the required photo documentation. (Beno)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Online Driving Test Simulation

BITTO: a voice pro small traditional producers

and against expropriation by the typical large dairies and agencies burocratiche locali, terminali di quelle nazionali e globali. In Valtellina il Presidente del Parco delle Orobie è un venditore di mangimi e il Presidente del Consorzio Bitto un costruttore (anche di latterie e stalloni). Gli interessi premiati sono stati quelli dei commercianti, industriali, costruttori di stalle prefabbricate (zecca) . Hanno imposto ai contadini la Brown Swiss al posto della Bruna Alpina, impongono i mangimi anche quando non servono, i fermenti nel latte che così tutto il formaggio è tutto uguale. Ci sono grossi allevatori valtellinesi che con i contributi regionali hanno comprato salumifici e caseifici nei paesi dell'Est mentre i piccoli hanno dovuto chiudere e non prendevano aiuti perchè "non economici". Questi furbi vanno a pietire in nome dei "poveri agricoltori di montagna" che hanno fatto sparire dopo averli sfruttati. La gente queste cose non le sa e gli fanno bere latte non buono e balle ancora peggio. Con pridenza e a piccole dosi sarebbe bene farle circolare.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Wedding Slideshow Using Powerpoint

MONTE Serottini

Mi dicevano che fosse impossibile toccare la vetta del Monte Serottino, ma io non capivo perchè. Forse perchè la montagna è più ardita del temibile Torrione Brasile?
No, non è questa la ragione. Il motivo è ben più brutto e legato alle ditte di telecomunicazione che hanno messo cavi, antenne e baracche sulla cima del monte. Il risultato?? Seeing is believing.

Friday, March 30, 2007

How To Make Curly Q Bows

Springfield: What is left?

Saturday, March 24, along with Mario, we rummaged through the ruins of the frail, and Cucchi took some pictures to those homes where little more than twenty years ago, there lived a few more senior.
speaks for itself, unfortunately ...
The first photo dates from the early 80s, the other 3 were taken Saturday and addressing the same group of houses. In particular, the second refers to the same household of 1. There's no one, the only plate on the door Widow Cao, dangerous balconies, brambles and silence.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Miosotis & Milena Velba

With the lift pass to make clear the lake Palu ... The gates of hell

I wanted to leave the photo on the blog owner and "no comment", but it is better to write two lines.
This winter was particularly dry and lack of snow, then the slopes of snow have lived anywhere. But when the snow is produced by draining a lake, I believe, exceeds the limit of common sense. And all for money, blinded by money.
This was the fate of the lake Palu.
We've seen year after year of lower level for sampling of winter snow cannons and drought, but I had never seen a situation as alarming as in the past. Palu is not the lake next to nothing, is a puddle.
As usual, in February rose divers to carry the statue of Christ of the Abyss on the lake bottom. We have laughed about it. "It will be enough fisherman's boots and swim a little 'arms," \u200b\u200bhe joked some, but the joke was bitter.
(find old photos of the lake on Valmalenco Freee )
nobody has noticed? You can not put a limit to the destruction of the environment for money, not need, but money, do not drink, but shoot snow on the slopes for tourists who see our valley as a playground, not a living creature that is. The world is for their enjoyment and to enrich the unscrupulous people who offer the service. Why no one says "Enough!"? But happiness
è già in cantiere: gli impianti verranno prolungati fino in cima al Sasso Nero.
Lassù ci sono 3 laghetti vicini: Scarolda, "Tricheco" e "Balena" che gemono :"Prosciugateci!". Quell'acqua non aspetta altro che diventare neve artificiale e donare momenti felici ai turisti.

Cavolo, siamo dei trogloditi: il Trentino è molto più avanti di noi! Enormi impianti di sci collegati fra loro permettono di scendere centinaia di km di piste sui fianchi di numerosissime montagne.
Trentino: amore e natura! Lì si che hanno capito come sfruttare le risorse, come lanciare la loro economia grazie al turismo.

E questi sono i discorsi di tutti i giorni che si sentono nei bar. Regalerei those intellectuals in a shirt that says "SELL MY MOTHER, EURO 100 negotiable."
But my protests are empty because I am not anyone who's in charge and thinks just like the ones at the bar, or if it thinks otherwise is held well away from expressing his ideas and lose popular support. To get you votes promettre money, wealth and prosperity immediately.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Problem With

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Dİfferent Vagİn

Springfield: the destruction of Pompeii

Right: an ancient fresco of the Contrada Cao, still inhabited by some elderly which protects and defends it by time.

touch on with this short statement is another problem in our valley: the disappearance of the ancient dwellings symbol of our region, a consequence of the agro-pastoral activities of medium and high mountains, as well as the lack of a recovery policy and historical heritage.
symbol of this decadence is fuordubbio the village of Springfield. The gradual depopulation began in the '20s left the country its ancient form, untouched by modern speculation. However, failure to safeguard the structures in the coming years has now led to the collapse of all buildings in the old country.

The district Scilironi.

In April 2004, Johnny and I do an inspection on a house miraculously still standing in the old Springfield.
Climb the rickety wooden stairs to the center of a group of houses already inevitably too unsafe or collapsed. We find a door socchiusa, l'apriamo. Cigola come il quelle dei castelli dell'orrore. Tre locali avvolti nella penombra, ma ancora ben conservati.
Camminiamo e la soletta scricchiola sotto i nostri piedi.
Sulla destra, oltre il primo stanzone vuoto, c'è la camera da letto. I muri sono d'un tenue rosa che le infiltrazioni d'acqua hanno sbiadito e screpolato. Il pavimento è curvo sotto il peso degli anni e di legno scuro. Il letto ha ancora appoggiati sopra dei vestiti, sembra che chi abitava qui fosse uscito a far due passi e mai più tornato. Dalle ferite del materasso fuoriescono le foglie che lo imbottivano. L'aria è intrisa di un odore a metà fra quello del fieno e la muffa. Il comodino è aperto: francobolli per la lotta alla TBC, calendari 50s and a bill six months of the current, early 60s, less than a hundred pounds!
Next to the room is the kitchen. A chasm opens directly in the middle of the floor downstairs. E 'surrounded by a chest, a shelf with the cutlery, table and chair, a stove with the culdérin over again. Above the hole a protolampadario with a miniature bulbs mounted on a candle, the head of a utility bill so high! In
settle an employment contract. We are in the home of Mr. Marveggio M., employed in the quarries of the serpentine Valmalenco. We read the paper discolored by time and marked by the shadows of the bushes that block the light to enter through the window.
The owner of a motor scooter appears from the bottom of the trunk. Are underlined in pencil fondametali instructions to start the motorcycle. We smile, we grew up in the era of the engines, and we head to the cemetery to visit M. Marveggio. It's raining. We rush in nosta research. A lot of graves bearing his name, but no date has recorded consistent with the life of our friend. We would like to look at his photo, to know something more about him, at Springfield, we want to delete the oblivion of time and open a bridge to the past of these places, but we feel powerless in front of a battle that was not up to us to fight: we were just kids, or we were not even born.

In 1987, six months before the dramatic flood Valtellina, Sondrio Valtellina Mountain Community and Culture Asessorato published in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture is a very interesting book titled "Project Culture, Religion and popular culture in the mountain community of Sondrio Valtellina. The book cataloged and described the state of the art of the main towns surrounding the capital. Scrolling breathes melancholy. How many things are gone, many are my childhood memories, tile of our origins and traditions that the frenzy of modern life has killed.
arrive on page 95 we encounter a form of Springfield, already sick and decadent:
" A few kilometers away from Sondrio, the new districts of the city and from the crowded malls [ed. there was talk of Standa and Despair, not Iperal Towers, Expert, Brico ... they used the "crowded" subject to very less impact on the environment, both on local customs] , the streets of Springfield abandoned documenting what was popular - at least until the '60s - the rural settlement in the manner typical of the Alps. As often happens it was the sharp decline in population over 1000 inhabitants in the 20s to just over 100 today, to ensure that they keep the housing facilities in rural communities: Scilironi, a cluster of houses clinging to the rocks on banks of Mallero it is a bit 'symbol [ed. and in fact, to the delight of tourists who head rushed to the ski resorts, it was thought of which is decorated with lights that make it seem like an amusement park!?] , but at least a dozen centers are still open to visitors - where brambles permit - a route that goes from Capararo - near-Arquine until maggengo of Marveggia, oil, in addition, [sic] 1100 meters. It can be said that the villages are an all one with the ground arranged in terraces, with the landscape. Many signs in the ethnographic present internal roads, ovens, hearths, the Trun, the charming design details.

Springfield 20 years ago, one of the last old inhabitants of the districts (image taken from "A walk in Valtellina).

It 's always evident the close relationship that exists between the human community and economic forms needed to survive - farming and agriculture. " The hearth is the ancient reference of the family unit and is still found in many homes abandoned or are still inhabited by the elderly: four stones arranged in a square in the center of the room, the smoke that darkens everything, without hood nor fireplace and hanging by the chain support vessels. Just sitting on the benches are typical (the "arcapanche) could breathe because the smoke would stop at a certain height in the room.
The functional recovery of this settlement pattern is a problem now becomes important if you do not want this "Alpine Pompeii" disappear forever into oblivion.
[...] The future of Springfield, which still bears the danger of the "landslide of Cucchi," is closely linked to the positive development of its secular and difficult history. "
Twenty years later I can say" Save the old Springfield, which still bears the danger of the "landslide of Cucchi," it would be possible, if anything, there was a positive enhancement to its secular and difficult history. "

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lab 5 Cell Respiration Analysis

alpine climate mad

The disappearance glaciers?

The Alps are the most important mountain range in Europe, the only one to still have vast glaciers and from which the most important rivers of our continent. No exception of course our Valtellina, which may include among its natural beauty, some of the most beautiful and magnificent alpine glaciers. In our valleys
s the street is the second largest glacier in the Italian Alps, by extension, that of the furnaces, which with its 1,200 acres of surface glaciation is the flagship of the Valtellina. The
Valmalenco is not the least, presented a large number and wide people, among which the great plateau of Scerscen top and bottom and the two Fellaria, which although very small compared to the past, help to donate to this beautiful valley the great looks we all know.
Unfortunately, these giants are in grave danger, because in recent years, their withdrawal has taken an alarming rate, so as to cause concern in a few decades will be no more of these true spectacles of nature. The cause of this seems to be once again the man who, with his aggressive and unchecked activities, is causing climatic changes in recent decades have had an alarming acceleration. Apart from the trivial concerns related to skiing summer (I do not want to tour operators and those who live there with this activity), the disappearance of glaciers in the mountains would have an impact heavily on 'water supply, both as regards the' drinking water for productive use that, since This is one of the most important reserves of fresh water available, just think that in Lombardy glaciers contain a water resource by more than 4 km 3, equivalent to about forty large reservoirs. The increasingly frequent
succession of winters with low rainfall and hot summers with almost tropical characteristics in recent seasons has definitely put our knees in ice.
The summer of 2003, for example, was marked by positive thermal anomalies that they would be as important as the hottest of the century, causing a mass reduction of impressive equipment in the Alps and in particular the Lombardy area (see charts), synthesized in many millions cubic meters of ice.
The year 2006 has not been outdone: specific budget Glacier Southern Alps to Mount Sobretta for the last season (2005/2006) reported a net loss of water equivalent to 2300 mm , ie, an amount that corresponds to about 5 seasons of accumulation, only in late July that there was accumulation average in two seasons. In the same season for the Forni glacier are lost 130 cm thick ice to 3300 m and above the glacier Red Pass, and near the front, about 2600 m altitude, andatosene thickness is over 500 cm, with ablation that did not stop even during the autumn months (those that should ensure the highest cumulative contributions), leading to an overall loss apparatus over the past one hundred years of 40% of its length: 3.5 km against the current 6 beginning of the 20th century. And the winter season now winding down and went so far, for temperatures and accumulations, in the worst way. Data
disconcerting, of course, but touch all that you do not need to be an expert, just a leisurely stroll to the hut Marinelli - Bombardier, one of the favorite symbol of Valmalenco, the sight of the Bernina group. Once, to get there, we had set foot on the glacier of Casper, today ... well, no more, took refuge there, at the top, protected by steep walls of the homonymous peak and neighboring peaks of Musella, in agony, and its appearance would indicate that he is just waiting to disappear altogether. Look at these photos that show the glacier glacis from panoramic place before the refuge in 1975, when I was born, and today, little more than 30 years later. A comparison of ruthless which can only embitter those who experienced the splendor of ancient glacial traces Malence.

Friday, February 23, 2007

How Do You Get Those Really Small Letters

uranium mines in Val Val Vedella

We are in the mid 70s. Many have grown accustomed to the dams have become an integral part of the landscape of these areas, but this time it is in the heart of the mountain that some see the possibility of enrichment. Phases of mineral exploration show the presence of strands in Val uraniferi Vedella to almost 2000 meters of altitude. Thus began a new wave of environmental upheaval that will end ten years after the abandonment of the project. I wanted
raccontarvi questa vicenda attraverso le parole di chi, come il mio amico Piero, in quei posti ci ha lavorato e, pur pensando ai benefici energetico-economici che si possono trarre dall’uranio, ha visto gli effetti collaterali e i pericoli dell’attività estrattiva (intervista tratta da "Le montagne divertenti. Viaggio fra le vette dimenticate").
“Per quanto tempo hai lavorato lì? Che facevi?”
“Dal 1979 al 1983, due anni prima della definitiva chiusura delle miniere. Ero addetto ai carotaggi. Estraevamo i campioni di roccia dove lo diceva l’Agip”.
“Le miniere furono chiuse perché non fu trovato abbastanza uranium? "
" I do not know if that is the reason. At that time it was said that by the end orobica Agnedo Water Castle was one of Europe's most promising areas for the production of uranium. The research project in Val Vedella was the result of an Italian initiative came in response to some surveys and geological studies in the area. He saw the interest of advisers and groups of foreign university students who often came to visit the mine.
Perhaps, however, that the veins of ore within the mountain did not have the hoped-for consistency and therefore it was decided to abandon the costly search.
"What mi dici della miniera e della vita lassù?”
“Nella spianata a quota 2000 c’erano le baracche con la mensa, i dormitori, l’infermeria e gli uffici. Se sali si vedono i ganci nel cemento che le ancoravano a terra, l’ultima volta che sono stato lassù ho ancora riconosciuto la dislocazione di tutte le strutture. Poco dopo la diga di Scais c’è la tettoia di metallo da cui partiva la funicolare. Insomma, era una città in miniatura con tutti i servizi. C’era pure un guida alpina che, essendo infermiere diplomato, diventava all’occorrenza “medico” per il primo soccorso.
Salivamo nella stagione buona con le gip o le moto da Agneda, una dealt with the transport company. In winter, however, did not trust those Agip to pass over the coast of the mountain, because of avalanches. Then he took the helicopter Piateda. There was a specially built hangar.
mines is doing the rounds, we were more teams. Excavations never stop, twenty-four hours a day throughout the week. The times were heavy, were twelve-hour shifts. We worked for 10 consecutive days, then were sent home by three. Up there, there was nothing else to do and then dug until he could. Think winter, when the day shift had not ever saw the light of the sun because it was night and when I entered nella montagna sia quando uscivi.
All’interno delle gallerie si facevano carotaggi profondi fino a cinquanta metri, entro nicchie che quelli dell’Agip comandavano ai minatori, mentre all’esterno siamo scesi fino a trecento metri. Il macchinario in quei casi era ancorato alla roccia perché non si ribaltasse. I minatori ci preparavano i ganci. Una volta, per un gancio messo male, ce la siamo vista brutta. La torre su cui era montata la fresa è caduta su un lato. Per fortuna nessuno si è fatto male. Da allora la ancoravamo anche a mezza altezza con degli ulteriori ganci di sicurezza. Durante i carotaggi a volte filava tutto liscio e dovevi solo badare alla pressione dell’acqua, altre volte s’incontravano Reed and running rock bands that spammed the diamond. So we had to pull out all the aces, and had a three-meter long, clean the tip and put it back together. At its worst this happened every 30 inches of excavation.
Carrots extracted were placed neatly in wooden boxes. The technicians did a first brief analysis of Agip. Those deemed interesting were taken away by helicopter, the other thrown away. A colleague of mine with 2 large carrots gave us the fireplace. "
"What lights up even when turned off," adds Alan kidding, who is there to listen.
"People came landfill to take others for construction purposes, - continues Piero - rocks are very beautiful and already then worked perfectly. "
Piero goes to the garage to take two pieces of carrots for exhibition, while Alan, laughing, pretends to be shielded from radiation by using a copper tray. Piero gave me one of those fragments, which now hold against the evil eye on the desk and typing errors in the computer. It 's very striking, especially when wet. He has green veins and gray with reddish spots.
"It was dangerous that job?"
"We were very controlled. We sent every two months in Sondrio to take exams every four to Pavia to make others more complete. A plate dressed like technicians in radiology, which measured how much radiation had absorbed. Every month you had the plate and delivered a new date. Once it turned out that I got zero point zero, zero radiation, nothing short of dangerous. For the rest never did anything. "
Piero looks at us and understand that the reasons are not enough, adding: "Then they gave us three million per month, for the early eighties were a lot of money. Anywhere you would have paid much. "
"of environmental damage do not know anything? It seems that in those years we were warmly lit controversy for the surge in values \u200b\u200bof radioactivity in water effluent dam Scais. "
" You should know that the probe into the hole injecting large amounts of water to the surface and then could flow freely. These waters, which had concentrations of uranium
significantly higher than the surface water reached the dam, and then ended Scais downstream [ed. it comes to uranium concentrations in the water coming out from the tunnel 10 to 100 times higher than the external waters, between 10 and 120 mg / L, as confirmed by official data published in the early '80s when mining exploration].
When he was given the order to dismantle it was known that the second agreements made by Agip opening of the mine would have to restore the state of things in the valley prior to the work. It seems that the agreements were not respected and many things were falling into neglect, as can easily see anyone go up there. "
I know that many can not criticize cossidette "clean energy" and then this article may seem an insult to common sense. But you can define
clean only what does not harm humans, it would be better to consider the nature in general?
I remain convinced that the best source of energy is consumed the least, without trying to exploit all the possibilities that nature offers us. We should live in harmony with its own territory and not groped to shape a human scale, as if we were in the grip of illogical delusions of omnipotence. Even the wings of Icarus disbanded when tried to get too close to the sun.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Play Onlin Simons Hit And


Scais Where is the country? I will say that is a question useless, and I think more people do not even know existed. I show you a picture, just to not sound like he's talking about Atlantis. If it were not for the shape of the Peak of the jump in the background, I would have struggled to orientarmi. Ora è tutto sott’acqua.

Acqua e uranio: il difficile rapporto tra uomo moderno e natura

Parlare della Val Vedello, di com’era cent’anni fa, è ricordare qualcosa che non c’è più, significa analizzare la rottura del fragile equilibrio che legava visceralmente l’uomo alla montagna.
La montagna era la casa e la madre dei nostri antenati. Dava loro il necessario per vivere e in cambio veniva accudita e rispettata, uno scambio reciproco di cure e attenzioni.
C’erano sì, sparse qua e là, piccole miniere di ferro, ma nulla che lasciasse intendere uno sfruttamento intensivo delle risorse.
Poi qualcosa si è rotto, ed è difficile capire di cosa si tratti, che può farti perdere il rispetto per casa tua e vedere la terra su cui sei nato come un giacimento d’oro da sfruttare finchè è possibile, finchè ce n’è. Forse è colpa del denaro, della ricchezza improvvisa nata grazie agli esasperati consumi energetici dell’epoca moderna. Questo non lo so, e probabilmente è una risposta troppo banale per essere esaustiva.
L’armonioso sodalizio fra l’uomo valtellinese e il proprio territorio, chiaramente testimoniato degli scritti del secolo scorso, non c’è più. Dov’è finita la felicità di una vita semplice, del ritrovarsi la sera davanti al focolare telling of stories and legends, to experience the seasons and the rhythms of nature? Most have lost a few in the regret.
"In the quiet evenings in the summer - writes Bruno Galli-Valerio - tell our adventures in the mountains and hunting, and the moon spreads its white melancholy light over the whole valley and the distant gleam of glaciers of the Bernina and Misfortune.
Gradually, each will have a legend to tell.
First there is the legend of "basilisk," the red-crested serpent, which is seen from time to time on pastures Caronno.
Have you ever seen? I asked one day to a shepherd.
Yes, I've seen, "said throwing open eyes and pointing out, keeping a respectful distance, the beautiful snake lying in my basket herbalist, among the flowers in bright colors, I saw how I see this snake.
What the pastor said he had seen the great crested serpent of fire, eyes rotating in their sockets, "the basilisk".
The crest was at least the thickness of a big toe.
He had seen himself up there in the bushes of rhododendrons in the valley of Caronno, you can imagine her fear.
dared not pursue him as he did not dare touch my viper, even though he was dead.
You never know! All other pastors had gathered around us, staring the poor snake, the ears listening to the fantastic story of their comrade..
Val Vedella was also cradle of Valtellina. foolhardy adventurers and pioneers of the late nineteenth century came from afar to admire and explore these wild places. E 'in these years that we find the legendary figure of John of Piateda Andrea Bonomi, a young farmer Agnedo and mountain guide since 1899. mustache and beard long, quenching and exceptional prowess, made incredible climbs on all the peaks in the area.
Val Vedella a century is a fairy tale: farmers, shepherds, mountaineers and pioneers. All with their unique legends to tell and with many simple dreams.

Le grandi opere idrauliche degli anni ’20 e ‘30

Passa poco tempo, siamo negli anni venti, e qualcosa cambia. Le enormi risorse idriche della regione cominciano ad esser viste come fonte di guadagno e si dà il via alla costruzione di enormi opere idrauliche in Val Venina, in Val d’Ambria e in Val Vedello.
Molti uomini vengono impiegati nella realizzazione di dighe e centrali e abbandonano così le loro bestie, le loro tradizioni per un lavoro più redditizio.
Le tre valli mutano per sempre il loro aspetto, e tante cose scompaiono assieme al rispetto per questa terra. Cercherò di catalogarle brevemente.
All’inizio degli anni ’20, intersection between Val and Val Caronno Vedella, stood the beautiful village of Scais.
Around the mid-'20s, coinciding with the completion of the dam and the Vienna Central Vedella, was built in the bottom of the flat Scais a modest dam that gave life to a small pond. In the mid 30's finally beginning to realize the gigantic work of the dam Scais. Were excavated rocks and soil of the plain of Scais, both to increase the capacity of the new dock, is to grind the stones and get the sand needed for the construction of the bank.
Scais The country was erased forever from the faccia della Terra, e al suo posto sorse la diga.
Alla diga di Scais è legata anche la triste vicenda di Bortolo Bonomi (Agneda 1888 - Agneda 1960). Secondogenito di Giovanni Andrea Bonomi fu alpinista del prim’ordine. Educato fin da piccolo dal padre alle arti alpinistiche, compì numerose importanti ascensioni sulle vette che furono teatro delle epiche gesta di Giovanni Andrea. Con dieci figli a carico si vide costretto a impiegarsi nel settore dei grandi invasi per la produzione dell’energia elettrica, diventando custode della diga di Scais. La malasorte volle tuttavia che venisse colpito da un proiettile sparato per errore da un milite di guardia al bacino. L’incidente gli costò un braccio e interruppe finally his climbing career and the offspring of guides which his grandfather was the founder.
tomorrow to put the section on uranium quarries ...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How Old Do You Have To Be To Go To A Gay Sauna

2006/2007: Winter crazy

starts to decline the 2006/2007 winter weather is marked by numerous anomalies in the thermal precipitation, but not alone and that can be described for the north west of the Italian 'year without winter. In fact, the positive thermal anomalies between 3 ° and 4 ° C recorded on the region was accompanied by a deficit in precipitation (except for the Valtellina). A number of foehn episodes especially in the month of January showed temperatures maximum close to 25 ° C (on January 19) in some places foothills. Sign into early and late January storm several episodes out of season and features spring / summer. Finally in December and January has seen the flowering of many plant species is early in the plains in the mountains.
Photo: January 20, 2006, White Horns (m 2471).

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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here's an example of crap .. I will use the words of his marine amonini ...

the Bridge of the Frying Pan, as evidenced by old postcards, had at least three remakes: a inizio secolo c'era una passerella in legno, poi un elegante manufatto in muratura (foto a sx) e ora ci rimane “quella merda in cemento senza alcuna valenza estetica” (foto a dx). Da sempre l'hanno chiamato così (intendo “Ponte della Padella”) perchè corre sopra un guiun cilindrico. I più appariscenti esempi di queste conformazioni rocciose si trovano nella forra a lato di Ambria. Sono vere e proprie sculture vive scavate dal torrente, profondissime e con acqua cristallina .

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pan to create new blog post

Se volete partecipare basta che mi diate il vostro indirizzo e-mail e vi inserirò fra gli autori.. così potrete postare le vostre foto!

Snot Coming Out Through Eyes At Night


ciao a tutti,
ho inserito questo nuovo blog all'interno del sito. Dove mi è venuta l'ispirazione? Beh, lunedì mattina ho contato 3 nuovi capannoni in fase di costruzione nella zona delebio-colico. Oramai sono stati eliminati tutti i prati, e per lasciare cosa? agglomerati cementizi con scritto vendesi o affittasi. Bisogna far girare l'economia!? ovvero spendere e sperperare, rovinando la nostra splendida valle.

Ho così pensato di indire un concorso fotografico: le schifezze dellaValtellina. Mandate pure sul blog una foto one thing that you feel truly obscene, and the worst of each month will be published on the page. The assessment will be given according to your post and on our ... See what you can do! Latest images
Valchiavenna from Pian di Spagna. Beno