Friday, December 3, 2010

How Long Is Hair Relaxer Good Once Opened

The life of Father Eugenio Barsanti, told by the master Giuseppe Folini Versilia, a book for schools

Thanks to Don Florio Giannini read for the first time in early 2004, the book edited by the Publishing House "dialogue" about the life of Father Eugenio Barsanti on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the invention of the internal combustion engine devised by the philosopher, mathematician and physicist Pietrasanta, and engineer Florence Felice Matteucci.
This is the reprint of the book written by the master Versilia Giuseppe Folino, which was printed by Bloomsbury in Florence in the collection "Olive Tree" in 1954, now nowhere to be found in bookstores.
joy and emotion, that's what I felt in my heart as I read the pages of this book that gave me Don Flores, a real masterpiece. Several times I
tears flowed from his eyes, first of all in and realize the infinite love that as a child Niccolino (name by which he was named Father Eugene) had for his parents.
Brilliant in studies with honors at the scuoladegli Scolopi di Pietrasanta, Niccolino no longer wanted to continue studying, you want to work to help his family. It was his father
continue to insist that their studies, so that his son does not fill the streets as his own.
The book tells the experiments and studies made by the engineer alone and then together Felice Matteucci which contributed to realization of the engine, named Barsanti Matteucci.
emerge the shady events of the French and Germans Stefano Leone Otto and Langen, who copied the patent Barsanti Matteucci, demonstrating the lack of scruples of these evil men. When the workshop Dawan
of Seraing, a town eight kilometers away. From Liège, was to produce the motor in series under the personal direction of Father Eugenio Barsanti, they suddenly fell ill with typhus in a few days I tore life, between the tears of all iitaliani miners in Belgium.
On April 18, 1864, just forty years, Father Eugenio Barsanti opened the door to the "Heavenly Father".
On June 10, 1864, Father Jeremiah Barsottini in the church of St. Augustine Piarist di Pietrasanta, in the coffin of the illustrious deceased and to the presence of a huge crowd, delivered a 'great funeral oration in which placed emphasis on the life of Father Eugenio Barsanti dedicated to God, the affections of his family, teaching the young of human knowledge and science to human progress.
The book also talks about the theft suffered by Antonio Meucci (friend of Garibaldi exiled in America) the inventor of the telephone, who died in poverty, while Grahan Bell, who had copied and exploited the patent of our countryman, became rich ..
Since the advent of the internal combustion engine significantly improve the conditions of human life, a dream that Father Eugenio Barsanti had always had in his heart.
Reading this book is our main good for the heart, especially in our era in which violent kids are stained with the blood of their parents brutally killed.
After reading what the teacher had written Folini expressed a desire for educational sestremamente its pages, his book came in all schools.
With "Dialogue" I signaled my proposal to the Minister pro-tempore of Education, Mrs. Letizia Moratti, in the hope that he found a favorable reception but I think that there has been.


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