At the ceremony opened by the mountain of Pisa, Lucca and Livorno, which is celebrated on 16.1.2011, in the city of the Leaning Tower, in honor of gold medals and Vincenzo Zerboglio Ferruccio early warning, which has also attended by a representative of the section dell'ANFI Pisa (National Association of Financiers of Italy) I had the pleasure of knowing the parent company of Alpine, Cav.Uff. Florio Binelli and other alpine leave Seravezza, my hometown.
When, during the celebration of Holy Mass, the bugler sounded the notes of silence, I avvertito una forte commozione nel momento in cui, quale alfiere, ho alzato la nostra bandiera tricolore. Mio padre , nato nel 1906, fu un alpino dell'artiglieria da montagna. Suo fratello Guido, classe 1919, fece parte del 4° Reggimento dell'artiglieria alpina – reparto munizioni e viveri del gruppo Pinerolo della divisione Cunense che fu inviata a combattere in Russia con il contingente dell'ARMIR. Ricordo ancora il volto infelice di mio padre quando venne a sapere che suo fratello era stato dichiarato disperso in Russia. Ho avuto due miei compagni di asilo e di scuola, i seravezzini Gianfranco Pea e Mario Tarabella che prestarono servizio militare di leva nel Corpo degli alpini. Mario Tarabella, un giorno che andai a trovarlo in Torcicoda, mi showed his Alpine hat, with a beautiful pen, which preserved like a relic. First
George, who was also one of the first leaders of the Alpine Seravezza, and managed to get a free loan from the local municipality of Seravezza the establishment of the Group of Alpine on leave, was a dear friend. I attended with him in Rome from July 15, 1949 to 14 February 1950 the course students financiers. Given its record of Alpine and later by the financier, I loved to call "the man with two hats mountain" so as alpine and financier. Li painted a small canvas board facendogliene gift during a social lunch that took place later.
Broadly know the glorious history of Alpine Corps, which was proposed in 1872 by GD Perrucchetti. In the 1915/1918 war, the Alpini fought heroically. Were they to stop after the defeat of Kobarid, the advance of Austrian troops on the Piave, the Grappa and Moltello. The Guardia di Finanza, which was in the edelweiss and the black feathers "his flags, took part in this war victorious battalions mobilized with 18 pages of writing brilliant value along with the Alpine Corps.
On 25 January 1943, the mountain under the command of General Luigi Reverberi, Trent divisional commander, launched a violent attack against three Russian division in the village of attestatesi Nikolajewka to break through the encirclement and escape by the Soviets who had broken through the front along the Don River. The bloody battle forced the Russians to abandon their positions and this was a great victory of the mountain that could pave the way for the return home of 14 000 black feathers, even if it was the endless mountain who died, so much so that Nikolajewka Known since then as their tomb. When radio
Moscow on 8 February 1943, announced their victory against the Axis powers Germany - Italy, the speaker's voice changed his tone when he said. "Only the Italian Alpine Corps must be held across the land of Russia."
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Implantation Bleeding And Tissue
Rome, January 27 - "Another blasphemy, to stop new TV voting, yet another refund? If it continues to 'Big Brother' would agree permanently block remote voting and leave the fate of competing officially in the hands of the authors, "It 'as said Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers Union (UNC), claiming yet another case Blasphemy inside the house most spied TV.
"A few hours ago, said Secretary-General shared the Nathan Lelli (between the last and entered into nomination this week) he blasphemed while organizing a joke by the pool with the other tenants. Despite the blasphemous statement has been ignored by the other competitors, the sound leaves no room for doubt and therefore it raises once again the problem of behavior that the production will take against Lelli.
"Nathan will be expelled as has happened with Massimo Scattarella, Peter and Matthew Titone Casnici televoting and will, therefore, again interrupted or the competitor will be pardoned, as in the case of Gwendolyn Tavassi?" Asks Dona adding: "If Lelli Nathan will be punished will be refunded all those who have already voted (Lelli is nominated by Roberto Manfredini and Biagio D'rings) seen last week when the former compensation was announced, thanks to our intervention, for viewers who voted for the readmission of Maximus and took part in the televoting between Peter Titone, Julie and Olivia Lechner Cimettis.
"For the second time this year, concluded the lawyer-Dona is appropriate to say 'stop the tele-voting, on with the remote refund'!"
Rome, January 27 - "Another blasphemy, to stop new TV voting, yet another refund? If it continues to 'Big Brother' would agree permanently block remote voting and leave the fate of competing officially in the hands of the authors, "It 'as said Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers Union (UNC), claiming yet another case Blasphemy inside the house most spied TV.
"A few hours ago, said Secretary-General shared the Nathan Lelli (between the last and entered into nomination this week) he blasphemed while organizing a joke by the pool with the other tenants. Despite the blasphemous statement has been ignored by the other competitors, the sound leaves no room for doubt and therefore it raises once again the problem of behavior that the production will take against Lelli.
"Nathan will be expelled as has happened with Massimo Scattarella, Peter and Matthew Titone Casnici televoting and will, therefore, again interrupted or the competitor will be pardoned, as in the case of Gwendolyn Tavassi?" Asks Dona adding: "If Lelli Nathan will be punished will be refunded all those who have already voted (Lelli is nominated by Roberto Manfredini and Biagio D'rings) seen last week when the former compensation was announced, thanks to our intervention, for viewers who voted for the readmission of Maximus and took part in the televoting between Peter Titone, Julie and Olivia Lechner Cimettis.
"For the second time this year, concluded the lawyer-Dona is appropriate to say 'stop the tele-voting, on with the remote refund'!"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Please Join Us To Farewell
"At least spare us the Sanremo Festival of bluff televoting. E 'hopes Massimiliano Dona as Secretary General of the National Consumers in the day on which the song event to be held 15 to 19 February 2011.
"We appealed to the President of RAI, Claudio Petruccioli, and the artistic director of the Festival, Gianmarco Mazzi, why do not happen again - continues Dona - the scandals of the past year even when the orchestra rebelled against the televoting operated. We will also deliver our appeal to the Minister of Economic Development, Paolo Romani, and to the President for the Communications Authority (AGCOM), Corrado Calabro, why implement any necessary action to ensure that the combined televoting Festival runs smoothly and does not is only an opportunity to steal users: if you ask the viewer to participate, states Dona, you must ensure that those who decide to remote voting, accurate information on service costs and, above all, clear rules that prevent the use of votes of the call center. Without forgetting that the outcome of the Festival you can also bet, so any outside interference should be avoided "
" Last year, concluded the lawyer-Dona was the orchestra to tear up their scores in protest, this 'year could be the Italians to tear up your subscription Rai. For this, we launched on Facebook a 'Petition for televoting clean' with ten demands. " Here they are:
For more information or to join the campaign you can visit the website or on facebook www.consumatori.it: "Petition for a televoting clean."
"At least spare us the Sanremo Festival of bluff televoting. E 'hopes Massimiliano Dona as Secretary General of the National Consumers in the day on which the song event to be held 15 to 19 February 2011.
"We appealed to the President of RAI, Claudio Petruccioli, and the artistic director of the Festival, Gianmarco Mazzi, why do not happen again - continues Dona - the scandals of the past year even when the orchestra rebelled against the televoting operated. We will also deliver our appeal to the Minister of Economic Development, Paolo Romani, and to the President for the Communications Authority (AGCOM), Corrado Calabro, why implement any necessary action to ensure that the combined televoting Festival runs smoothly and does not is only an opportunity to steal users: if you ask the viewer to participate, states Dona, you must ensure that those who decide to remote voting, accurate information on service costs and, above all, clear rules that prevent the use of votes of the call center. Without forgetting that the outcome of the Festival you can also bet, so any outside interference should be avoided "
" Last year, concluded the lawyer-Dona was the orchestra to tear up their scores in protest, this 'year could be the Italians to tear up your subscription Rai. For this, we launched on Facebook a 'Petition for televoting clean' with ten demands. " Here they are:
1. Certain rules: provide a single regulation, valid for all phones and mobiles.
2. NUMBER OF VOTES: must be placed a limit on SMS can be sent by each user.
3. VOTE: A limit of votes within each program.
4. COST: must be clearly explained, and the same for all competitions.
5. STOP CALL CENTER: should exclude calls from consumers for a fee.
6. RESULTS: The results of voting should be made public.
7. TRANSPARENCY: ensuring access to information on receipts from phones and mobiles.
8. CHOICE OF PREPARATION: prohibition to overturn the outcome of the vote.
9. REFUNDS: tracking of votes to secure the repayment.
10. CONTROLS: operations will be a consumer representative.
For more information or to join the campaign you can visit the website or on facebook www.consumatori.it: "Petition for a televoting clean."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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"We welcome the news of the second procedure initiated by 'Antitrust Authority with respect, this time casting on-line program launched by the' Big Brother '." It' as said Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers Commenting on the intervention of the Italian Competition Authority on the program broadcast by Channel Five.
"E ' la seconda iniziativa avviata nel giro di dieci giorni grazie alle nostre segnalazioni”, prosegue l’avvocato Dona, specificando: “questa volta sotto i riflettori del Garante finiscono il casting on line e l’ingannevolezza dei messaggi diffusi dal programma secondo i quali sarebbero stati i telespettatori, votando su Internet, a decidere il nuovo inquilino della casa”.
“Questo nuovo fronte – conclude il Segretario generale - non ci deve far perdere di vista la questione dei rimborsi: seppur, infatti, siano stati annunciati, sembrerebbe che finora siano previsti solo per il televoto annullato (quindi per i voti espressi tra il 4 e l’8 gennaio) e non per il ‘caso Scattarella’”.
"We welcome the news of the second procedure initiated by 'Antitrust Authority with respect, this time casting on-line program launched by the' Big Brother '." It' as said Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers Commenting on the intervention of the Italian Competition Authority on the program broadcast by Channel Five.
"E ' la seconda iniziativa avviata nel giro di dieci giorni grazie alle nostre segnalazioni”, prosegue l’avvocato Dona, specificando: “questa volta sotto i riflettori del Garante finiscono il casting on line e l’ingannevolezza dei messaggi diffusi dal programma secondo i quali sarebbero stati i telespettatori, votando su Internet, a decidere il nuovo inquilino della casa”.
“Questo nuovo fronte – conclude il Segretario generale - non ci deve far perdere di vista la questione dei rimborsi: seppur, infatti, siano stati annunciati, sembrerebbe che finora siano previsti solo per il televoto annullato (quindi per i voti espressi tra il 4 e l’8 gennaio) e non per il ‘caso Scattarella’”.
Friday, January 21, 2011
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"televoting In terms of more traditional communications service gives way to the profile 'participatory' and this should be taken into account the principle of maximum transparency to the consumer who decides to use it." It 'as said Massimiliano Dona , Secretary General of the National Consumers (UNC), announcing the launch of "clean televoting.
" It 's time to stop-go represented. Dona-democracy with the Buffalo television due to lack of transparency requirements and equality: if the viewer wants to spend his money with remote voting is free to do so, but must be properly informed about the rules of the game, cost and weight will have a preference. "
"We can not accept Dona-goes-it is still possible to make use of a system of sending massive preferences that alter the final result. It is no secret that the outcome of many votes have been determined by the purchase of television packages votes via call center, which is a consumer fraud and a violation of the rules on prize games that exclude the possibility of external intervention that alter the identification of winners. "
"It 's second-Dona-appreciated efforts on this front AGCOM (Authority for Communications) who is studying the regulation of the tele-voting. "
"Meanwhile, the lawyer concluded. Donors, even in view of the Sanremo Festival, the National Union has launched a consumer campaign for the 'televoting clean' with ten demands. " Here they are:
1. Certain rules: provide a single regulation, valid for all phones and mobiles.
2. NUMBER OF VOTES: must be placed a limit on SMS can be sent by each user.
3. VOTE: A limit of votes within each program.
4. COST: must be clearly explained, and the same for all competitions.
5. STOP CALL CENTER: should exclude calls from consumers for a fee.
6. RESULTS: The results of voting should be made public.
7. TRANSPARENCY: ensuring access to information on receipts from phones and mobiles.
8. CHOICE OF PREPARATION: prohibition to overturn the outcome of the vote.
9. REFUNDS: tracking of votes to secure the repayment.
10. CONTROLS: operations must be a consumer representative.
"televoting In terms of more traditional communications service gives way to the profile 'participatory' and this should be taken into account the principle of maximum transparency to the consumer who decides to use it." It 'as said Massimiliano Dona , Secretary General of the National Consumers (UNC), announcing the launch of "clean televoting.
" It 's time to stop-go represented. Dona-democracy with the Buffalo television due to lack of transparency requirements and equality: if the viewer wants to spend his money with remote voting is free to do so, but must be properly informed about the rules of the game, cost and weight will have a preference. "
"We can not accept Dona-goes-it is still possible to make use of a system of sending massive preferences that alter the final result. It is no secret that the outcome of many votes have been determined by the purchase of television packages votes via call center, which is a consumer fraud and a violation of the rules on prize games that exclude the possibility of external intervention that alter the identification of winners. "
"It 's second-Dona-appreciated efforts on this front AGCOM (Authority for Communications) who is studying the regulation of the tele-voting. "
"Meanwhile, the lawyer concluded. Donors, even in view of the Sanremo Festival, the National Union has launched a consumer campaign for the 'televoting clean' with ten demands. " Here they are:
1. Certain rules: provide a single regulation, valid for all phones and mobiles.
2. NUMBER OF VOTES: must be placed a limit on SMS can be sent by each user.
3. VOTE: A limit of votes within each program.
4. COST: must be clearly explained, and the same for all competitions.
5. STOP CALL CENTER: should exclude calls from consumers for a fee.
6. RESULTS: The results of voting should be made public.
7. TRANSPARENCY: ensuring access to information on receipts from phones and mobiles.
8. CHOICE OF PREPARATION: prohibition to overturn the outcome of the vote.
9. REFUNDS: tracking of votes to secure the repayment.
10. CONTROLS: operations must be a consumer representative.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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The leopard, but not change its spots: The current balance in the sales period is marked by many irregularities.
"remains a high percentage of retailers that 'wrong' to decorate their windows or continue to be clever." And 'what says the National Consumers Union conducted a video survey in the streets of Rome (the site www.consumatori.it the video).
In many cases the price of the product is unchanged from before the sales, despite the card showing the percentage of discount. There are some who do not indicate a price tag on forcing the consumer to ask the seller, which in practice may do at its discretion. Finally, there are those who exposes only the price but not in the original balance, or vice versa. The National Union
Reminds consumers that any seller is free to do or not do the sales, but if you make them and put its sign, must follow the rules.
It 'a good idea to keep your receipt for the goods on sale can also be exchanged if defective, within 2 months of discovery and if you find any misconduct and inefficiency is to ask the intervention of local police.
The leopard, but not change its spots: The current balance in the sales period is marked by many irregularities.
"remains a high percentage of retailers that 'wrong' to decorate their windows or continue to be clever." And 'what says the National Consumers Union conducted a video survey in the streets of Rome (the site www.consumatori.it the video).
In many cases the price of the product is unchanged from before the sales, despite the card showing the percentage of discount. There are some who do not indicate a price tag on forcing the consumer to ask the seller, which in practice may do at its discretion. Finally, there are those who exposes only the price but not in the original balance, or vice versa. The National Union
Reminds consumers that any seller is free to do or not do the sales, but if you make them and put its sign, must follow the rules.
It 'a good idea to keep your receipt for the goods on sale can also be exchanged if defective, within 2 months of discovery and if you find any misconduct and inefficiency is to ask the intervention of local police.
Robaxin Stay In Your System
VIDEO-How to defend against intrusion of telephone and fax
Telephone, fax, email, phone: are the four tools that technology has gradually developed to make communication faster and independent of the physical location of the sender and recipient. But they have become, over time, also vehicles of annoying problems, si tratti di essere svegliati dallo squillo di un venditore di vini, di ricevere sul nostro fax mucchi di fogli pubblicitari dai gestori telefonici o di essere bombardati da mail e sms che magnificano i prodotti e servizi più improbabili.
Non tutti sanno che tali comportamenti sono, nella grande maggioranza dei casi, illegittimi, che le sanzioni per chi li mette in pratica sono da poco state aumentate (si parte da circa 20mila euro) e, soprattutto, che fare smettere il molestatore è possibile, relativamente facile e praticamente gratuito. La normativa di riferimento è contenuta nel “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196), e in particolare negli articoli 7, 13, 23 and 130, while the organ to turn - with a letter, fax or mail - is the guarantor for the protection of personal data (Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 - 00186 Roma, fax: 06 696 773 785, Supervisor @ garanteprivacy.it).
please go to the Guarantor (www.garanteprivacy.it) to the appropriate depth, we recommend that those who receive a phone call, fax, mail or a text message to the sender first disorder to communicate its desire not to receive messages of this type , keeping track of such communication. In fact it is conceivable that the recipient of the disorder at the time has consented to receive the message, without thinking about signing a written statement in small print. Once withdrawn its consent, the receiving further communications becomes unlawful, and may be reported to the Guarantor without any formalities and without having to seek legal advice.
start of a relatively quick procedure that can end with the filing with an administrative penalty or a measure of the Guarantor, which requires the author of the message or prohibits certain conduct on pain of criminal penalties.
Telephone, fax, email, phone: are the four tools that technology has gradually developed to make communication faster and independent of the physical location of the sender and recipient. But they have become, over time, also vehicles of annoying problems, si tratti di essere svegliati dallo squillo di un venditore di vini, di ricevere sul nostro fax mucchi di fogli pubblicitari dai gestori telefonici o di essere bombardati da mail e sms che magnificano i prodotti e servizi più improbabili.
Non tutti sanno che tali comportamenti sono, nella grande maggioranza dei casi, illegittimi, che le sanzioni per chi li mette in pratica sono da poco state aumentate (si parte da circa 20mila euro) e, soprattutto, che fare smettere il molestatore è possibile, relativamente facile e praticamente gratuito. La normativa di riferimento è contenuta nel “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196), e in particolare negli articoli 7, 13, 23 and 130, while the organ to turn - with a letter, fax or mail - is the guarantor for the protection of personal data (Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 - 00186 Roma, fax: 06 696 773 785, Supervisor @ garanteprivacy.it).
please go to the Guarantor (www.garanteprivacy.it) to the appropriate depth, we recommend that those who receive a phone call, fax, mail or a text message to the sender first disorder to communicate its desire not to receive messages of this type , keeping track of such communication. In fact it is conceivable that the recipient of the disorder at the time has consented to receive the message, without thinking about signing a written statement in small print. Once withdrawn its consent, the receiving further communications becomes unlawful, and may be reported to the Guarantor without any formalities and without having to seek legal advice.
start of a relatively quick procedure that can end with the filing with an administrative penalty or a measure of the Guarantor, which requires the author of the message or prohibits certain conduct on pain of criminal penalties.
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is increasingly coming to terms with the problem of accidents caused by poor maintenance of urban roads (presence of holes, rough roads, oil stains, raised manhole covers, etc..) especially in big cities such as that of Rome. And so there is no peace for pedestrians, motorists and especially for drivers of motorcycles, scooters and motorbikes, certainly the most at risk of causing severe injury in case of disaster.
In such circumstances the victim is asked on what subject the serious responsibility for the incidents and what elements are needed to obtain compensation for damages. First
are liable entity that owns the road and the council which, however, as the Court, is liable for damages caused by poor road maintenance only if the dangerous situation that caused the damage is done when neither visible nor predictable. This means, for example, that the hole must be hidden (eg. From a puddle) and that there is no information at the time of the accident capable of giving warning of its existence. The road user needs, ie, prove that they were unable to spot the danger in time to avoid the use of reasonable diligence and prudence.
In recent years, however, we are witnessing a reversal by the courts that deal with this type of case: the City is, that is, considered the "guardian" of the road and as such objectively liable for the damage created by the user the same way, unless you feel the accident. The injured person must only establish that the harmful event occurred and that the hole, the hollow or open drain were the cause of the accident.
That said, here are some practical tips to be followed in order to take in case of accidents of this kind, the proper procedure for damages against the City:
- require the immediate attention of the municipal police, traffic police, or carabinieri, in such a way that on the spot, road conditions and report, in the immediacy of fact, the existence of the hole, the bumpy road, etc..;
- take - if possible - some photos of the places before the City signs the companies responsible for maintenance to repair the damage;
- guard of witnesses who have witnessed the event;
- in the case of personal injury immediately to the emergency room.
Counsel of the National Consumers are available to members for a free evaluation of the position, you can report the matter to our counter traffic accident on the home page of the site.
Author: Attorney Valerie Greek
is increasingly coming to terms with the problem of accidents caused by poor maintenance of urban roads (presence of holes, rough roads, oil stains, raised manhole covers, etc..) especially in big cities such as that of Rome. And so there is no peace for pedestrians, motorists and especially for drivers of motorcycles, scooters and motorbikes, certainly the most at risk of causing severe injury in case of disaster.
In such circumstances the victim is asked on what subject the serious responsibility for the incidents and what elements are needed to obtain compensation for damages. First
are liable entity that owns the road and the council which, however, as the Court, is liable for damages caused by poor road maintenance only if the dangerous situation that caused the damage is done when neither visible nor predictable. This means, for example, that the hole must be hidden (eg. From a puddle) and that there is no information at the time of the accident capable of giving warning of its existence. The road user needs, ie, prove that they were unable to spot the danger in time to avoid the use of reasonable diligence and prudence.
In recent years, however, we are witnessing a reversal by the courts that deal with this type of case: the City is, that is, considered the "guardian" of the road and as such objectively liable for the damage created by the user the same way, unless you feel the accident. The injured person must only establish that the harmful event occurred and that the hole, the hollow or open drain were the cause of the accident.
That said, here are some practical tips to be followed in order to take in case of accidents of this kind, the proper procedure for damages against the City:
- require the immediate attention of the municipal police, traffic police, or carabinieri, in such a way that on the spot, road conditions and report, in the immediacy of fact, the existence of the hole, the bumpy road, etc..;
- take - if possible - some photos of the places before the City signs the companies responsible for maintenance to repair the damage;
- guard of witnesses who have witnessed the event;
- in the case of personal injury immediately to the emergency room.
Counsel of the National Consumers are available to members for a free evaluation of the position, you can report the matter to our counter traffic accident on the home page of the site.
Author: Attorney Valerie Greek
Playmobil Instructions
's announcement that Mediaset will reimburse for all viewers che hanno televotato “inutilmente” è una conquista di portata storica! Raramente la televisione accetta intromissioni nei suoi meccanismi (ed io ne so qualcosa dopo aver pubblicato il mio libro-denuncia “Affari loro, dedicato al popolare gioco dei pacchi…).
Purtroppo non abbiamo il tempo di festeggiare: dobbiamo già preoccuparci di come avverranno i rimborsi, ma siamo disponibili a collaborare con Mediaset se assicurerà lealtà e tempi rapidi.
Certo l’occasione è buona per ricordare al pubblico che il televoto è un meccanismo insulso, utile solo ad arricchire reti televisive, titolari del format ed operatori telefonici. E non sono spiccioli: considerando che per programmi come "Amici", "X Factor" e "Grande Fratello" più di un milione di persone vota spendendo in media un euro, il calcolo è facile da fare.
In molti ci rispondono che non dovremmo opporci a questa nuova forma di “democrazia televisiva”. Ma quale democrazia può esistere quando mancano requisiti come trasparenza ed eguaglianza? Se lo spettatore desidera spendere i suoi soldi con il televoto è libero di farlo, ma deve essere informato correttamente e conoscere tutte le regole del gioco.
I regolamenti, dunque, siano chiari e facilmente reperibili, senza microscopiche note a piè di pagina! Fin dallo start (la fatidica frase “apriamo il televoto”), il pubblico deve sapere quanto coast express their preference, how much weight will be and how many times can vote. Moreover, at the end of voting would be good to spread the real number of counts, not just the percentages.
In this "democracy television", then, is not guaranteed equality because it is still possible to make use of a system of sending massive preferences that alter the final result. It is no secret that the outcome of many reality is determined by the purchase of packages of votes through the call center, which is a consumer fraud and a violation of the rules on prize games that exclude the possibility of external interventions that alter the 'identification of the winners.
To overcome these inconvenienti si sta muovendo la decisone dell’Agcom (Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni) di avviare una consultazione sul tema allo scopo di intervenire con una serie di norme condivise: trasparenza, imparzialità, oltre al controllo costante dell'Autorità darebbero maggiore credibilità a questo sistema.
Anche se un dubbio in fondo rimane: se di democrazia si tratta perché si deve pagare?
Autore: Avv. Massimiliano Dona
's announcement that Mediaset will reimburse for all viewers che hanno televotato “inutilmente” è una conquista di portata storica! Raramente la televisione accetta intromissioni nei suoi meccanismi (ed io ne so qualcosa dopo aver pubblicato il mio libro-denuncia “Affari loro, dedicato al popolare gioco dei pacchi…).
Purtroppo non abbiamo il tempo di festeggiare: dobbiamo già preoccuparci di come avverranno i rimborsi, ma siamo disponibili a collaborare con Mediaset se assicurerà lealtà e tempi rapidi.
Certo l’occasione è buona per ricordare al pubblico che il televoto è un meccanismo insulso, utile solo ad arricchire reti televisive, titolari del format ed operatori telefonici. E non sono spiccioli: considerando che per programmi come "Amici", "X Factor" e "Grande Fratello" più di un milione di persone vota spendendo in media un euro, il calcolo è facile da fare.
In molti ci rispondono che non dovremmo opporci a questa nuova forma di “democrazia televisiva”. Ma quale democrazia può esistere quando mancano requisiti come trasparenza ed eguaglianza? Se lo spettatore desidera spendere i suoi soldi con il televoto è libero di farlo, ma deve essere informato correttamente e conoscere tutte le regole del gioco.
I regolamenti, dunque, siano chiari e facilmente reperibili, senza microscopiche note a piè di pagina! Fin dallo start (la fatidica frase “apriamo il televoto”), il pubblico deve sapere quanto coast express their preference, how much weight will be and how many times can vote. Moreover, at the end of voting would be good to spread the real number of counts, not just the percentages.
In this "democracy television", then, is not guaranteed equality because it is still possible to make use of a system of sending massive preferences that alter the final result. It is no secret that the outcome of many reality is determined by the purchase of packages of votes through the call center, which is a consumer fraud and a violation of the rules on prize games that exclude the possibility of external interventions that alter the 'identification of the winners.
To overcome these inconvenienti si sta muovendo la decisone dell’Agcom (Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni) di avviare una consultazione sul tema allo scopo di intervenire con una serie di norme condivise: trasparenza, imparzialità, oltre al controllo costante dell'Autorità darebbero maggiore credibilità a questo sistema.
Anche se un dubbio in fondo rimane: se di democrazia si tratta perché si deve pagare?
Autore: Avv. Massimiliano Dona
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