VIDEO-How to defend against intrusion of telephone and fax
Telephone, fax, email, phone: are the four tools that technology has gradually developed to make communication faster and independent of the physical location of the sender and recipient. But they have become, over time, also vehicles of annoying problems, si tratti di essere svegliati dallo squillo di un venditore di vini, di ricevere sul nostro fax mucchi di fogli pubblicitari dai gestori telefonici o di essere bombardati da mail e sms che magnificano i prodotti e servizi più improbabili.
Non tutti sanno che tali comportamenti sono, nella grande maggioranza dei casi, illegittimi, che le sanzioni per chi li mette in pratica sono da poco state aumentate (si parte da circa 20mila euro) e, soprattutto, che fare smettere il molestatore è possibile, relativamente facile e praticamente gratuito. La normativa di riferimento è contenuta nel “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196), e in particolare negli articoli 7, 13, 23 and 130, while the organ to turn - with a letter, fax or mail - is the guarantor for the protection of personal data (Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 - 00186 Roma, fax: 06 696 773 785, Supervisor @
please go to the Guarantor ( to the appropriate depth, we recommend that those who receive a phone call, fax, mail or a text message to the sender first disorder to communicate its desire not to receive messages of this type , keeping track of such communication. In fact it is conceivable that the recipient of the disorder at the time has consented to receive the message, without thinking about signing a written statement in small print. Once withdrawn its consent, the receiving further communications becomes unlawful, and may be reported to the Guarantor without any formalities and without having to seek legal advice.
start of a relatively quick procedure that can end with the filing with an administrative penalty or a measure of the Guarantor, which requires the author of the message or prohibits certain conduct on pain of criminal penalties. the
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