We are in the mid 70s. Many have grown accustomed to the dams have become an integral part of the landscape of these areas, but this time it is in the heart of the mountain that some see the possibility of enrichment. Phases of mineral exploration show the presence of strands in Val uraniferi Vedella to almost 2000 meters of altitude. Thus began a new wave of environmental upheaval that will end ten years after the abandonment of the project. I wanted
raccontarvi questa vicenda attraverso le parole di chi, come il mio amico Piero, in quei posti ci ha lavorato e, pur pensando ai benefici energetico-economici che si possono trarre dall’uranio, ha visto gli effetti collaterali e i pericoli dell’attività estrattiva (intervista tratta da "Le montagne divertenti. Viaggio fra le vette dimenticate").
“Per quanto tempo hai lavorato lì? Che facevi?”
“Dal 1979 al 1983, due anni prima della definitiva chiusura delle miniere. Ero addetto ai carotaggi. Estraevamo i campioni di roccia dove lo diceva l’Agip”.
“Le miniere furono chiuse perché non fu trovato abbastanza uranium? "
" I do not know if that is the reason. At that time it was said that by the end orobica Agnedo Water Castle was one of Europe's most promising areas for the production of uranium. The research project in Val Vedella was the result of an Italian initiative came in response to some surveys and geological studies in the area. He saw the interest of advisers and groups of foreign university students who often came to visit the mine.
Perhaps, however, that the veins of ore within the mountain did not have the hoped-for consistency and therefore it was decided to abandon the costly search.
"What mi dici della miniera e della vita lassù?”
“Nella spianata a quota 2000 c’erano le baracche con la mensa, i dormitori, l’infermeria e gli uffici. Se sali si vedono i ganci nel cemento che le ancoravano a terra, l’ultima volta che sono stato lassù ho ancora riconosciuto la dislocazione di tutte le strutture. Poco dopo la diga di Scais c’è la tettoia di metallo da cui partiva la funicolare. Insomma, era una città in miniatura con tutti i servizi. C’era pure un guida alpina che, essendo infermiere diplomato, diventava all’occorrenza “medico” per il primo soccorso.
Salivamo nella stagione buona con le gip o le moto da Agneda, una dealt with the transport company. In winter, however, did not trust those Agip to pass over the coast of the mountain, because of avalanches. Then he took the helicopter Piateda. There was a specially built hangar.
mines is doing the rounds, we were more teams. Excavations never stop, twenty-four hours a day throughout the week. The times were heavy, were twelve-hour shifts. We worked for 10 consecutive days, then were sent home by three. Up there, there was nothing else to do and then dug until he could. Think winter, when the day shift had not ever saw the light of the sun because it was night and when I entered nella montagna sia quando uscivi.
All’interno delle gallerie si facevano carotaggi profondi fino a cinquanta metri, entro nicchie che quelli dell’Agip comandavano ai minatori, mentre all’esterno siamo scesi fino a trecento metri. Il macchinario in quei casi era ancorato alla roccia perché non si ribaltasse. I minatori ci preparavano i ganci. Una volta, per un gancio messo male, ce la siamo vista brutta. La torre su cui era montata la fresa è caduta su un lato. Per fortuna nessuno si è fatto male. Da allora la ancoravamo anche a mezza altezza con degli ulteriori ganci di sicurezza. Durante i carotaggi a volte filava tutto liscio e dovevi solo badare alla pressione dell’acqua, altre volte s’incontravano Reed and running rock bands that spammed the diamond. So we had to pull out all the aces, and had a three-meter long, clean the tip and put it back together. At its worst this happened every 30 inches of excavation.
Carrots extracted were placed neatly in wooden boxes. The technicians did a first brief analysis of Agip. Those deemed interesting were taken away by helicopter, the other thrown away. A colleague of mine with 2 large carrots gave us the fireplace. "
"What lights up even when turned off," adds Alan kidding, who is there to listen.
"People came landfill to take others for construction purposes, - continues Piero - rocks are very beautiful and already then worked perfectly. "
Piero goes to the garage to take two pieces of carrots for exhibition, while Alan, laughing, pretends to be shielded from radiation by using a copper tray. Piero gave me one of those fragments, which now hold against the evil eye on the desk and typing errors in the computer. It 's very striking, especially when wet. He has green veins and gray with reddish spots.
"It was dangerous that job?"
"We were very controlled. We sent every two months in Sondrio to take exams every four to Pavia to make others more complete. A plate dressed like technicians in radiology, which measured how much radiation had absorbed. Every month you had the plate and delivered a new date. Once it turned out that I got zero point zero, zero radiation, nothing short of dangerous. For the rest never did anything. "
Piero looks at us and understand that the reasons are not enough, adding: "Then they gave us three million per month, for the early eighties were a lot of money. Anywhere you would have paid much. "
"of environmental damage do not know anything? It seems that in those years we were warmly lit controversy for the surge in values \u200b\u200bof radioactivity in water effluent dam Scais. "
" You should know that the probe into the hole injecting large amounts of water to the surface and then could flow freely. These waters, which had concentrations of uranium
significantly higher than the surface water reached the dam, and then ended Scais downstream [ed. it comes to uranium concentrations in the water coming out from the tunnel 10 to 100 times higher than the external waters, between 10 and 120 mg / L, as confirmed by official data published in the early '80s when mining exploration].
When he was given the order to dismantle it was known that the second agreements made by Agip opening of the mine would have to restore the state of things in the valley prior to the work. It seems that the agreements were not respected and many things were falling into neglect, as can easily see anyone go up there. "
I know that many can not criticize cossidette "clean energy" and then this article may seem an insult to common sense. But you can define
clean only what does not harm humans, it would be better to consider the nature in general?
I remain convinced that the best source of energy is consumed the least, without trying to exploit all the possibilities that nature offers us. We should live in harmony with its own territory and not groped to shape a human scale, as if we were in the grip of illogical delusions of omnipotence. Even the wings of Icarus disbanded when tried to get too close to the sun.
raccontarvi questa vicenda attraverso le parole di chi, come il mio amico Piero, in quei posti ci ha lavorato e, pur pensando ai benefici energetico-economici che si possono trarre dall’uranio, ha visto gli effetti collaterali e i pericoli dell’attività estrattiva (intervista tratta da "Le montagne divertenti. Viaggio fra le vette dimenticate").
“Per quanto tempo hai lavorato lì? Che facevi?”
“Dal 1979 al 1983, due anni prima della definitiva chiusura delle miniere. Ero addetto ai carotaggi. Estraevamo i campioni di roccia dove lo diceva l’Agip”.
“Le miniere furono chiuse perché non fu trovato abbastanza uranium? "
" I do not know if that is the reason. At that time it was said that by the end orobica Agnedo Water Castle was one of Europe's most promising areas for the production of uranium. The research project in Val Vedella was the result of an Italian initiative came in response to some surveys and geological studies in the area. He saw the interest of advisers and groups of foreign university students who often came to visit the mine.
Perhaps, however, that the veins of ore within the mountain did not have the hoped-for consistency and therefore it was decided to abandon the costly search.
"What mi dici della miniera e della vita lassù?”
“Nella spianata a quota 2000 c’erano le baracche con la mensa, i dormitori, l’infermeria e gli uffici. Se sali si vedono i ganci nel cemento che le ancoravano a terra, l’ultima volta che sono stato lassù ho ancora riconosciuto la dislocazione di tutte le strutture. Poco dopo la diga di Scais c’è la tettoia di metallo da cui partiva la funicolare. Insomma, era una città in miniatura con tutti i servizi. C’era pure un guida alpina che, essendo infermiere diplomato, diventava all’occorrenza “medico” per il primo soccorso.
Salivamo nella stagione buona con le gip o le moto da Agneda, una dealt with the transport company. In winter, however, did not trust those Agip to pass over the coast of the mountain, because of avalanches. Then he took the helicopter Piateda. There was a specially built hangar.
mines is doing the rounds, we were more teams. Excavations never stop, twenty-four hours a day throughout the week. The times were heavy, were twelve-hour shifts. We worked for 10 consecutive days, then were sent home by three. Up there, there was nothing else to do and then dug until he could. Think winter, when the day shift had not ever saw the light of the sun because it was night and when I entered nella montagna sia quando uscivi.
All’interno delle gallerie si facevano carotaggi profondi fino a cinquanta metri, entro nicchie che quelli dell’Agip comandavano ai minatori, mentre all’esterno siamo scesi fino a trecento metri. Il macchinario in quei casi era ancorato alla roccia perché non si ribaltasse. I minatori ci preparavano i ganci. Una volta, per un gancio messo male, ce la siamo vista brutta. La torre su cui era montata la fresa è caduta su un lato. Per fortuna nessuno si è fatto male. Da allora la ancoravamo anche a mezza altezza con degli ulteriori ganci di sicurezza. Durante i carotaggi a volte filava tutto liscio e dovevi solo badare alla pressione dell’acqua, altre volte s’incontravano Reed and running rock bands that spammed the diamond. So we had to pull out all the aces, and had a three-meter long, clean the tip and put it back together. At its worst this happened every 30 inches of excavation.
Carrots extracted were placed neatly in wooden boxes. The technicians did a first brief analysis of Agip. Those deemed interesting were taken away by helicopter, the other thrown away. A colleague of mine with 2 large carrots gave us the fireplace. "
"What lights up even when turned off," adds Alan kidding, who is there to listen.
"People came landfill to take others for construction purposes, - continues Piero - rocks are very beautiful and already then worked perfectly. "
Piero goes to the garage to take two pieces of carrots for exhibition, while Alan, laughing, pretends to be shielded from radiation by using a copper tray. Piero gave me one of those fragments, which now hold against the evil eye on the desk and typing errors in the computer. It 's very striking, especially when wet. He has green veins and gray with reddish spots.
"It was dangerous that job?"
"We were very controlled. We sent every two months in Sondrio to take exams every four to Pavia to make others more complete. A plate dressed like technicians in radiology, which measured how much radiation had absorbed. Every month you had the plate and delivered a new date. Once it turned out that I got zero point zero, zero radiation, nothing short of dangerous. For the rest never did anything. "
Piero looks at us and understand that the reasons are not enough, adding: "Then they gave us three million per month, for the early eighties were a lot of money. Anywhere you would have paid much. "
"of environmental damage do not know anything? It seems that in those years we were warmly lit controversy for the surge in values \u200b\u200bof radioactivity in water effluent dam Scais. "
" You should know that the probe into the hole injecting large amounts of water to the surface and then could flow freely. These waters, which had concentrations of uranium
significantly higher than the surface water reached the dam, and then ended Scais downstream [ed. it comes to uranium concentrations in the water coming out from the tunnel 10 to 100 times higher than the external waters, between 10 and 120 mg / L, as confirmed by official data published in the early '80s when mining exploration].
When he was given the order to dismantle it was known that the second agreements made by Agip opening of the mine would have to restore the state of things in the valley prior to the work. It seems that the agreements were not respected and many things were falling into neglect, as can easily see anyone go up there. "
I know that many can not criticize cossidette "clean energy" and then this article may seem an insult to common sense. But you can define
clean only what does not harm humans, it would be better to consider the nature in general?
I remain convinced that the best source of energy is consumed the least, without trying to exploit all the possibilities that nature offers us. We should live in harmony with its own territory and not groped to shape a human scale, as if we were in the grip of illogical delusions of omnipotence. Even the wings of Icarus disbanded when tried to get too close to the sun.
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