In recent weeks, I expressed my grave concern about the irreversible damage that the road project would result in an area of \u200b\u200boutstanding environmental, historical, and consequently for the whole tourist Valmalenco.
The road, in fact, be of interest to the ancient path along which passed through generations of mountaineers, travelers and many British inventors of climbing rope teams of climbers directly to Bernina.
my arguments, the fact that the car approaching the pasture is too great a risk to the integrity of the places, the chairman of the Consortium Alpe Musella Mrs. Pagani, has peremptorily replied: "No mess Alpe Musella, the future path is only in the enlargement of existing trails, no fee will be much less environmental damage and destroy the old walkway.
To avoid spreading inaccurate information, not endorsed by knowledge of the facts, I gladly welcome the invitation addressed to me by President deepening of the Consortium and attached below the main technical data stated in the final draft presented to the municipality-executive Lanzada.
Title: "Adaptation of agro-forestry and pastoral roads for access to Alpe Musella.
In the legend inside of the drawings: "Road agro-forestry-pastoral project." Average width
current path: 1.5 meters.
planned road width: 3 meters.
Length: 640m.
earthwork volumes: 1230 cubic meters.
carryover volumes: 1123 cubic meters.
Expected parking at the end of the road (hilly tract) and 7 meters wide 30 meters long (the total width increases to 12 meters if you include the gargantuan size of the wall to the valley and the escarpment.)
No Planned 4 plots exchange 5 meters wide and 12.5 meters long.
Total amount: € 110,000 (how many meters of road done in a workmanlike manner, "the Swiss" per intenderci, si potranno mai realizzare con queste risorse? O è più probabile che, come accaduto negli ultimi anni in tutta la Valmalenco, l’esecuzione della pista sarà unicamente affidata all’operato del ruspista?).
Se questo è l’allargamento di un sentiero, intervento che danneggerebbe comunque la vecchia mulattiera, non oso pensare cosa potrebbe essere una strada.