Friday, December 31, 2010
Plans Halloween Coffin
One day in the late 30's, on the way to the top al Chiasso, dove noi scolari attendevamo di entrare nella scuola elementare, vidi che alcuni maestri parlavano con un giovane, bello di viso e con un sorriso splendente, ch'è sempre è rimasto impresso nei miei occhi.
Era il maestro Bruno Guerrini, come seppi dalla voce che si sparse fra noi ragazzi; ricordo che portava i pantaloni alla “zuava “ e che non mi sembrò essere alto di statura.
Da allora non rividi più quel giovanottino molto distinto.
Ero chierichetto, quando nel duomo di Seravezza, alla presenza di tutta la scolaresca, del direttore, Giuseppe Masini dei maestri e maestre, e di tantissime persone,tra le quali anche lo scultore pietrasantino Pietro Bibolotti, padre del tenente Enrico medaglia the value of silver soldier killed during a battle that was five days before the death of his friend Bruno Guerrini, was celebrated St. Mass in suffrage for the soul master Bruno Guerrini, lieutenant of the 10th Company of the anti-Bologna Division, killed in Belamedt Mages (Tobruk) November 26, 1941, during a battle against the forces available to New Zealanders of tanks, against which , shots of small anti-tank guns supplied to the military division of Bologna did not cause any damage.
perished in that bloody battle between a thousand officers and 45 noncommissioned officers and soldiers italiani.Stando the testimony of an anonymous soldier Alta Versilia remains unknown, Mauro Barghetti Bruno Guerrini learned that his close friend since childhood died heroically, while the men of his stronghold killed, continued alone with his gun to shoot at a tank, which centers without the means to stop acts enemy suffer damage to its advanced. When he was about to shoot the last shot was a direct hit from a cannon enemy that killed him on his body torn to shreds colpo.Il ended on the bloody heap of his soldiers killed during that terrible conflict.
I still remember the emotion and the general seravezzina regret of the whole community for this untimely death of his young son.
The photographic image of the young man in military uniform appeared to my eyes in the mid-50's in a framework attached to the walls of the room that the maternal grandparents of my girlfriend Angela, daughter of Joseph Pucci and Bruno Guerrini, Bruno's sister, who died heroically at the front of Tobruk, held as if their loved son was still alive among them. This in my opinion was a shining example of a great filial love that leaves me deeply moved. This room was furnished with the same furniture, desks, and books that Bruno had in his room in the house that his parents owned the Forge, and that they were able to save before the building was blown up by the Germans together with all houses in the neighborhood, from the embankment to Riomagno and countries Ripa and Corvaia.
Many years later the figure of the young and gentle Master Bruno Guerrini (deeply tied to parents and two sisters) and has resurfaced in the works of Giorgio Giannelli that in some articles published in the journal Monthly Mauro Barghetti Versilia today.
Barghetti Mauro, had publicly advocated the idea of \u200b\u200bremembering the close friend Bruno Guerrini, with whom he had studied together at the Institute of Science in Pisa, to
both graduate teachers, with a plaque to be mounted at the elementary schools Seravezza they attended. The
Barghetti was aware of the fact that in Pisa, where the master of the Institute Seravezza he graduated, he dedicated a classroom to his memory.
Why not do it in Seravezza, albeit very late? While Barghetti
Mauro told me also these facts, I could not understand the reasons for this insensitivity "primarily" in 1941 by school authorities Seravezza. In Pisa, the Istituto Magistrale
would immediately recall in this solemn way his student, who died heroically in a war 24 years, dedicating, in his memory a classroom. Why Seravezza, his native country dropped everything in silence? Given the
vanish than advocated by Mauro Barghetti, they invited my wife and her sister Anna, daughter of Bruno's sister, to direct requests to the Mr. Mayor Seravezza because it was walled up in the elementary school a plaque in memory of their uncle Bruno. In the letter that was sent, they did bear all expenses relating to the purchase of the plaque, the sculpture on marble than he wrote Mauro Barghetti and payment of the builder, look forward to receiving the response from the Mayor of Seravezza, a day I phoned the general of the Air Force, retired, Buselli Bruno, a native of Ripa, decorated for bravery and other military honors) Carla Bastianelli, who had married the daughter of the sister of Agostina Falconi, mother of Bruno Guerrini, because I concerned of the cases, in order to overcome the "impasse" that a suo dire, stava rallentando il procedere della trattazione della pratica relativa alla collocazione della lapide nella scuola elementare di Seravezza.
Mi fece anche i nomi del Sindaco e dell'assessore Marcucci con il quale lui si era già incontrato nei loro uffici .
Fu così che mi recai a parlare con il Signor Sindaco Lorenzo Alessandrini e con l'assessore alla cultura Ezio Marcucci. Fui accolto da entrambi con molta gentilezza. Mi parve di capire che la pratica sarebbe stata esaminata nel più breve tempo possibile.Non mi furono rappresentati motivi in ordine ai quali la lapide non sarebbe stata murata.
Con il parere favorevole degli organi scolastici il comune autorizzò la muratura di questa lapide in ricordo del giovane maestro Bruno Guerrini and after some substitutions in the school of his country, and in the detached of the chapel, where now the headquarters of the section of the Alpine Group on leave of Versilia, came to teach, before being called up, even in a school Rhodes, then Italian colony with all the Dodecanese islands.
The ceremony took place in a very moving experience. Monsignor Guido Corallini were present who had studied in Pisa with Bruno, pastor of the church of Santa Caterina of Pisa, was this priest to bless the plaque next to the parish priest Monsignor Seravezza Leonardi, while a bugler sounded the silence. There was also Dr. Bastianelli, cousin of the maestro Bruno. The ceremony was attended, with the flag, also a representation dell'ANFI Section Versilia - Historical Seravezza. Sadly, notes the absence of school pupils, even a small group was sent by the school board.
I did not know the reasons that he adopted the school board decided that the non-participation in the ceremony of the students, for which they were filled with tables laden with cookies, pastries, pizzas and other delicacies as well as orange and various drinks.
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Son of Antonio Guerrero and Augusta Falconi;
Seravezza was born in June 7, 1917;
attended primary schools in Seravezza Versiliese Technical Institute (4 years);
continued his studies at the Institute Master of Pisa, passing, at the end of the school year 1935-1936, the state examinations, achieving a degree of master, then
accomplished teaching, so occasionally and for a few days at the Elementary School and Seravezza also in the detached to the Chapel is now located in the location where the headquarters of the Group of the Alpine Seravezza on leave.
attended, with colleagues and Silvio Federigi Barghetti Mauro, a private course of preparation for a contest to get "tenure", held by Professor Giulio Paiotti;
won the contest was intended to teach the island of Rhodes, then colony Italian with all the islands of the Dodecanese;
attended in Arezzo, in the years 1938-1939, the course of cadet officers of infantry. Lieutenant, was assigned to a department of the division Bologna
in November 1941 he was in Libya with the X Division tank Company Divisional Bologna, which was overwhelmed by an attack that forces hurled by New Zealand troops in the direction of Tobruk;
was killed Nov. 26, 1941 in Bages Belamedh during a bloody battle, during which 45 officers were killed and a thousand Italian soldiers;
Barghetti Mauro, his colleague and close friend, in his article "No, Bruno, we will not forget, "published today on the n.324 of Versilia in September 1993 also reported The following story that made a common soldier of that Stazzemese, crouched in the crater of a bomb exploded near the stronghold occupied by men of Lieutenant Bruno Guerrini, the officer saw die seravezzino "Guerrini Lieutenant commanding a" stronghold "has two 47/32 anti-tank guns, a little over two toys, when compared to Anglo-Saxon armor of tanks; tactical manuals of the time "benchmark" meant "order to resist until death." Its cornerstone was hit by the fury of a big tank and he ordered his soldiers to fire now out of combat. Then she began the piece in person, loaded, aimed, sparò, colpendo in pieno il carro al quale naturalmente fece soltanto un po’ di solletico-." Stava per sparare l'ultimo colpo quando l'esplosione di una cannonata nemica frantumò anche le ossa di Bruno.”
Nel suo articolo il Barghetti, in relazione all’azione compiuta da Bruno Guerrini, ha inoltre scritto: “Nessun superstite ci fu che ne potesse proporre una doverosa medaglia d’oro alla memoria”;le ricerche per rintracciare il soldato dello stazzemese, ai conclusero con esito negativo (probabilmente sarà deceduto nel corso di questi ultimi decenni).
Monsignor Guido Corallini, attuale parroco di Santa Caterina a Pisa, che fu compagno di studi di Guerrini Bruno presso le Scuole Master, pointed out that the same for years, are based in a new building and that the old building is in use the past to a University Institute. Names, among them that of the master Bruno Guerrini, where the classrooms were, at the time, titled, is not nothing left. Al Dean pro - tempore State Institute of Science "G. Carducci "in Pisa, located in S. Zeno, Angela Pucci, he asked, in writing, a certificate stating that, at the time, the old Pisan they named Teacher training college classroom even the memory of his maternal uncle Bruno Guerrini, but again nothing was found.
Unfortunately, the research of plaque that was walled up in the classroom dedicated to the memory of Bruno Guerrini and ended on the pile of other old headstones that were uprooted and piled up near the school, made by the writer ended with negative results, in fact, nothing found.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
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In December 1943, the partisans of Versilia escaped the mimeograph machine that had supplied the town of Seravezza. I learned this news on the job or vocational schools. In those early days I heard that the partisans were to take this action to be able to print leaflets to incite the population Versilia to the partisan struggle in defense of liberty, whether against the Germans who responded with an unprecedented and bloody violence, against Italian soldiers in disarray after Sept. 8, 1943 causing severe bloodshed and mass deportations to concentration camps in Germany, both against the fascists who joined the Italian Social Republic, founded by Mussolini after his release from free field giving now hunting for deserters and draft evaders Classes 1922 - 1923 - 1924 and 1925, which threatened to shoot if they were not submitted within 24 hours of 'March 8, 1944, in accordance with the Decree of 18 February 1944. The Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Social Republic was given at that historic moment is very difficult for the Italians, the Marshal of Italy Rodolfo Graziani.
Not long ago in the visit to Alfieri Tessa, the man who in the late 30 made me dream, as I said in my first article I wrote about him, apart from the book "The gun tied with string", gave me several of his papers, in which he reported the most dramatic episodes that took place during the partisan struggle in Versilia. Among these papers I found one in which he describes in detail the action taken to subtract the mimeograph seravezzino the municipality, which was completed in early December 1943.
Alfieri Tessa, partisan seravezzino constantly Information Officer, was commissioned to ascertain who had a mimeograph machine, considered useful by the partisans for motivation first mentioned. It was he who made sure that the very common Seravezza had supplied this machine, and then decided to make an inspection within the Medici palace, then the town hall to see the office where it was located and then devise a plan to remove it from all'Anninistrazione seravezzina city.
talk to a member of the band From Partisan Oscar Porto, with whom he had done his military service in Pisa. The two agreed that it was necessary to access the inside of the town to see where this was taking desired mimeograph. When they came to Bonci First, that municipal employee and his family occupied an apartment on the ground floor of the Medici palace, they said che desideravano soltanto sapere se erano arrivati certi documenti. Il Bonci li fece entrare proprio nel locale dove videro subito quello che cercavano. Dopo aver guardato su alcune scrivanie e scaffali il Bonci informò i due uomini che i documenti da essi cercati non erano ancora arrivati. Comunque questa scusa aveva funzionato aldilà di ogni aspettativa. Non c'era più alcuna necessità per trattenersi nel palazzo comunale. Alfieri Tessa e il Dal Porto ringraziarono il Bonci e lasciarono il Comune riuscendo, di nascosto, a sottrarre la chiave della serratura della porta di accesso all'ufficio in cui erano entrati.
L'esito di questi accertamenti fu comunicato a Gino Lombardi che subito stabilì che l'azione dei partigiani per portare away from the mimeograph was common to start at 18 of 6 December 1943 with the participation of the commander Lombardi. Alfieri Tessa, who knew people and the environment Seravezza had to remain outside supervision. The palace, the stretch of road from the city center passed and still passes the Medici palace. Luigi Mulargia who had been waiting for Gino Lombardi during military service in Pisa S. Giusto, had observed that the stretch of the road opposite the bridge of the ditches, always goes to the side of the Medici palace in which they had come only Gino Lombardi, Oscar From Port and Piero Consani. 17.30 hours on 6 December, all of these partisans found themselves at the bar ditches designed ready for action e preparata con cura. Appena entrarono nel municipio, rinchiusero il Bonci nell'appartamento da lui abitato. Oscar Dal Porto accompagnò Gino Lombardi nell'ufficio dove veniva tenuto il ciclostile, mentre il Consani rimase di guardia al portone d'ingresso del palazzo comunale, tenuto socchiuso.
Lombardi e Dal Porto strapparono subito i fili telefonici e presero il ciclostile che immediatamente fu portato fuori dal portone che fu aperto dal Consani appena questi udì il rumore dei passi di Gino Lombardi e di Oscar Dal Porto mentre scendevano le scale. In un baleno il ciclostile fu caricato su un carretto coperto con un telo, poi tutti e cinque ritornarono presso la vicina segheria dismessa che c'era nelle vicinanze del Palazzo, al lato della way that leads to the villages of Versilia, where they were returned to Gino Lombardi gave the weapons to his men before the start of the After exchanging greetings with a deal that would have tied the five supporters in good times and bad fate, becoming conduct honest and full of mutual respect, everybody came back, under a light drizzle, to their homes. Gino Lombardi with the wheeled cart, on which in addition to the mimeograph machine, he also had the weapons, attacked the back of his bicycle, accompanied only by the darkness of night, pedal towards Ruosina where he lived.
I must say that I never thought that this foolhardy venture, given the difficult times in which we lived in Italy in 1943, Oscar had participated from the port at that time, was my professor of mathematics at 'start of Seravezza.
finish paying a heartfelt thoughts to Gino Lombardi, founder of the partisan group called "Hunters of the Apuan Alps," shot in Sarzana on 04/21/1944, Piero Consani, a friend of Gino Lombardi and deputy commander of the said armed gang shot a Sarzana , where he was tortured at length, 4 May 1944; Mulargia to Louis who was killed in the month of April 1944, on Mount Gabberi during a gun battle with soldiers of the GNR and the Tenth Flotilla MAS, which, at the Body this young hero, making horrible mutilazioni.Estendo my respects to all Italian partisans who fought and were wounded or killed, or deported to Nazi concentration camps in Germany during the struggle waged everywhere to regain their freedom.
heartfelt thanks I address to Alfieri Tessa, for his gallant conduct in the crystalline and file partisans.
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Invited by Alfieri Tessa to visit him at the meeting took place at the funeral of my good friend Prime Giorgi was celebrated on 27.4.2009 in the church of Querceta, I took advantage of a recent visit to the cemetery Seravezza where I buried my parents, to go in his house located at the Dovecote, amid a beautiful garden full of flowers and plants green
Since the late 30 when I was a child I always admired Alfieri a bit 'bigger than me, having seen him several times to attempt to fly model aircraft built by him to soar through the movement of the propeller move coiled connector from old inner tubes for bicycles, when he was testing the square in front of the cemetery Seravezza. Spectacular was the flight that made his small plane in the air rising from the Crescent. Unfortunately, because of limited capacity at charge of the air flight for early the plane crashed between the large pines above the existing family home Landi, which then existed near the church the Santissima Annunziata, blown up by the Todt workers, under the command of a sergeant of the Wehrmacht, with all the houses beyond the river, and the Forge Bridge to those of Riomagno during the tragic summer of 1944.
from that flight of his aircraft launched from the Crescent did not meet most Alfieri Tessa. He was a great pleasure to see him at a conference on "partisan" that was held, in the 90 men of the resistance in the hall of Mercy, at a time when it was governed by the unforgettable passionately Dr. Louis Santini. The conference will be the commander of the partisans of Massa Carrara 1944/45 Peter Judge noted that other elements of Apuan resistance. It was on that occasion that I reminded him that he had always admired it with his small plane that was flying in the early years of his life really made me dream. Seravezza celebrated in 2008 when the great master Narciso League, I sat in the hall of Cinema Theatre Constants, newly renovated, just on a chair next to her. There was talk of good things interesting and made from "young" talented. His father Charles was a brilliant man. When pulling on the street "marmoline" that had collected in the river Serra, invented a device to open the cargo truck he pulled up with a steel wire wound to a small argano. Appena il carrello sbatteva, dopo aver oltrepassato il muretto, contro un ferro, il suo fondo di scatto di apriva, lasciando così cadere al margine della strada le marmoline che poi vendeva a un barrocciaio di Seravezza.
Ho provato una grande gioia nell'esaudire il suo desiderio. La sua casa è piena di quadri molto pregevoli da lui dipinti, uno dei quali è dell’antico rione del Ponticello,dove c'era anche la casa dei miei nonni materni, dove io nacqui, spazzato via dalla guerra e riapparso nel quadro come lo vidi sempre sin da quand’ero bambino. Oltre a bei quadri ha molti libri. Su uno scaffale, troneggia un calco in gesso di un aquila che posa gli artigli a terra dopo un volo forte e ardito nel cielo. Alfieri Tessa, looking man still physically strong and well-bearing age who has, and with a voice remained incredibly young, I read his detailed account of how the action took place when the partisans took over the stencils of the town of Seravezza news in that time I learned at school. For the preparation of this action, promoted and organized by the commander of the partisan Hunters of the Apuan s.tenente Gino Lombardi (gold medal for valor in memory) was the preponderant role that had the same Alfieri then also attended to personally ' Gino Lombardi together at the same company and the partisans Mulargia Luigi, Pietro Dal Porto Consani and Oscar, the latter mio professore di matematica presso l’Avviamento di Seravezza. Poi mi ha parlato del calco in gesso dell’aquila esposta nel suo studio dove ne ha anche uno della sua testa raffigurante l’età giovanile. Tutto quanto mi ha ricordato, nel suo insieme, lo studio che aveva il compianto Danilo Silicani, dove teneva tante preziose opere frutto della sua arte, compresa anche una sua testa scolpita in marmo bianco, nonché libri e disegni a testimonianza della sua vasta ed elevata cultura, così come mi è apparsa essere anche quella di Alfieri Tessa.
Fu il Tessa a modellare il calco dell’aquila tenendo conto delle precise indicazioni fornitegli dalla signora Lombardi, un’opera che poi, fusa in bronzo, venne collocata sulla sommità del sacello, dove riposano i resti dei due figli Dino e Gino Lombardi. Alfieri realizzò il progetto di questa opera monumentale cimiteriale costruita interamente a spese della famiglia Lombardi. Particolare attenzione Alfieri Tessa la dedicò a modellare l’aquila voluta dalla madre dei fratelli Lombardi per onorare anche l’Arma aeronautica nella quale i suoi diletti figli avevano prestato servizio come ufficiali. Alfieri seppe cogliere l’attimo in cui il l’aquila posa i suoi artigli sul monumento funebre, mentre il suo occhi si posano sulle tombe sottostanti. La signora Lombardi rimase molto soddisfatta di questa opera frutto dell'ingegno di Alfieri Tessa.
Durante una notte mani sacrileghe e ignote divelsero e took away from the shrine this beautiful work of Alfieri; do not know when was this serious incident. If the justice of men failed to identify and punish the perpetrators of this barbaric, shameful and repugnant crime, surely the perpetrators will not escape God's law, when their soul will come before God Great was the sorrow that was why Tessa Alfieri incredible theft of the eagle that had shaped with great passion. The work, depicting a bird of prey, put back in place of the stolen, it is certainly different from that which created Alfieri Tessa. I believe that the tomb has shocked even the mother of Gino Lombardi. About
of its audience in Versilia: August 1944 one month of Doom "and" The gun bound with rope, "the latter book, published in 2003, told me that everything he wrote is the fruit of his memory and then written from the heart in good faith, without ever thinking of alter the facts of the events experienced.
When I get ready at the end of our conversation to say goodbye to his wife to return home, she asks me if I had known during my childhood at the Bridge Seravezza Carducci and his wife Aurora was his aunt. After a moment of perplexity, when I first came to mind a certain Carducci who walked with difficulty, leaning on a cane, and who always went around with a buggy pulled by a horse, on which often I climbed into my hands clutching the reins, I was reminded of the couple bound together by close bonds of kinship with the wife of Alfieri. So, suddenly re-appeared before my eyes the image of this elderly couple who saw the last time in the summer of 1944 when they walked arm in arm along the streets of Bridge towards the center of Seravezza, immediately after the explosion of artillery shells that in addition to the sawmill shattered their house. Were some of the Todt workers to operate the detonator to which they attached the wires connected to each bullet located at the base of the walls of their house stood segheria.Dove was only a heap of rubble. I remember the Carducci and Mrs. Aurora destroyed and distorted by pain, red-faced and with tears in his eyes, both continuously repeated these words: "There is no longer our little house, there's our little house ... ".
Friday, December 3, 2010
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Thanks to Don Florio Giannini read for the first time in early 2004, the book edited by the Publishing House "dialogue" about the life of Father Eugenio Barsanti on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the invention of the internal combustion engine devised by the philosopher, mathematician and physicist Pietrasanta, and engineer Florence Felice Matteucci.
This is the reprint of the book written by the master Versilia Giuseppe Folino, which was printed by Bloomsbury in Florence in the collection "Olive Tree" in 1954, now nowhere to be found in bookstores.
joy and emotion, that's what I felt in my heart as I read the pages of this book that gave me Don Flores, a real masterpiece. Several times I
tears flowed from his eyes, first of all in and realize the infinite love that as a child Niccolino (name by which he was named Father Eugene) had for his parents.
Brilliant in studies with honors at the scuoladegli Scolopi di Pietrasanta, Niccolino no longer wanted to continue studying, you want to work to help his family. It was his father
continue to insist that their studies, so that his son does not fill the streets as his own.
The book tells the experiments and studies made by the engineer alone and then together Felice Matteucci which contributed to realization of the engine, named Barsanti Matteucci.
emerge the shady events of the French and Germans Stefano Leone Otto and Langen, who copied the patent Barsanti Matteucci, demonstrating the lack of scruples of these evil men. When the workshop Dawan
of Seraing, a town eight kilometers away. From Liège, was to produce the motor in series under the personal direction of Father Eugenio Barsanti, they suddenly fell ill with typhus in a few days I tore life, between the tears of all iitaliani miners in Belgium.
On April 18, 1864, just forty years, Father Eugenio Barsanti opened the door to the "Heavenly Father".
On June 10, 1864, Father Jeremiah Barsottini in the church of St. Augustine Piarist di Pietrasanta, in the coffin of the illustrious deceased and to the presence of a huge crowd, delivered a 'great funeral oration in which placed emphasis on the life of Father Eugenio Barsanti dedicated to God, the affections of his family, teaching the young of human knowledge and science to human progress.
The book also talks about the theft suffered by Antonio Meucci (friend of Garibaldi exiled in America) the inventor of the telephone, who died in poverty, while Grahan Bell, who had copied and exploited the patent of our countryman, became rich ..
Since the advent of the internal combustion engine significantly improve the conditions of human life, a dream that Father Eugenio Barsanti had always had in his heart.
Reading this book is our main good for the heart, especially in our era in which violent kids are stained with the blood of their parents brutally killed.
After reading what the teacher had written Folini expressed a desire for educational sestremamente its pages, his book came in all schools.
With "Dialogue" I signaled my proposal to the Minister pro-tempore of Education, Mrs. Letizia Moratti, in the hope that he found a favorable reception but I think that there has been.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
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Mel Gibson, with his film The Passion of the Christ, showed images of raw and extreme violence for the last moments of Jesus' life, but is mocked and beaten by fists and feet, stoned and frustrated in blood and finally crucified between two thieves, at the behest of those who did not believe that he was the Messiah, the Son of God come down to Earth for the salvation of mankind from original sin.
inclusion in the film must be some "flah back," related to the life of Jesus, who is known to us through the Gospels and the relationships with his apostles, the appearance of the Savior in all its incredible sweetness.
He had performed miracles, restoring life to the dead and the light in the eyes of one who was blind and lame healed, multiplied the loaves and turned water into wine, was considered a confirmation of human blindness, a blasphemer and false man, Both men took care of public affairs and directing them to the administration of justice, both from a lot of people unconscious and maòvagia.
was Caiaphas, the high priest who presided at the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish religious and political body, and judge who dared to propose the death of Jesus, asking to Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea, of infliggergli il supplizio della crocifissione, pena che di solito veniva comminata a persone condannate per i gravi delitti compiuti.
E il governatore Ponzio Pilato, che pur non ravvisava nel comportamento di Gesù alcuna violazione della legge, cedette alle pressioni del Sinedrio, forse perché temeva una sommossa di questa provincia che a stento sopportava la presenza romana, egli si rivelù un pavido che non seppe essere all'altezza della carica affidatagli.
Tentò, comunque, di salvargli la vita, infliggendo a Gesù la pena dolorosissima della fustigazione, alla cui esecuzione furono com andati alcuni soldati romani che, nel colpire il corpo di Gesù con verghe e flagelli di mostrarono un' inaudita ferocia.
It was not enough for the council and the crowd went crazy for this punishment, to set him free.
crucify him! Crucify !..." cried Caiaphas.
Pilate did not want to take any direct responsibility for the death of Jesus
front of everyone washed his hands. So prevailed
the wickedness of men who used extreme violence and murdered without mercy, the only son of God who preached love, charity and forgiveness.
I wonder how Judas may have betrayed the Master for thirty pieces of silver? He regretted
is true and that he felt remorse he hanged himself from a tree, the gruesome sight of his body dangling from the tree. Viewing this
film shook me deeply.
The face of Jesus reduced to a form of blood is a really disturbing image. The death on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus marked the return to grace and eternal salvation of all men of good will. That's the miracle of the Faith.
Satan the devil with the face of an angel, has always loomed in all scenes of evil represented in the film. In several films
cinematografiuche turn on the crucifixion of Geu, I had never seen pictures so very cruel.
Excellent is the interpretation of Jesus by the main actor is so is that of the other actors.
As Jesus goes on Golgotha \u200b\u200bwith the Cross on the shoulders, the background is the fantastic scenic view of the Sassi of Matera.
It 's a drama to be seen.
The soundtrack was dubbed in both aramarico, the language that was spoken in Judea at the time of Jesus' life, both in Latin. From
captions affixed to the film, read the words spoken by the actors interpret the film. Mel
Gbson for this work, has collected a priori that it is critical praise.
Some have argued that it is an anti-Semitic film, but the word "judacus" uttered in the midst of the teeth, clearly derogatory sense, by a Roman soldier to Simon of Cyrene who helped Jesus carry the Cross on Golgotha , ha dimostrato che così non è.
Per taluni critici critici il parlare dei romani è suonato falso, sì, troppo classico.
Sotto il profilo storico e filologico il rigore doveva essere il primo obiettivo del film.
L'aver messo Cicerone in bocca alla soldatesca romana indisciplinata e violenta, è stato considerato, da una parte della critica cinematografica, l'unico errore del film.
Ha fatto bene Mel Gibson a farci vedere come avvenne la morte di Gesù, il quale, dalle scene gikrate, appare in tutta la sua grandezza divina.
E' in questo quadro che trovo fulgide le parole da lui pronunciate sulla croce, prima di morire: “Padre, perdona loro, perchè non sanno quello che fanno”.
PS - This article of mine that I wrote after seeing the film directed by Mel Gibson, was published in the monthly Catholic Versilia "Dialogue", in January and February 2005, founded and directed by Don Florio Giannini. The cruel and violent scenes reminds me of the dreadful massacre of St. Anna committed 12 August 1944 by Nazi SS criminals, so much to make me think that Gibson was, in my opinion, the records that would make a great movie about this terrible massacre innocenti.In America I know who read my blog of close relatives 'Angelo Biondo, the girl who was martyred in Seravezza in 1944. If you know people involved in the production of films I could send them, just to get an idea. my story about the Massacre of St. Anna without pretension. Alexandra, if you read me let me know what you think? Thanks and best regards, Renato Sacchelli
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
How Do You Write C6h12o6 In Words?
Francesco Viti, the first in time, a poet and quarryman Versilia, author of the hymn dedicated to St. John, the patron saint of Riomagno, gave us interesting written testimony concerning, among other things, the difficult living conditions of the people of the mountains around Seravezza in early 1900.
He like his father, worked in the quarry as a boy, because, as stated in the poem The Quarryman who wrote in 1902, "sucked the milk, which is not pleased / Dust and the marble quarry worker became instead of being a poet.
Also from this poem, perhaps the first written by him, the judge "too unlikely and difficult is the art of the quarrymen / uncomfortable with that, and penalty / every fiber of his life and every part / estuary is affected by the weight of chain "feel the hardness of the trade, who also loved to become an expert kapok, because it is still in the dark occurred" already marmore splinters all over / shots fly to the proud he leads, "and highlights. with in the concluding lines, "And oh oh cruel misfortune and pain / unfortunately often happens that suddenly / a rock falls and hits him die," the tragic drama that arose the frequent disasters that occurred at that time.
E 'from the poem entitled The cries of the people of the village chapel, written in 1905, that appear harsh and incredible backwardness of the conditions he lived in the mountain community mentioned above, lacks the most basic utilities.
Despite the fact that since they are well past 85 years, some issues of fundamental importance for human life, are still relevant today. Francesco Viti
wanted to pay taxes, even if you are serious for us / that no longer compare / with those of our ancestors.
wanted though, and quite rightly, that public money was well spent as it would have been if they had intended for the construction of works to improve the lives of so many people forced to live in remote and inaccessible and without a midwife and doctor / bbian only the moon and streetlight / mancaci and a school / we are three thousand and some / who does not know is the strange / the doctor is seen / day for a week.
And again Sappian of certain women / who arrived in a bad / they had a midwife for the poor husband. / And so to complain abbian our reasons: like lambs to be born to die like sheep.
With this simple poem, harsh but true, Francesco Viti 85 years ago had the courage to put under accusation the inefficiency of a city administration that is completely lost interest dei diritti e dei bisogni essenziali della comunità montana.
A me sembra anche essere un documento storico da conservare con cura in quanto descrittivo di una vita troppo sofferta da molti versiliesi vissuti in quell'epoca.
Nella lettera, in versi poetici, che da Filettole nel marzo del 1908 inviò alla moglie, Francesco Viti nel descrivere quella località della valle del Serchio dove per un certo periodo di tempo diresse una cava di marmo rosso che fu utilizzato per la costruzione del palazzo della Borsa di Genova, dopo aver manifestato anche il suo apprezzamento per gli abitanti ricchi di fede cristiana, ribadisce la sua fedeltà coniugale, Se mi dovrò molto trattenere / sposa stai certa che ci porto il letto, un comportamento che always increases the love and keeps it together a couple. Funny
the verses with which he ordered the owner of a famous Milanese company half a dozen bottles of liquor, yet on the market today that "I drink every day / and now they are docile / like a lamb / my wife says this and that ".
had tasted liquor in Seravezza one evening, while preparing to go home, recommended by the grocer Benti which the screws said to have an upset stomach. Feel better, the screws sent the unusual request in respect of which received free an entire tape of the product that had digestive properties, especially that he did write another poem of thanksgiving, when I I order and keep it in mind / that I do not want it at all. In fact
assured that the liquor would also drink his workers. Since many years
Kapok / I have not even thought of my workers / struggling much / It 's good people / but bevon ponces and wine, and very often / for drunkenness are very weak / so that the work suffers trouble.
In the poem written in 1912 because his son would read during the Easter trip transfer to Tripoli where he participated in the war against the Turks, Francesco Viti proved to have high sense of duty and discipline, and called her boyfriend to take care not to fatigue , to obey the orders of their superiors of any and able to shoot well and often.
And it's really nice that this language is flowing from the heart of a man engaged in work on durisssimi quarry for over 12 hours a day, where about fifteen boxes were about 100 tons of marble blocks, as he wrote a poem at the bottom of Iniva a friend of his July 14, 1908. an immense effort that nevertheless did not prevent him, in his spare time, to shake his fingers calloused hand of the pen to write what he dictated to his soul as a poet.
In his poetry, not left to the contemplation of the beauties of nature with its flowers, colors and beautiful landscapes bordering the sea in Versilia costantemete are visible to everyone, but focus is placed his poetic creativity only on the aspects of ordinary life, lived among many suffering from humble and strong with his behavior even more ls ennobled our land.
Renato Sacchelli
. This
my article was published in "Dialogue" on the number in September 1990, p.7.
When in December 2002, the director of the monthly Giannini Don Florio, had printed the booklet poems of the quarrymen Francesco Viti, entitled "marble dust", hereinafter referred to his presentation of these writings also include what I had written about twelve years ago. .
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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Read sull'Almanacco Versiliese Giorgio Giannelli: Economic crisis forces us to leave Afghanistan
Saturday, November 13, 2010
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I turned my story on the displacement of people Seravezza, ordered by the Germans in the summer of 1944, Capuans to Paul, so he did publish the book, edited by Circle Sirius Giannini, who will talk about the barbaric murder of the hero seravezzino Paul Amos.
Metato front of where my family had taken refuge in the summer of 1944, between Pelliccino and the Hill one afternoon in July or next month, came a patrol of German soldiers under the command of an officer. In our language well enough that he spoke, told us that we had to go from there. "Come, come! Now! War! War! The Americans are close and in a few days there will be the first clashes "in the throes of an understandable fear we were all speechless. The order was mandatory. There was little to say and do, basically it was our survival. Where are we going? Dismay and bewilderment shone from the eyes of my parents. Below us, down the narrow valley, you could see the roofs of houses Riomagno, too close to the German positions for pxensare to stay there. Higher up in the middle of the mountain that stood before us, the leaves of chestnut trees could be seen the houses of Giustagnana and it was in that place that my father decided to go.
left the metato with the few things we had. I was given the task of taking the mattress from which, some years before when he was brought, at school, a collection of wool for the production of hosiery and socks for our soldiers in Russia, my mother took out a few punches. Oh! As the war seemed remote from us, which it won in the beginning no one dared to question. We had eight million bayonets and singing "win and win in the sky, land and sea ...". "They leave the submarines, the harbingers of many illusions and too much easy optimism. For us kids, children born of Lupa, and then finally become table table Musketeers, the game was closing in a very unpredictable and not as many times we were led to believe or hope. A Riomagno that we reached in a short time there was a lot of confusion with so many people running away from the area by climbing the mountain to reach the countries of the overlying Giustagnana, Minazzana, Fabbiano and Azzano. Loghetto reached the plains, while I rested, I walked past the two babies, a boy and a girl. The one with the pots and the other with the plates in hand. Eyes wide open and lots of tiny blacks expressed the great fear of which had to be prey. That look scared I've never forgotten. After resuming the climb we came close to the church Giustagnana, where he stopped on the edge of the trail, waiting for my father he returned from the town where he went immediately in search of a room where we can at least spend the night.
When he returned to face him enough to understand the negative results of his research. Moreover Giustagnana some time was crowded with refugees. All cottages located on the slopes, gear up as a shelter, had been occupied by so many people who had fled from their homes by the sea or from the immediate hinterland. "Tonight we sleep under a chestnut tree." And while my father uttered such words, was heard by two men with "jacket" (jacket, ed) on the shoulders and the pinnate attached to your belt, at the lower back, were returning home after working in the woods or in the woods, the only activity that could still play having been long since the quarries closed and all the companies in Versilia. "You can settle into a church, there are already other displaced people," said one of them. When my father returned to face him enough to know the negative results of his research. Nobody gave us a hand. Giustagnana gà da tempo era gremita di sfollati. Tutte le casupole, fatte di muri a secco e con i tetti di piastre erano state occupate da tanta gente costretta a lasaciare le loro case vicine al mare e nell’immediato retroterra. “Stanotte si dorme sotto un castagno!Quando ritornò bastò guardarlo in faccia per conoscere l’esito negativo della sua ricerca. Nesssuno ci diede una mano. Peraltro Giustagnana già da un po’ di tempo era gremita di sfollati. Tutte le casupole che c’erano in quel tempo lungo le pendici del monte, solitamente adibite al ricovero degli animali e degli attrezzi da lavoro con visibile soddisfazione. Per la buona notizia che ci aveva dato. In chiesa? Mi sdembrò una cosa incredibile da farsi. Ma non c’erano other solutions and I went there if we had not wanted to spend the night in the avesssimo.
it was me that shortly after, I crossed the threshold of the house of God at first glance it seemed that there was more room inside so it was the people who had occupied. Some small steps between materesassi and other things in an orderly arranged on the floor of the church, I saw that at the foot of an altar there was no one, was the only place left open. I heaved a big sigh of relief. Meanwhile, the last rays of the sun was disappearing behind the crest of Mount chute, beam penetrated through the stained glass windows, illuminating even the interior of the sacred edifice, which stood out sacred images and moving human beings affected by the disaster. For a moment I seemed to be the center of an unreal scene. Collection of dry wood and hastily lit the fire were fired the latest chips. And yet he felt the hunger that we lay it on the mattress on our parents. Four children: a nest. When I was about to close his eyes, a displaced person was suddenly struck by convulsions. I knew this man who Seravezza, every Sunday through the streets selling newspapers in the country. "Help, help ..." shouted members of his family. In a moment all the men who were in the church came to hold it. As soon as I heard say:. "It has calmed down" all of a sudden I fell asleep. Days spent Giustagnana remember them as the most troubled of my life. No one thought to dig pits for certain physiological needs, which is why when it was forced to submit to the nearby woods, you could not go back to church before they are passed from the canal to wash your feet well, so stank to have walked on excrement human in the land was full.
I could not stand the most to live in that place, the suffering was too great. I urged my parents to look for cottage where some move. Fortunately we found a little house across scalamata, located between Giustagnana and Fabian, is no longer used by humans, which is why some time was to be the undisputed realm of mice seen the thickness of their droppings several feet high that over time it was formed under the floor boards. After you repair the roof at our expense and cleaning up the little house that had a window, and seemed even better. There he spent a few days even my grandmother Marianna at the beginning of displacement was admitted to hospital in Valdicastello. My father took her there on his back, when we heard that inexplicably discharged from hospital, he had slowly returned to his home of Bridge, where he was assisted, I do not know how many days, from a good family that Landi had not complied with the order displacement, continuing to remain at home until in which the Germans decided to blow up the whole neighborhood. Without the help of the Landi family sure my grandmother would die of hunger and thirst. And in that little house that seemed Giustagnana of primitive man, so small as to seem to Snow White and Settenani, we stayed until the fall of the birth of the first chestnuts and mushrooms. It was in those days that Giustagnana came the black soldiers of the U.S. division of Buffalo.
Gather chestnuts in front of our hut was a dream that could not last and it did not last. When immediately after the arrival of American soldiers, my mother was wounded in the leg by shrapnel of the mortar with which the Germans welcomed the arrival of American soldiers, we had to rifugiasi in a fund of the village used for the storage of tools to work the land. In one corner was a pile of hay. My mother was a doctor wounded by American soldiers. So while nature gave her nutritious and tasty fruit, the war waged by crazy men who by force of arms they wanted to impose their similar ideologies and their own interests without any regard for the sacred and inalienable rights of man first and foremost that of freedom, continued to claim innocent victims. What a striking contrast between the world really amazing and wonderful and freedom suppressed in the most violent to be spregevoli che meriterebbero di bruciare in eterno fra le fiamme dell’inferno.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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Ho affidato questo mio scritto, sull'uccisione dell'eroe seravezzino Amos Paoli da parte delle S.S., a Paolo Capovani per il "Circolo Culturale Sirio Giannini", che la pubblicherà sul suo libro, ricco di altre testimonianze di persone che videro, coi propri occhi, fatti violenti e sanguinari che si verificarono in Versilia e in Apuania durante la tragica estate del 1944 ed anche nei sette mesi successivi in cui, nella nostra terra, furono combattute aspre battaglie.
As a boy I often saw passing along the path of Bridge Seravezza a young man with the crutches under his arms, a resident in one of the first houses Riomagno, a short distance from the beginning the trail that leads to the summit of Mount chute. Paul Amos was paralyzed in the legs because of polio contracted in childhood, when there was no vaccine to fight this terrible disease in children. On his face I never saw any sign of desperation; progressed serenely enduring his handicap.
Guido Menchetti, who along with Amos attended elementary schools in Seravezza, has reminded with a moving poem entitled "The I 'classmate', already published in the book of history of Giorgio Giannelli Versilia Versilia. The trap 44 ", bringing to mind the news of the capture of young Riomagno by the SS, which are considered members of the partisan movement," The gruccette kept her under the armpits and / stragicava the legs dry; / Rimagmo up on by 'n top of Chiasso, / Guaso seems absurd: step, step. / A poor shoulder the folder, / when he was a bag of rags, / buffeting always on my back / and it was so great misfortune 'na sentence. / And after three flights of stairs / Misse sott'un arm crutches, arrive and in the classroom already tired Paoli, companion of my desk. / He was a martyr and now he was alive or dead / read 'the name of' na white plate, / a palm tree, I remember, / maybe she was born / my friend Fusse because at a given day. / How he 's in Gavinana Ferrucci, / point' the finger at the perpetrator, /'s spoken to have some shortness of breath: / Oh coward! You kill a man dead. / What heroes! That good! / E Fadiga / will have done to destroy a myth! / That 'n example of honesty was Versilia / of love, devotion and freedom. / Amos Poor! You ever ride a; / ma'nt'ho seen crying or lamentatti: / with this' blond curls and 'the white face, / drums for me,' the companion of my desk. "
Amos also remember when his friends took him around the barrel of their bicycles. Screeching brakes when roamed along the dirt road full of stones of the Bridge, where Amos and his friend always stopped in the square in the center of the neighborhood to chat with the girls, Amos always greeted with sympathy. Then he laughed, oh how he laughed at those moments! In the night between 25 and 26 June 1944, a group of SS led by a Republican who served as interpreter, they surrounded the home of Paul to capture his father, who was found there. The troops he was about to leave when the Republican shouted: "There must be weapons by force!" jumped out as an Sten guns and two Smith before the Germans entered in the house, the younger brother of Amos had hidden under a mattress. At the end of Amos, pushed up on his wheelchair, was taken to a villa near Corvaia Novan with Luigi, who had stopped to sleep in the house of Lorenzo and Tarabella, who was arrested in a house adjacent to that of Paul, where they thought that there was a partisan Giuseppe Marchi, who fortunately had spent the night elsewhere. On 26 June the SS took around Amos and two of his friends in the streets of Seravezza and Riomagno, aboard a truck, and between the other, when Allied planes flew over the area took shelter under the small time Riomagno the beginning of the trail that goes to the cave of the Chapel. Al Paoli did see his house, they wanted softened. The
promised that he would be released if he had mentioned the name of the partisans who knew him, but he said nothing. He only said: "Finimola with this story," reported Corvaia to put them on the wall with his back toward them, firing a gun in the other. A few hours later the three were taken up on a truck and transported to the villa Compignano, Quiesa on the Mount, where he worked on the SS command. During the transport had to be no more sitting and kneeling. Amos did not succeed and were his two friends to support him throughout the journey. Upon arrival, the three young men were brutally beaten and beaten while in Paul shouted, "You partisan leader." At dawn on June 27, 1944 an SS dragged by one leg the poor Amos out of the house for a few hundred meters, while the poor man screamed: "Oh God, Oh God!". When he saw that the German was loading the gun began to call her mom. It was then that the SS's in the middle of the forehead fired the entire magazine, then throwing his body down a hill.
He was only twenty-seven. The two friends of Amos, and Novan the Tarabella, then told that the events and their vicissitudes, they managed to escape after being subjected to beatings and concrete threats of being killed. I conclude by pointing out that my father was to be walled in Compignano, where my family had moved a few months after the war ended, the small plaque at the point where Paul Amos - who was honored for his behavior, to the memory of Medal 'Military Valour gold - was brutally murdered, I was to keep it up and attached to the wall while the murava. Had requested the father of the hero who had occasionally met in Pietrasanta. The Paul knew that lived in that location and after learning from my father that the same factor of the estate, where his son was killed, had failed the assignment given to him, he said "Orlando, you think about it."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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Tyrrhenian At the foot of the buttress of the Alps, at the confluence of the rivers over Serra and Vezza, where comes the Versilia, the river that gave its name to the surrounding area from the mountains the plain, and the latter restricted between Cinquale Motrone stands Seravezza, already known, in 952, as the room Vetitia . With the name instead of
Salavecchia was mentioned by Ptolemy in his annals of the Lucchese 1142, when nobles and Corvaia Vallecchia, Greyhound and Uguccione invested in the town of Lucca half of the territory of Corvaia. In a document dated 2.2.1186, John Torgioni Tozzetti Seravetitia recalls a villa, a name that is also found in a document of 1375 on the sale of an ironworks existing there for the nobler proprieà Versilia Nicholas of the witch, to Ulderico Anteminelli from Lucca.
settlements of peoples coming from Genoa in the plains of Seravezza and surrounding (Pietrasanta), just to get a glimpse of the past in search of our roots date back to 177 BC as was proved by the discovery, in the locality Baccatoio, an ancient cemetery graves with cremation box, typical of the Ligurian that time, the cemetery was discovered in the stretch of land on which he had to pass Rome Turin rail network, which was built after the unification of Italy (1861).
Contrary to what I, as a boy I had thought, it does not seem that the name derives from the rivers Seravezza Serra and Vezza, as the same until the year 1800, were known as streams, respectively, and Riomagno of Ruosina. With regard to this finding can be deduced that the rivers are just above the Versilia to come from the name of Seravezza.
was a fief of the lords of the thirteenth century and Corvaia Vallecchia by Emperor Frederick II, Seravezza, when it was demolished the feudal power, he was united to the Vicar of Pietrasanta. Sacked and devastated in 1429 by the militia Florentine war with Lucca, headed by Commissioner John Astorre, the same back from Sarzana (Niccolo Machiavelli said in his History of Florence) where he broke in Seravezza rang a bell in front of the church to which he gathered the people, convinced of receiving some good news. Instead, all present were encouraged to enter nellla God's house, where women were separated from the men who were locked in the sacristy. After this separation of females of any age, married or virgins, were all violentate.Con clothes torn to shreds, or almost naked, they returned to their homes. John also spoke of Astorre Jbernard Sancholle Henraux that men's behavior on the hair this commissioner Florence, wrote that: "... he passed the sword" men of Seravezza. In 1450, following the fortunes of Pietrasanta, passed to the Genoese in 1484 in Florence, in 1486 King Charles VIII of France in Lucca in 1509 by Emperor Maximilian, and then again in Florence, after Ruling of Leo X of 28.9.1513.
Seravezza Since then remained together at Florence, until the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, at that time underneath the Habsburg-Lorraine was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia with the plebiscite of 15 March 1860. From this union a lot of advantages and a partial autonomy derived in Seravezza, probably also in respect of the act of donation of the quarries of Ceragioli and Mt Altissimo that seravezzini made in Florence in 1513. It must be the Florentines
the momentum in the years following the excavation of the marbles, which were both concerned that Giorgio Vasari, Michelangelo and other famous sculptors of the time, sent to Seravezza by Leo X, Cosimo I, to follow the person to extract precisely the marbles they needed to realize their opere.Notevole increase was also given to the exploitation of silver mines in the vicinity of existing Seravezza, the Booty Call, which have the same Cosmo I was very interested, so chisel to make a tray, the proceeds from the first quantity of the precious mineral, the famous engraver Benvenuto Cellini.
In those years and for a long laboratories were once famous for the production of objects made of copper, iron and muskets, they manufactured in nearby Valventosa. After a period of abandonment of the quarries, which began around 1688, the economy recovered Seravezza when it was founded in 1821 by JB Alessander Henraux the homonymous company, under which the excavation and processing of marble resumed in full swing , so as to determine the growth of Seravezza to the point of being considered the capital of Versilia.
From artistic point of view, is the valuable Seravezza Cathedral, dedicated to the Patron Saints Lawrence and Barbara, covered by a dome and bell tower with mullioned windows dating back to 500, but rebuilt and modernized over the centuries XV and XVI and restored after the severe damage suffered during the Second World War, when in the final months, was also fought bitterly over the mountains of Seravezza.
The interior has three naves separated by columns, is full of altars, a pulpit in Baroque style in polychrome marble, a small baptismal font carved by Stagio Stage in sec. XVI, and an inlaid marble frontal 600, Iacopo Benti.Una
gilded silver cross in the middle of figures of saints, among them San Lorenzo, attributed to Pollaiuolo, engraved with the inscription of the year 1498 and is located in the sacristy, where there are other precious religious objects. In the cathedral are preserved in a glass coffin underneath an altar, the remains of S. Urchin martyr soldier of Rome.
Seravezza The other church, dedicated to the Santissima Annunziata, completely destroyed by the Germans along with all the homes and neighborhoods Smithy Bridge during the tragic summer of 1944, was rebuilt after the war. Shows a bas-relief in the frontal D. Benti with the Virgin and Child. Inside you can admire the canvas painted by Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini) in the first half of the seventeenth century, "The Holy Women at the Tomb", a gift of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold II. The work was saved from destruction by Raphael Binelli, who was able to detach from the frame, along with the painting 'Annunciation, painted by Filippo di Luca Martelli from Massa in 1639 or so, before the church blow.
Particularly interesting is the Medici Palace, once known as Casino Ducale, built between 1555 and 1565, according to some architect B. Ammannati, others by Buontalenti, on the orders of Cosimo I, who lived there during the summer months attracted by the mild climate and because of Seravezza, both because they want to personally, the extraction of silver from nearby mines, the Booty Call. Even after the death of Cosimo I, the palace was always used as a summer residence of Grand Dukes of Tuscany, until in 1784 it was sold to the community of Seravezza, which, however, they have lost the wish of the Leopold I, who wanted Office Building and warehouses of the company for raising trout, with nurseries located near Ruosina.
The building consists of two wings that enclose the courtyard, advancing, after a series of works executed in the years 1970 and 1980, is now used for exhibitions and cultural events of great interest. For many years he was also the town hall. Seravezza was also famous for the purity of the waters of its rivers. Perhaps because it was carved in stone and placed over the well site in the Medici palace, he remembers, even today, 13 pounds of trout in 1603 was caught in the river of Ruosina by the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, Catherine Habsburg-Lorraine.
emerges among the works closer to us, the war memorial of the victorious World War 1915/1918, to the unbridled force that seems to give off the sculpture of the man Seravezza, while in its full nakedness, raised to the sky a mass of marble dug from the mountain. E 'admirable work also for the beauty and significance of his four bas-reliefs, but at the same time imposes on his masculine power.
The monument designed by sculptor and Camaiore Cornelius Palmerini, which opened on 19.5.1929, was completed after the death of Palmerini, in 1927, Arturo Dazzi.
Beautiful is the fountain located in the central square adorned with beautiful sculptures of children astride of marine fish, a work which still bears visible damage during the war of 1944/45. = ""
But by the dazzling splendor of its marbles, mixed with sea water and its remaining ancient mountains, where there was no extraction of marble, which increasingly need to be seduced by this Seravezza which certainly dazzled the eyes of those who first saw it when the sun had not yet blackened the white rocks and polychrome, check the sea expanses during the movement of divine formation of the earth's crust, in a blaze of lights reflected in the sky. Speaking of the hospital Seravezza I must say that already in 1515 the hospital is mentioned, including the existing church dedicated to St. Mary, then converted to the Church of Mercy. As regards assistance to the "old", or as we say now self-sufficient, and orphans, from the end of 1700 the founding of the Conservatoire by the cav. Ranieri Campana, larger work in 1772 and opened in 1794, eight years before the Count Francesco Campana, belonging to the same pious family, after having succeeded in combining the two foundations founded the hospital that has worked for 200 years Seravezza that is, until the entry into service in the plain vina Lido Camaiorene the new hospital called Versilia.
Seravezza gave birth to his father, Giovanni Lorenzo Berti, who was born in 1688, imperial theologian, university professor of Pisa and the author of several works: the writer Piarist father Francesco Donati, said Monk Cecco, who was a friend of Carducci, a knight who was Ambassador Luigi Angiolini government Toscano in Rome and in Paris, ended his career with his appointment as Councillor of State, the painter Joseph Viner, the writer and the professor Enrico Pea Dino Bigongiari for over 50 years was a professor at Columbia University in New York.
Among men of our time we must remember the writer Sirius Giannini, who died prematurely, the late senator and Mr Armando Angelini lawyer Leonetto Amadei even those deceased, who was an MP for several legislatures to become the President of the Constitutional Court. Voglio ricordare anche Lorenzo Tarabella che oltre ad essere stato un forte cavatore, fu anche un sensibile poeta e scrittore.
Seravezza ha un futuro. Stretta fra i monti che ne hanno impedito l'espansione, danneggiata gravemente dagli eventi bellici del 1944/1945, anche se si è sempre ripresa dalle gravi avversità grazie soprattutto al lavoro della sua gente, ha perso molti dei suoi primati che aveva verso la fine del 1800 e nei primi decenni del 1900 quando contava innumerevoli laboratori ed industrie Parallelamente alla escavazione e lavorazione dei marmi che rimane un fattore trainante della sua economia, Seravezza che dalla fine dell'anno 1975 si fregia del titolo di città concesso con decreto dell'allora Presidente della Repubblica, per il fatto di essere sommersa da un mare di verde , davvero un oasi, e con un clima fresco e mite, ha tutte le caratteristiche per divenire un luogo di riposo e villeggiatura, particolarmente interessante in quanto a poca distanza dalla marina di Forte dei Marmi e sotto i monti più belli del mondo. Sarebbe auspicabile che fossero costruite alcune strutture alberghiere e due gallerie per impedire la circolazione dei mezzi pesanti dentro il centro abitato. Una dovrebbe essere costruita sotto il monte Costa e l'altra sotto il monte di Ripa. La cittadina si presta per le sue caratteristiche ad un mercato permanente dell'antiquariato e dei prodotti artigianali di tutta la Versilia del fiume.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Uninstall Chameleon Boot
Intendo parlare delle centrali nucleari, necessary to exploit, in a peaceful manner, the power of the energy derived from uranium fission, which first obtained in 1935, the great scientist Enrico Fermi and his other eminent contributors, a group of scholars remembered by history as the guys Panisperna away. For this exceptional discovery in 1938 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in Fermi. It was the first step in the exploitation of the atom. Then he came with his studies, first of Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the construction of the first atomic bomb. The effects of these devastating bombs dropped by the Americans during the Second World War, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to induce Japan to surrender, since I was a boy, besides me shudder with horror, made me think that this energy, for the good of humanity, should be used only for peaceful purposes.
I must say that I welcomed with pleasure the news of foreign construction of the first nuclear power plants for electricity production in each country had and continues to have an even greater need. During my occasional trips by train to Rome, made in the past, often saw near the train station in Montalto di Castro, a big yard, where he was to rise to a large nuclear power plant. In 1986, unfortunately, exploded at Chernobyl in Ukraine, a nuclear power plant for the production of energy. Hazardous material was released into the atmosphere radioactive, causing numerous deaths and serious damage to the environment and people. Toxic clouds scattered in European skies. Since this disaster began the campaign in Italy against the building of this type of nuclear power plants.
In 1987 there was a referendum that confirmed the will of the Italian people not to build power plants of the species. From then on we had to resort to other means to produce electricity. One thing is certain, coal, oil and nuclear solutions are proved to be dangerous and polluting, as well as lead to conflict between producer countries and nations in their basement does not have the raw materials. On the other hand, the oil coming in at very high prices, requires the solution the problem using alternative energy pathways. I really liked what he said long ago, the Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia in an interview with La Repubblica: "There is no safe nuclear energy, coal is highly polluting and harmful, and only solar energy and wind energy can provide sustainable responses the world's energy problem. " Years ago I read in another newspaper, the great difficulties that we are to find suitable sites for disposal of waste derived from production of nuclear energy. And the many years that must pass to reach that solution (22 thousand years according to Rubbia).
In view of these elements I would hope that in Italy are not nuclear power plants ever built.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Fish Bromothymol Blue
The May 1, 2008 I participated in the trip organized by the Militia of the Immaculata, formed by pious women of the church of Casciavola (PI) which has been parish priest since 1992, Don Nino Drive, which is always a great priest Versilia committed to do good to others, especially the poorest, without distinction of race or skin color. Think to the needy than himself. This priest, born in Plum of Stazzema, when I attend the church seems to me to breathe the air of the land where I was born. Goal of the visit was the town of S. Angelo Cinigiano the border of the provinces of Siena and Grosseto, where there is great house wine "Banfi" that produces the wine "Brunello", famous throughout the world.
Until the Siena train station we arrived on board a bus, then we continued our journey on a steam train, made up of several cars, called the Maggiolata that crossed fertile land with many vineyards. Getting on an old wooden third-class coach was quick to resurface in my mind my first train journey made in 1937 or in 1938 by Querceta Avenza Carrara, when my parents decided to go on a Sunday morning to find Miseglia the family of a sister of my mother who had married a man of that locality.
My father had just returned from Africa North America where he went to work with a team of diggers Seravezza, hired to build the roads of the recently conquered by Mussolini. I can still see the colorful fish that moved in a tank at the center of the square of Carrara and the mule that walked among the olive trees to get home to my aunt.
For many years, starting in 1949, I have traveled on that type of coaches. I remember in particular the puffing steam engines also used by Alta Versilia tramway for transport of passengers and blocks of marble up to the tragic summer of 1944 when the Germans imposed the order of the displaced population, which lasted until the Versilia month Always in September 1944, when fierce battles on earth that begins the realization of Seravezza in particular the mountains and in areas of marine and Cinquale Montignoso that lasted until April 1945. In the Maggiolata get on the train, I saw myself as a child when I stop to admire the Bridge Seravezza these powerful steam engines when stopped in front of the mill Bonci to make the supply of water, guided by two men who appeared before my eyes two real giants. Once in San Angelo
Cinigiano awaited us at the station a fanfare that greeted us playing lively songs. Driven by happiness of these notes we have come to the famous wine cellar "Banfi" where a manager told us that the wine produced from grapes chosen and selected, produced by the cultivation of vines in an area of \u200b\u200b850 hectares. Then he showed us the inside of the plant where I saw large oak barrels, 60 -70 hl and many smaller ones. He described the techniques for elimination, with special machines, less noble substance of the wine we just put in the barrels was immediately sold to buyers from around the world. In that great establishment between endless bottles of wine, barrels and special oak barrels and steel, was to be lost.
lunch, cooked by the women of the local Pro Loco, for all 500 participants in the trip, many also coming from Terni and other places Tuscany, was consummated on large table under a large marquee. Excellent ribollita is that the sausages grilled and very tasty gustose.ed also excellent wine drinking. Once again I thank the president of the Tuscany region of the MI, Mrs. Nara Tani, a resident of Casciavola for organizing this wonderful trip to the Sienna (since I was a child I often heard from my mom say that Siena was the native Italian ) cheered us and the time spent on board the bus playing with great skill Trilussa funny poems, collecting thunderous applause for its scenic artist of great ability ...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Cordura Motorcycle Jacket
I still remember una volta che la fine del regime fascista, avvenuta nel luglio 1943, troncò la mia “carriera” di ragazzo indrottinato, unitamente a tutti bimbi d’Italia, nati negli anni in cui il Duce era al potere, dalla sua politica volta alla formazione dell’Uomo nuovo, cioè completamente fascistizzato sin dalla nascita; infatti non arrivai ad indossare la divisa di avanguardista. All’inizio dell’anno scolastico 1943/1944 l’intera classe II B dell’Avviamento di Seravezza (Lucca) che chi scrive allora frequentava, si rifiutò di iscriversi al ricostituito partito fascista della Repubblica Sociale Italiana, fondata da Benito Mussolini dopo la sua liberazione da Campo Imperatore. Non avemmo bisogno di chiedere the opinion of our parents to reject the calls that were directed by those who still believed in the Duce, was understood only by the fascist regime had eliminated all forms of legitimate opposition to his government, taking away the freedom of the people, until you get to drag our nation into a bloody war on the side of Nazi Germany of Adolf Hitler that caused countless deaths, injuries and piles of rubble.
These memories I have never forgotten.
Va Disability Percentage Calculations
I can feel 'the need to speak of my' friend Alberto Benti, NE Albé always called, died in late 2006, of which I still have the 'core a vivid memory. Since 1930 and up instance in 1944 when it was ordered by the Germans in the displacement of the inhabitants of Seravezza area, I lived in front of the houses located in the old quarter of the bridge, blown up by the workers dela Todh, commanded by a sergeant of sappers dela Wehrmacht. E 'state' l Mj companion since kindergarten and years dela scòla.Erimo very close. Along with lu, I vuto many friends, among the most expensive memory: Lido Calistri, who died in 1958 after a serious accident at work, Matthew Bonci, Aldo Tessa, Andrea Bandelloni, Pea and Gianfranco Gianfranco Tommasi, yet if the latter four nun staceino of houses at the Bridge. For the mi raga ward the mountains, Erin sites dube you went to giracchià. The river was na Nossa pescina. Andaimo often on the rocks below the trench Crescent dube na sula which we built issavamo 'Nosso the tricolor flag. The playing field was the way to the ball.
remember nela street full of dust, which was close to the mill of Bonci, giocaimo many games often with 'na ball of paper and rags, because they had nun na lira in his pocket to compranne' na vera. Lido Calistri which made 'the quarterback, who held a handkerchief tied sula always apologize before called Caligaris, named after a famous player of Juventus and the national team. When piovea, often with sunrises and other comrades, we met up nela flat dube yet there was next to the chicken coop 'na shed. There, he held 'na small marble sculpture depicting the backdrop of Mount Procinto, carved up by some ancestor. Albe was 'the best of all no', was a tireless driver. One day, while staceimo talking in the living room, dela on homes, visibly happy and proud, pulled from a drawer fora na pictures on Father Donato, gentle man, shy and very good, when he was scattatagli Stacee youths while attached to a parachute to land .
years dela guera where 'n Versilia suffered much from hunger, dawns, more than once, Abbriata the tape on, but good and dear Antonia, kept her in the kitchen to give me some big gràcioli chestnut flour produced from the no sunrises that duvee possessions under Giustagnana, plus a vineyard, yet 'na small forest. While I ate flour quela sembraa d'Ave dela chocolate in the mouth. At summer camp organized dell'utima dale schools in the sports field, the first dela fall of fascism, we visit the Federal dela Fe province of Lucca. This was welcomed by all of us who went to the race meeting, shouting "Viva il Duce Duce ...! Duce! Duce. " It was then that I heard the voice of sunrises and said: "Duce, Duce leads to hunger."
During the fighting that took place between 1944/45, the mountains of Seravezza Albè family who escaped in the first instance in the area of \u200b\u200bCamaiore, returned sòbbre Seravè, nela case of the father on 'but then a s' was never moved. In that space the family of Albè spent all the long lasted seven months in which 'the conflict in Versilia. On the occasion of a meeting that took place in Seravezza Nosso the early '90s, I Albè riccontò facein what the raga com mon and yet the greatest who lived for several months, behind the forehead. They all 'day, yet in bad weather, trasportavino, gannets loaded shoulders, heavy boxes of ammunition and yet from eating canned the most advanced trenches of American soldiers. Partivino from warehouses in Torcicoda, always stationed dube 'na row of them, waiting makes some of them called for transport. He told me the sad story of the transportation of the body of soldier killed in the area try's Bovale following a skirmish with German soldiers. That day he wore a pair of shoes with a rag, rubber sole, battered, as he suffered a strong cold feet caused by trampling mevischio that, a fact that made him want to be able to use the boots of the dead body of the military not to suffer more. Violent reaction was the team leader of the military allies, which had very timidamte expressed his desire. Perhaps this is one of my best stories I wrote about today on the events experienced by Versilia Versilia during the seven months of the war that was fought in Versilia in 1944/45. Fenita the war, these brave raga beam were forgotten, and no certificate of merit, as I have written elsewhere, they were granted for the humble but very important activities, which they carried, which was maintained through constant and regular ' dele the supply of food and ammunition to soldiers Merican. In exchange for those benefits had their harsh only small boxes of frozen meat and / or other food, what they received allowed, however, to these 'youths and their families to survive ale. Yet I remember that I took from a Valventosa Giustagnana, the double beam Giustagnana arive to the black soldiers of the Buffalo Division, du crates of ammunition. Under that weight I felt a strong and continuous pain. Albé testified to me was the wedding. Lu 'more than a friend, it was for me, a brother, as it was yet Calistri Lido.
Now that there is more of a no ', it seems to me belo I think, what a great musician who is the trombone was during his earthly life, with up' tool is now being used up there in the sky, in person, together with angels, the music that accompanies Paradise Omen the souls of the pious and righteous.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cost Of Hordourves For Wedding
I write this post, now I put a video on the events in Genoa a few years ago that everyone will remember well. At that time someone said that during the G8 Ligurian there was the largest suspension of human rights in a Western country.
The summer of that bloody G8 was 18 years old, good times ... I was an idealist and I wanted to go with my girlfriend at the event. It seemed right to participate in such an event, to protest against something that seemed illegitimate.
All the money and the world's resources in the hands of a few people and everyone else in the cold? Unacceptable. I was only 18 years old, but already I knew that the world is so organized it made no sense and could not stand. I was just a boy however, and did not understand why everyone would not be outraged by such a blatantly unfair behavior on the part of the world leaders who wanted everything for themselves and their friends, taking it from anyone else (including me).
In the end I went and I was relieved, seeing the incident. Over the years I met several people who told me of the brutal violence committed against them by agents sent by the Italian State. The documents are there, you make a review.
What I do remember that summer and that all the newspapers were not talking about black block anarchists. These groups, according to the majority of journalists were organized with the purpose of carrying out violence against police.
The concept of "organized anarchists to do violence" is a contradiction, however.
First thing: the anarchist condemned the state, has condemned the army and condemned the violence.
Violence is the most commonly used by the company and individual to oppress others. If we follow the anarchist principle of equality for every individual, no oppression is tolerated, let alone perpetrated by the means of violence.
In history there were anarchists who committed violent acts? Yes, some. They were mostly isolated acts committed by an individual who, through various types of weapons or bombs, trying to eliminate hierarchy in sight. Sometimes they got it as well.
As mentioned, however, these actions were carried out by a single and without a doubt in the conduct un'eccezzione anarchist. All these attacks and have suffered harsh criticism from the same environments anarchists. Anarchy
but never had an army, an armed group or something like that.
It 'obvious that to be against his principles. But one day, that's born to spell this paramilitary organization which now is called "anarchic" by the media. An anarchist army?! It's roughly like a square circle, the two concepts are contradictory, no doubt about it. In addition, the army revealed itself only to the G8 events, limited to vandalism of street and urban warfare ... very strange. Despite these obvious
inaccuracies and many obscure points, most of the public did not take long to make good for these "truths".
Anarchists had made up an army to smash shop windows and set fire to rubbish bins.
Obviously this description given by the media had no effect, but it was fine because he could blame the riots on the anarchists, very easy target.
For most people the anarchist is one who occupies a social center, it is against the company and this is a dangerous and violent criminal.
In that case the violence was artfully created by groups infiltrators among the protesters, to divert attention from the decisions taken at the G8 as an excuse to give a lesson to those who want to rebel against a system controlled by few and inaccessible to many.
Anarchy has never had an army and has never fought a war weapon.
Army and war are out of the anarchist conception, because the direct consequences of the state.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Dirt Bike Themed Party
then Anarchy is order without power, without condition and without any hierarchy or authority.
How can I get order without all these superstructures?
We start by understanding how to operate the power, hierarchy and authority. In
any association or organization hierarchy, those in power to impose rules to follow under their jurisdiction. The individual must comply with these rules if you do not want to incur penalties. These rules are often adopted by those who command, without asking the opinion to the subject and without pretending to be shared by those who then must, in essence, to follow.
It therefore requires obedience, not critical. For the hierarchy generally not interested in knowing the degree to which these rules are considered positive, effective or intelligent the subject.
My speech is a general sense, it is obvious that there are many exceptions. For example
really easy, when the Italian state enacts a bill, not asking citizens if they agree or less (except in the case of a referendum). Democracy in fact the concept of a "delegate". When citizens go to the ballot box, choose which of the candidates will represent him in parliament. At that point his work is finished. The elected representative will be its extension policy. It may happen that a citizen does not agree with some of the initiatives of the party or candidate who voted, but can not interfere in its work. The only way to express political disagreement is not to vote more for that party, or abstain from voting altogether.
In essence the individual is taking responsibility away from political life. He is asked only to choose a representative e poi eclissarsi. Sarà poi l'uomo che ha scelto ad agire politicamente per lui.
Ovviamente in un regime democratico degno di tale nome è possibile manifestare il proprio dissenso ad azioni politiche(nei limiti delle leggi dello stato). Ciò però non significa che l'individuo abbia il diritto di agire per modificare le decisioni del parlamento o di altri organi di governo locale in modo diretto.
Ho preso il caso della democrazia perchè è la forma più vicina a noi e quindi più comprensibile. In democrazia l'individuo ha una certa responsabilità politica, in altre forme di governo questa responsabilità è molto minore. Pensiamo ad una dittatura ad esempio, dove al cittadino non viene assolutamente richiesto di partecipare in modo attivo alla politica del Paese.
Una società anarchica invece tende ad aumentare il più possibile la responsabilità politica del singolo. Qui l'individuo è chiamato a fare sempre politica attiva, ossia a partecipare all'organizzazione della società. Non vi è l'obbligo di "delegare", anzi in una società anarchica a tutti gli appartenenti viene chiesto di esprimere il proprio giudizio sulle proposte di altri e di farne di proprie.
La responsabilità politica del cittadino è quindi massima e questo si traduce anche in un aumento della responsabilità civile.
Un altro piccolo esempio:
poniamo che in un piccolo villaggio si instauri una società anarchica. Questo village is made up of 100 adults. Any meeting convened to decide what to do on an issue requires the participation of all 100 of its citizens. The anarchic spirit is the enemy of the majority vote because it would be regarded as a soppruso against the minority. The question then is discussed, who wants to express his opinion and try to find a compromise that will work for everyone.
The decision was then endorsed by all, maybe some are not fully satisfied, but they have accepted.
is the key point: sharing. The decision was taken is shared.
The individual will be led to follow the guidelines decided group in the assembly because it is convinced the best thing, sharing the decision.
His liability is greatest because now follow the directive does not because it was imposed by someone and is afraid of the consequences of any transgression will follow because we share the principles and purposes include.
is not a small thing ...
come back often on the concept of individual and collective responsibility because it is the principle on which an anarchist society.
Friday, April 9, 2010
How To Make A Dunking Tank
Anarchy is a word that begins with a denial: "an".
to fully understand the meaning then it must understand that What is that which is denied by anarchy. What is not anarchy, then?
Anarchy is not "authority", so there is no "hierarchy" and not "state."
Anarchy is equality of all living beings, then it is not "capitalism" is not "racism" is not "sexism" is not "xenophobia".
This small step is crucial to understand such concepts can not be part of anarchist thought.
to start thinking about an anarchist is necessary to consider the "state" and any form of authority or hierarchy as alien and oppressive. Any company, group or individual wishing to order in an anarchic illegittimma considers the authority of hierarchical forms taxes as "superior."
It follows that by not recognizing the dominant social structure, the anarchist does not care to obey the moral rules or laws imposed by those structures, alien to him.
Moreover, assuming that no living being can be above or below another, the anarchist rejects any notion of racism or sexism.
Capitalism is against the spirit of anarchy because it still requires the soggezzione of labor over capital. The capital (shown by management) creates a hierarchy within the working environment. This establishes a hierarchy "Superior", which can impose his authority to an inferior. But as we have seen the anarchist does not accept hierarchy and authority.
discourse on capitalism from an anarchist point of view, and much longer and more articulated as described above, will be the subject of a separate post.
From these initial observations, you can already figure out how the anarchist in a radically opposite reasons, the common thought.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Epson Scan Kodachrome
The history of anarchy and the of anarchist thought are two different things.
E 'first born of anarchy or anarchist thought?
The easy answer is easy: it was born well before the anarchy that has virtually screen headed man from his descent from plants.
Examples of anarchist society in prehistoric times there are many. E 'is also evident that this organization would be neither defined, nor thought of as anarchy.
who took the trouble to give a definition and social policy as we understand today to anarchy, arrived several millennia later, in early nineteenth century. The
word "anarchy" but is of Greek origin, then vi era già consapevolezza della sua esistenza diversi secoli prima dell'arrivo dei vari Godwin, Bakunin e compagnia.
Insomma, per fare un paragone banale, un albero di mele esisteva anche prima che qualcuno decidesse di chiamarlo cosi', di studiarlo e di coltivarlo.
I greci, padri della nostra cultura occidentale, grandi filosofi, scienzati e pensatori avevano grande passione nello studiare e sviscerare sia fenomeni naturali che discipline “umanistiche” come la politica.
Nell'antica Grecia vennero definite gran parte delle strutture politiche che sono arrivate sino a noi: democrazia, oligarchia, monarchia, tirannia ecc. Ed in effetti tutte le parole che le definoscono sono di origine greca. Torneremo a parlare degli antichi greci, popolo politicamente evolutissimo, che aveva studiato e compreso I fenomeni e le strutture di organizzazione sociale molto più a fondo di quanto gran parte della società cosi detta “civile” le definisca e le comprenda oggi.
Non è però oggetto di questo post e non vorrei divagare troppo, volevo solo analizzare l'etimologia della parola “anarchia” per gli antichi greci, I primi che ne diedero una definizione arrivata sino a noi.
In Greco la “an” è un prefisso negativo come il nostro “non”. La parola “archein” significa: principiare (nel senso di agire da principe, ossia comandante diremmo oggi), dominion, rule. "Archon" it means sir, housekeeper (see Archon). Thus "anarchy" is the negation of the government of a prince or commander. In a less polished, but perhaps more effective and understandable, we might describe as an absence of a leader.
organizations or companies without a head are many existed long before the Greeks saddled a name. So the story is much longer than anarchy, and in my opinion infinitely more interesting than I thought by anarchist thinkers.
not my intention to embark on a draft of anarchist thought borrowed dai vari Bakunin, Godwin ecc. L'anarchia non può essere una dottrina per sua stessa definizione. Una dottrina è un insegnamento comunque imposto da un singolo o da un gruppo ad un altro e questa già non è più anarchia.
L'anarchia più pura in senso stretto è prorpio quella inconsapevole, ossia una società organizzata in modo anarchico senza nemmeno sapere di esserlo.
Parlerò comunque di questi pensatori, cosi' che la curiosità di alcuni venga soddisfatta, ma presterò molta più attenzione alla descrizione di società anarchiche consapevoli o inconsapevoli realmente esistite.
Insomma più attenzione alla pratica, ma con un doveroso eye for the theory.