Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cervix A Week Before Period


The talk does not clean the air, the trees.

After a winter spent to invoke the rain because ripulisse a little foul air of our cities, is approaching a spring that promises altrettanto tossica. In realtà non è la primavera ad esserlo, ma l'aria che respiriamo ogni giorno e che facciamo respirare ai nostri bambini, sempre più allergici a qualcosa, asmatici e scoloriti. Quando non ciccioni o ipercinetici a forza di fare sempre qualcosa di organizzato e controllato per far piacere a qualcuno delle migliaia di adulti e vecchi con tanto tempo libero che li scarrozzano qua e là.
Il fatto è che oramai, dopo una bella pioggia, in un giorno soltanto il livello di inquinanti nell'area torna ai massimi, ben al di sopra dei già generosi limiti stabiliti per legge: siamo già oltre il punto di non ritorno, quella soglia che ci permetteva di pensare che, con qualche giorno di blocco del traffico e una limitation for most polluting engines, everything would be back in place. Yet we continue to think that this is the case, as if we delude ourselves that the right steps to preserve our health and our children is just a little more sacrifice and not the revolution - not necessarily bloody and sad - which is now in 'air.

While we think and try to field car and bike sharing , blocking traffic, implementation of public transport , energy savings, reduce consumption , electric motors, km zero etc., a proposal should be made and supported with a powerful awareness campaign: that for the reforestation of the Po Valley .
abandoned agricultural areas in Piedmont only exceed 10% of the total cultivated 20 years ago. I think the same thing has happened in other regions of the north, not only because we realized many of these areas have been covered with warehouses, homes and cottages, with unstoppable quell'incedere that devastated much as possible.
This is not to use the abandoned agricultural land to grow trees, as in many parts already being done, perhaps to produce biomass to power plants that grow like mushrooms. You really recreate forests with indigenous trees, able to regenerate the natural environment, with growth rates just and the varieties they serve.
I'm not an expert in the field, but I think the air purification and regeneration of life does not consist only in the hope that it rains or it gets a bit 'of wind to move the pollution problem and a bit' more there. That is why, together with improved measures "classic" To encourage regeneration in forests and agricultural areas abandoned Gerbidi might be a good anchor to allow us to return one day to leave the house for " a breath of fresh air " .


Friday, February 25, 2011

The Name Of The Song Jordan Sparks

1945 - arrive in the Versilia "Nisei", ready to launch the final attack on the Gothic Line

In March of 1945 I noticed that Capezzano Pianore had increased the presence di soldati americani. Si trattava di nuovi uomini,chiamati "Nisei", nati in America da genitori giapponesi, facenti parte del 442° reggimento, aggregato alla 92^ divisione “Buffalo”.
Ricordo che questi giovanissimi soldati , erano molto ghiotti di cipolline che gli portavano, a mazzetti, i ragazzi del posto, i quali ricevevano in cambio qualche cioccolata e del cibo conservato in scatola. Quei militari dopo qualche giorno raggiunsero la piana di Seravezza, dove sostarono nella zona di Pozzi, pronti, il 5 aprile 1945 a partecipare all’attacco finale che fu sferrato dagli Alleati all'estremo limite della linea Gotica per snidare le forze tedesche attestate sul Castellaccio, lungo tutto il Crinale del Monte di Ripa fino Folgorito to get on the mountain, starting from Riomagno and Desiata. After fierce fighting, which emerged shining courage and valor of the troops attacking, April 7, 1945 the Gothic Line, the stretch of Versilia, was breached. The motto of the regiment of these brave and courageous soldiers, was "Go for Broke", or goes or nothing! After the breaking of a boy Seravezza, Alberto Benti, my dear and unforgettable friend, who died in recent years, told me that he saw a pile Riomagno, many corpses of American soldiers who then, on several trucks were transported for burial in an Allied war cemetery that I was able to indicate. According to information acquired by the writer this cemetery ally should be in the province of Florence.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Get Pearls On Happy Aquarium

know the land where bloom lemons? ". The painting exhibition in memory of Martha Gierut, enhances the colors and splendor of nature. From

Calcinaia (PI) in the old Tower Upezzinghi, October 7 to 15 a few years ago, was set up a beautiful painting exhibition in memory of the young artist Marta Gierut Versilia, who died prematurely.
Curated by Paul Gray and Gierut Lodovico, the father of Martha, known journalist and art critic, exhibition, was inspired by a phrase of the writer and the German poet Johann von Goethe Wolfagang, cantor of the colors. This event received a great success. Numerous works on display made by more than one hundred painters, all small but high artistic value, which prevails il colore giallo, ch’è quello del sole, che riscalda la terra e fa apparire dorate le spighe di grano.
E’ il Giallo che predomina nei quadri. Goethe, considerato il massimo scrittore in lingua tedesca, sotto falso nome, fece un viaggio in Italia nel biennio 1786-88, durante il quale rimase incantato, dalla bellezza delle nostre opere d’arte e dai colori della nostra terra, tanto da ispirarlo a scrivere i libri “Teoria dei colori” e “Metamorfasi delle piante”.
Vedere appena sono entrato nella storica Torre, incorniciata in un quadro, l’immagine del volto stupendo e splendente di Marta Gierut, dal quale sprizzava felicità e vita, tanto da farmi apparire per lei lontanissima negli anni la sua morte, ha acuito il mio dolore sapendo che purtroppo questa sensibile artista e poetessa, qual è stata, non era più fra noi, anche se subito ho trovato conforto al solo pensare che la sua anima ora aleggia lassù negli spazi infiniti del Cielo, dove brilla la luce, dove c’è la pace, perché, per coloro che hanno la Fede nel Cristo nostro Salvatore, morire è vivere eternamente, un premio solo per le creature buone e giuste. E mi par bello anche pensare che da lassù ella tutti i giorni posa il suo sguardo sui loro cari e affranti genitori colpiti da un dolore immenso per la sua prematura scomparsa.
La bellezza di questa mostra venne ancora di più evidenziata dalle fotografie riportate nel DVD, made for the occasion, they were shown all the exhibits. Marta
Geirut was student at the Art Stagio Stagi di Pietrasanta and the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara. It was also a pupil of the great sculptor Franco Miozzo. Stands out among the works he left us, the large sculpture "The face and the mask," of which his father spoke with an article that was published in issue 200, March-April 2006 of the monthly magazine Catholic Dialogue which he was a contributor. This page was photocopied on a leaflet that was displayed in the Tower Upezzinghi, so that visitors could get short years of the life of Marta Geirut entirely dedicated to art that was his reason for living.

Deathwatch Robb White Chapter Summaries

Rights Manifesto of the Earth - The speech of Chief Seattle - Lame Deer - The June 1854

Carry only a small part of the large response that the head of Indian Lame Deer in 1854 gave the U.S. President who had asked him to sell his land.

Touching the water theme, here, what he said: "We will consider your offer to purchase but will not be easy because this land is sacred to us. The shining water that moves in streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you land, you must remember that it is sacred, and you must teach your children that it is sacred and that every quivering reflection in Clear Lake tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father. The rivers are our brothers and they quench our thirst. The rivers carry our canoes and feed our children .. If we sell you land, you must remember and teach your children that the rivers are our brothers and yours, and you must therefore also be used with the rivers the kindness that you use with a brother. "Speaking of the city said:" There is no quiet place in the white man's cities. No place to hear the rustling of leaves in the spring or the rustle of insect wings. But perhaps I am a savage and do not understand. The noise of the city seems soltanto che ferisca soltanto gli orecchi. E cosa è mai la vita , se l’uomo non può ascoltare il grido solitario dei succiacapre o i discorsi delle rane attorno ad uno stagno di notte? Ma io sono un uomo rosso e non capisco: L’indiano preferisce il dolce rumore del vento che soffia sulla superficie del lago o l’odore del vento stesso, pulito dalla pioggia o profumato dagli aghi di pino. L’aria è preziosa per l’uomo poiché tutte le cose partecipano dello stesso respiro. L’uomo bianco sembra non accorgersi dell’aria che respira e come un uomo da molti giorni in agonia, egli è insensibile alla puzza. Ma se noi vi vendiamo la terra , voi dovete ricordare che l’aria e preziosa per noi and that the air has the same spirit of life it supports. The wind that gave our fathers the first breath also receives his last breath. And the wind must also give our children the spirit of life. And if we sell you our land you must keep it apart and as sacred as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow flowers. "

He spoke of the great and wise Indian leader also other issues still present, in order to which man, despite being passed over 150 years, has not yet learned anything to improve his living conditions, indeed, in many respects, has worsened the situation.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Inflation jumps to highest levels since 2008, marking a 2.1% year on year. Acceleration - explains ISTAT - weigh the non-regulated energy prices for petrol has risen 's 11.3% on an annual basis and 3.5% on a monthly basis, while the diesel by 15.7% (+14.5% in December).
"At this rate, the stress in the fuel sector will have heavy impact on the pockets of Italian families - says Casper - Committee against speculation and the savings (ADOC, Codacons, Mouvement National Defence of the Citizen and Consumers Union) - calculus based on the current situation, price increases at the pump will have an impact equal to 210 € per year per family: 90 € for supplies of fuel, 120 € for indirect costs, particularly energy bills, transportation and prices of the goods carried. "
Again, enter speculation game on the shoulders of consumers - says Casper - The obvious tensions that are causing a rise in oil prices may in no case be so immediate and enormous impact on the price lists to the fuel pump, because the gasoline that is sold today on the net Italian was acquired by the oil companies a month ago at prices significantly lower.
should add that when petrol and diesel increased the coverage so heavy, the price went down is very slow, even with a reduction in oil prices.
those circumstances, ADOC, Codacons, Defence Movement of the Citizen and the National Consumers Union urged the authorities competent, Antitrust in the lead, to take action to stop the speculation, and calls upon the Government to study effective measures in the fuel sector, to safeguard the balance sheets of households, intended to be a new blow.

Bromine Orbital Diagram

Libya: Gaddafi's MINCER

La tragedia del crollo dei regimi

L'epilogo dei regimi tunisino ed egiziano ci avevano fatto sperare che  anche la Libia si sarebbe liberata di Gheddafi con un tributo di sangue abbastanza modesto. Invece è il contrario.
L'amico del cuore di Berlusconi sfoga la disperazione e la solitudine inattese con un bagno di sangue senza precedenti nei confronti dei suoi concittadini e sudditi. Non c'è limite alla atrocità e sappiamo poco di ciò che sta davvero accadendo laggiù, ma non possiamo che sperare che le stime siano per eccesso e che in pochi giorni la rivolta vinca definitivamente.
In Italia il governo fa la solita figura di merda, ma siamo talmente abituati ed anestetizzati che non ci facciamo più caso di tanto. Certo che le Italiane pagate qualche mese fa a Roma per seguire le lezioni di Islam da Gheddafi, durante la sua ultima visita con cena di gala e tutti presenti, debbono aver tirato un bel sospiro di sollievo: chissà che fine avrebbero fatto se, fulminate dalla predicazione del Raiss e ammaliate dai suoi soldi come veline da olgettina, lo avessero seguito laggiù, nel luogo dove adesso si è scatenato l'inferno. E chissà le amazzoni, quelle che lo scortavano, i cavalli berberi, la foto che aveva sulla pancia...

Oggi Gheddafi sta sottoponendo il suo popolo a un'inferno forse perfino peggiore di quello che produced when the Italians occupied Libya settlers, he's doing it like a dictator desperate for some fantasy novel.
But it's all true, even the blood of the death and murder. It 'also true of the desperation of a leader who sees his collapse, I do not accept and does not negotiate the transition.
While we worry a lot, but look at the Libya of today with the fear of landing on our shores more and more - now that is no longer raissa immigrants die in the desert - we could try to imagine what could happen in Italy soon, when our prime minister will not negotiate its withdrawal, will not agree to do so peacefully and bring the situation to the extreme. Regardless
- as it always was - the fate of the country, its social and economic fabric, the many people who supported him well beyond the reasonable, which will fall on the bad luck that surrounds all those who are close to him. Careless even of his business empire, convinced that it is aprés him, the deluge . Mariano

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mountains Biffy Clyro Chords Piano


A mayor tiny
collegnesi Some reflections on the events after the conviction of Valentino

E 'yesterday's news of the sentence to two years imprisonment councilor Valentino ( read the blog of Civic ). When someone is convicted - especially for crimes against the Government and people harassed in carrying out its public functions - is never a good thing. Sorry for him, for those who suffered the crimes he has committed, for the bad situation when he put the body and himself. So it is not really the case to punish him, the law has run its course and a bad story has found its first (and fast) epilogue.
What is really incomprehensible - so was this summer when the story began - is the reaction of collegnese mayor, who has treated it with a faulty light, the innocence of swearing Alderman and his leaving the city for all this time without a major figure in government. She
prey of vice now spread so that, once elected, to feel in control of the city and take a back seat to the need to also be prudent manager and humble servants of the public good. There was no need for lawyers to figure out how to go and finish the story for political purposes or even to understand that in any case, the wisdom of the public suggested that the close collaboration with Valentino back in time when all of the randomly city \u200b\u200bhad learned of his indictment.
Oh, yeah! Because there is also this: the news of Valentino's involvement in brutta storia che l'ha portato alla condanna sarebbe probabilmente rimasta ancora nascosta se casualmente Giovanni ed io non fossimo stati a Palazzo di Giustizia quel giorno....

Se la sindaca sapeva prima di ciò che stava accadendo, avrebbe dovuto prendere provvedimenti e comunicarlo agli organi di democrazia della sua città, quelli eletti dai cittadini, proprio come lei. Una volta appreso dai giornali della storia, ci si sarebbe aspettati che intervenisse con energia per chiudere la faccenda... invece niente: sospensioni, sentenze di assoluzione anticipate, parole di conforto a tutti tranne che ai danneggiati.
In altre latitudini in molti chiederebbero ora le sue dimissioni, qui neanche a parlarne.
Accompagnata, as always, by the mouths of chicken butt of a large part of the political class collegnese - as part of the other - who smugly " awaiting the ruling of the judiciary" and showed understanding and human solidarity with Valentino long before the sentence intervene to curb the ambitions. Well, that goes well, the caste collegnese has folded in on itself in solidarity, which goes badly short-sighted perspective and a truly bizarre way of thinking about law has now pervaded the whole constitution, infecting even those who have morals flag and slogan. All justicialism
to regret and solidarity with one of them. Found guilty.
And now, as la metteranno?


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Personal Statement For A Dental Hygienist


La cascina (borghese) si abbatte, non si cambia!

La più bella della settimana a Topolinia la produce Gigi lo Smilzo , topolone di complemento al servizio permanente del topocapo e sempre pronto a soddisfare i suoi capricci.
Dovete sapere, cari affezionati lettori, che Gigi ha rilasciato una potente intervista a un giornale locale nella quale annuncia che sarà demolita una antica cascina, perché è oramai un rudere e si deve fare posto a un nuovo moderno centro commerciale.
La notizia potrebbe fare regret that only those mice like those cities from their past and with some reference to their roots, but not to those who love shopping center model to which all countries and cities should be the same, with a cart at the same place and also products on the shelves. The latter may rest assured, the mouse Gigi works for them.

As also works for the topocapo, interprets in its own way a slogan that certainly would have marked the youth, one for which "the bourgeois state strikes and you do not change . After " variant continues," we now have a very personal and original interpretation of the slogan sessantottesco dear to him, "applies all'incolpevole farm, a receptacle for topastri and other bad actors, left to itself, and therefore in need of a radical demolition. Only they are the government of mice for almost nine years and have never done anything because the cabin was recovered, as has happened with other important buildings of mice that have a history.

But there's more: while explaining that the cabin will be demolished to make way for a shopping center, they will realize the gaffe and then brings up the TAV and the Province and other such stories. Forgetting what he just said, seems to be giving to understand that killing is not to make room for another building, but in infrastructure utilities. Damn! You'll want
mica so that people will not be responsible for accurate and indulged in its ambitions? The big mouse will vote this time around, so in a short time, held accountable for these choices, they will, as in the past, the sad face and say, "But we did not know ! , washing consciousness.

The coup de theater, the mouse Gigi the reserve at the end of the interview: fuck! is an ecologist! In fact, today announced that the bricks and rubble of the demolition will be reused.
to Mickey Mouse does not throw anything away - dear readers who attended, without reacting to the destruction of things first and then the minds of mice and mice of this charming town once a minister of the republic now called "dark paesone belt" - it retrieves everything, even the bricks of a demolished farmhouse of the eighteenth century to make room for a box of reinforced concrete.

Forza Gigi, so go ahead, new demolition rat.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

High Cervix 6 Days Before Period

MAMMA MIA THE history repeating ...

recounting a young man nineteen of fascism ...

... I seemed to speak of Italy today. And I felt strange because I did not know if I was turning into one of those teachers Barbosa and self, full of arrogance and frustration for what they wanted be and were not.

While telling of how did fascist militia, it was as if you were talking of patrols Po : luckily that did the inglorious end before he became a danger. But there still could be useful and lead to hands only if social conflict and political radicalization. Even eighty-five years ago there were fears for public order and tried to scare people with dangerous socialist, communist, terrorist.

told them about the formation of the Popular Party and his support for Mussolini's government, decided to make an emergency democratic dictatorship, ... and watch the church hierarchy today, good only to deal with a government disgraced any possible injustice.

I tried to tell them how fascism was able to stimulate the baser instincts and more poor people, finally free from the reins of a social democratic and therefore ready to do anything to reclaim its frustrations endured: a good, uniform (in this case a black shirt, but it could be just a green handkerchief or a red scarf) and go beat up, destroy and kill. I went through my mind the image of parliamentarians from the tip, those of television and I was wondering what the added value of many of them.

describe that feeling of lethargy that has allowed the consumer of the tragedy of fascism and thought about the lack of interest, the sick, to fall back into their own private and comfortable care for their interests that is characteristic of today's world. At the bottom of the Italians is always preferable to reward the weak and poor, so they are not too different from the crowd, with some honorable exceptions, usually when the mud is likely to engulf the country and its people. The many "who cares " or " so are all the same" or, again, "I of these things I'm not interested " are now as then for the sign that nothing has changed.

Luckily the bell has stopped all: change now.
Luckily we are in Europe and in 2011, così a qualcuno tocca proteggerci; meno male che abbiamo un'opposizione che fa tenerezza e rabbia, così ci viene voglia tutti i giorni di provare domani a fare di meglio.


Friday, February 18, 2011

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Pisano: the Luminaria. Emilio

strips always shine in the sky where the myriad of stars that appear to the eye sight of man as infinite points of light for centuries are detached, for one night, from the "fantastic" creativity of Pisa, from the sky to put them down and neatly with geometrical precision along the walls of the Arno, on the facades of ancient buildings and even on the surface of its waters continue to flow forever into the sea. The first edition of this extraordinary illumination, according to manuscripts of the time, dates back to 1688, when Cosimo III de 'Medici took place in the chapel of the Cathedral just ended, the crystal urn containing the remains of Saint Ranieri and da allora fu chiamata col nome del Patrono. Il passaggio della “reliquia” fu salutato dai pisani con l’illuminazione delle strade e delle facciate degli edifici con tipici “lamparini” (lumi di cera accesi dentro appositi bicchieri di vetro). Dalla fine dell’Ottocento l’usanza dell’illuminazione, arrivata ai nostri giorni, assunse il nome di Luminaria. In effetti sembra che fin dai tempi remoti i pisani erano soliti illuminare il corso dell’Arno ed i palazzi per sottolineare in modo particolare liete ricorrenze. E' da dopo la costruzione della cappella di San Ranieri, che la luminaria si svolge insieme ai festeggiamenti dedicati al Santo Patrono. Inizialmente si svolgeva ogni tre anni e soltanto in occasione exceptional events, the same was repeated without taking into account the special calendar. In the early years were made lavish editions until the final two or three decades of the nineteenth century when the 'local authority was forced to suspend them for economic problems. Since 1886 the event was revived, with great effort, the initiative of a Catholic youth club, thanks to financial support of the entire community. But the restoration of this great event at Pisa, took place in 1937 together with that of the Gioco del Ponte. It was interrupted twice: the first was for reasons related to the outbreak of World War II (1940/1945), which continued even after the war until 1952, and the latter depended on the Arno flood that occurred in 1966, causing the collapse of the bridge in Pisa Solferino and some banks.
The feast of illumination of Pisa which is carried out on June 16 of each year ending with a great fireworks show that makes it increasingly phantasmagorical part of the sky of the city of the Leaning Tower.

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Sul tema un interessante contributo che un amico, Franco Maletti, ha voluto inviarmi e  che molto volentieri pubblico.

L'incipit del ricordo
Oggi intervenire su qualunque argomento dicendo “ricordo”, (o ancor peggio “ai miei tempi”), è un pessimo incipit: viviamo infatti in a society without memories. And even where they "reject" the memories.
The proof of this is true because you can experience such as listening to on TV during the newscasts, the solemn declarations of the various political spokesmen (particularly of the center and from the Premier): I am so sure that people do not remember than what has been said, even the day before, to be able to support the exact opposite, depending on the convenience of the moment ...

Without the memories, it is as if the entire society lived on "hold" from moment to moment : no past and no future. But above all, without culture (meaning culture to that "complex of knowledge, traditions, technical processes, behaviors and the like, transmitted and used systematically, characteristic of a people, or the whole of humanity." In fact, culture and civilization are seen as two parallel processes: "understanding the cultural and creative events and then the values \u200b\u200bof each society and civilization coincided with the scientific and technical progress").
But what is that today form the culture of a people: those who "say" in particular television and the news? What you hear in the bar talk? The lines between work colleagues? (Participating at meetings is considered boring and tiring: better than the talk show).

it enough to people a culture of fresh today, "dished up by the television as news without historical references, but attentive to the emerging political will of the moment?

If you "forget" the memories, how can you act correctly, including all that we do? As you may be aware that this "do" is useful to someone or something? (But, above all others: from which perhaps has been elected and should be worthily represent them)?

If today there is still the culture, the formation of which memories are fundamental contradictions of certain behavioral politicians would now afloat. And with them, would be shown a total lack of values \u200b\u200band ethics: in some cases, a shameful and guilty (because desired) lack of culture.

At the point where we are today, "culture" means in particular: never trust everything that appears.

While it is true that "a winner assumes a commitment, while a loser makes promises" (F. Tjiangaete) this also means that if you trust everything that "seems", he inevitably ends by making what appears to coincide with what "is". With the result, but catastrophic at all obvious that in politics, for example, the loser makes promises that the winner becomes sixteen years now ...

"A people is mature, if it finds the politicians for what they do, not for what they say or the color which they belong "(Ols Eman). But how to achieve this without the culture of remembrance?

For example, the proverbial cultural superiority comes from learning of the Jesuits, whose method is based on the "magis" (or "qualitative superiority"). Derived from a formula that can be summarized by the single term "culture": I listen and I forget, I see and I remember, and I understand. So how can a people like have any hope of our future if he refuses to listen and remember?

Without the memory, the sense of morality and justice disappear. Because everyone feels and considers himself free to do whatever he wants. But this can not be called "freedom" and who is knowingly false claims to the contrary: as a freedom without rules might, more often than not, the most savage dictatorships.

Realize all these things is now a matter of vital importance. Because, as Anonymous says: "God forgives, not ignorance."

I hope that 2011, with the Celebration for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, is an opportunity to help all of us to remember and reflect.

January 2011
franco.maletti @

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Behaviour Report Card Template


"We requested to enlarge Rai messages that pass overlay during the Festival of Sanremo for informing consumers about terms and costs of access to phones and mobiles." It 'as said Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers Union (UNC), which was present yesterday at the Ariston Theatre operations of remote voting on the nomination of the Authority for Guarantees in Communications.

"The transparency of the information made user-goes-Give the attorney is a cornerstone of the Regulation recently approved by AGCOM in the matter of televoting: this is why we felt compelled to seek an adjustment of the 'super' which should be easily readable by viewers, even on medium-sized televisions.

Commenting on the evening spent backstage at the Teatro Ariston, in room phones and mobiles, along with the notary and the officials in charge of operations, Massimiliano Dona adds: "The operations went smoothly and also the failure of Gianni Morandi in 'announce the telephone number to call in to rate by fixed did not affect the outcome of the race, given that competition is for young people in a single session is open to all competitors and valid even in the light of the votes that I could monitor the terminals. "

Advocate Dona states: "Of course the checks that we can do during the evening only cover part of the mechanism of remote voting as some investigations, such as those relating to possible fraudulent use of call centers, may be only required at a later time telephone operators, since the ex post checks in any case be watching closely. "

"It is good-ends Dona-who, thanks to this year's Festival, the advertisements that the presenter is required to make up for clear indication of the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM), the new regulation issued by the Italian Communications Authority ( AGCOM) and our presence behind the scenes, viewers are more aware when using premium rate services such as tele-voting. "

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does F61 Mean On A Stereo?

Tassa di concessione Governativa dichiarata illegittima

On 5 January 2011, the Tax Commission of Venice has declared illegal the government license fee. The reasons: the Legislative Decree no. 259/2003, which is the Communications Code, the State has opened the privatization of telephone services with the conseguente passaggio della concessione governativa da atto amministrativo di natura pubblicistica a contratto ovvero uno strumento di diritto privato che presuppone una posizione di parità tra i contraenti. La CTR del Veneto ha quindi accertato che la tassa non deve essere pagata perché illegittima e ciò anche in favore dei clienti privati. La vicenda è altresì stata sottoposta alla Corte di Giustizia della Ue a seguito dell’invio da parte della CTP di Taranto della documentazione relativa ad un contenzioso analogo.

La faccenda, ovviamente, è complessa. C'è ragione di pensare che le commisioni tributarie saranno sommerse dai ricorsi dal probabile esito positivo, quindi sullo Stato pende una Spada di Damocle da milioni di €, of course, will do a lot of effort in return. The risk is that if you throw into the fray for the first will get a refund while all the others will settle for no more pay, perhaps.

But we see in detail what the Government concession tax:
also known by the acronym TCG, is the fee payable to the Italian State for the use of terminal equipment for the radio public service earth (Article 318 of Presidential Decree of 29 March 1973, n. 156 and art. 3 of Decree-Law May 13, 1991, No. 151, with amendments, into law July 12, 1991, No. 202) for monthly user charges: DPR October 26, 1972, No 641 on the "Discipline of taxes on government concessions."

Since 1995, therefore, the holders of a mobile subscription must correspond to the state if € 12.91 monthly for business use, and then headed to a company or a sole proprietorship, and € 5.16 for private parties.
The CTR of Veneto has implemented and upheld the appeal based on the fact that since 2003 the mobile communication services are fully privatized and open to the market and therefore not subject to license fees.

other hand was known for some time that the charge was weak, only that no government, even though they all spoke at length and in error, there has never put his hand. Take, for example al fatto che le ricaricabili non la pagano, perchè? La legge parla chiaro e non fa alcun riferimento a piani ricaricabili o meno. Anche le sim dati, quelle che per intenderci si trovano nelle chiavette, non pagano la TCG, perchè? Non sono forse anche loro apparecchiature terminali per il servizio radiomobili pubblico? Misteri tributari italiani.

Ora però resta il fatto, cosa succederà in caso di ricorsi a valanga? Anche questo per ora è un mistero. Come Comitato di Cremona dell'Unione Nazionale Consumatori siamo a disposizione per effettuare i ricorsi presso le sedi opportune (a breve sul sito verranno messi i moduli da scaricare direttamente) in attesa di nuove sentenze, nonchè del pronunciamento EU.

Marco Rezza

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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a job? He thinks the Manger Ltd

To have my column this time should be daily, could indeed be updated several times daily, as the mouse of a hundred and they think they do. But I have nothing else to do, including take some time to walk my beloved Clarabella. But before I tell you this.
those with Mickey Mouse command are lovers of law, are respectful of the rules and place with ethics, transparency, morality, are careful not to mix things with public and private, to follow the procedures that make all equal before the public administration. The mice that live there are proud of this and are especially happy when their big mouse go to conferences to extol these virtues.
that happens to Mickey Mouse, of course, to make quicker and better, some jobs that should do the mice who work for the city to be entrusted to a public company, the Manger Ltd ., Along with the money needed.

So Manger Ltd may distribute tasks in a targeted way, without even having to account for the choice of this or that professional. I wonder who decides ... The mice of the Eaters are preparing for the big jump because of money they are going to get quite a lot and many have your mouth watering.

do not know if the mice of Manger Ltd make public announcements, if they follow the rules of common sense that you would like to request a quote so many to choose (perhaps rotating) professionals to be entrusted with procurement. We know that the sign indicating the person responsible for the renovation of a building of public property entrusted to them, indicates the name of a former big mouse grugliaschese, recentemente giubilato e, forse, altrettanto prontamente ricompensato.

Per fortuna è un valente professionista, ma dove sono finiti i proclami, cosa devono ancora aspettarsi i topolini sempre meno sorridenti di questo splendido angolo di mondo?


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"No respect for citizens who pay the fee." So Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers (UNC), said the resumption of the program "Your Business", aired yesterday on RaiUno up Endemol format: the game show for seven seasons, had dominated the first plays of the access time Raiuno (conducted in the past by Paul Bonolis, Antonella Clerici, Pupo, Flavio Insinna and lately by Max Giusti), but was suspended following the investigation opened by the public prosecutor of Rome after the complaint of alleged irregularities in the same Dona gameshow.

“Anche se l’azienda di Viale Mazzini risultava parte lesa nel procedimento aperto presso la Procura di Roma -prosegue l’avvocato Dona- stupisce che la Rai non tenga in considerazione quanto affermato nel provvedimento del GIP che ha archiviato l’inchiesta: il Giudice ha chiaramente affermato che la vicenda ‘evidenzia i difetti di un gioco che per garantire vera e certa trasparenza avrebbe dovuto avere ben altre modalità di svolgimento nella fase di abbinamento dei premi ai pacchi e di ingresso dei pacchi nello studio’”.

“Come risulta chiaramente da quel provvedimento -insiste Massimiliano Dona- il Giudice è costretto ad ammettere la difficoltà di (parole testuali) ‘ricostruire oggi in quale segmento delle operazioni di gioco, puntata per puntata, può essersi verificata l’ alterazione della sua alea’ e di ottenere informazioni dai concorrenti ‘non interessati a dire la verità quando partecipi al trucco’”.

“Alla luce di questi fatti -conclude Dona- gli utenti si sarebbero aspettati la definitiva rinuncia al programma ‘Affari Tuoi’, come gesto di responsabilità da parte della Rai anche alla luce delle irregolarità che ho documentato nel mio libro ‘Affari loro’ (pubblicato da Minerva Edizioni di Bologna, diritti d’autore interamente devoluti all’Unione Nazionale Consumatori).

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Caro San Valentino....

Sono i simboli della Valentine's Day, and for that, buy them on Valentine's Day is expensive. Let's talk about flowers and chocolates which, according to a survey dell'Adoc, this year have been a price increase. And they are not alone: \u200b\u200balso recorded increases for restaurants and other gifts, such as soft toys and underwear. "Very bad news for consumers love - says Carlo Pileri, president dell'Adoc - a box of chocolates costs an average of 1, 8% more than last year, a bunch of flowers on 2% more. Even the plush ( +2.1%) and restaurants (+4.6%) marked increases. Among the most popular gifts on the rise, despite the increases, the chocolates (+6%), flowers (+4%) and the intimate (+3%). Also up for wellness products (+3%), a selfless choice, a possible reaction to stress caused by the crisis. Do you prefer to give a few hours of relaxation and relaxation of the usual gifts. "

dell'Adoc survey shows that 39% of cases, the lover will spend up to 50 €, only 7% will go beyond 200." Only 7% of the lovers can afford to spend over 200 € for Valentine's Day - continued Pileri - the majority, 69%, consisting of young couples and couples under 30 years of age, will not go above 100 € spending. Unfortunately, going out for dinner will cost more than in 2010, about 4.6%, you will spend on average € 68 for two persone. Un fattore che spingerà molti italiani a passare la festa tra le mura di casa, secondo le nostre stime circa il 46%. Inoltre, bisogna considerare il fenomeno sms: saranno milioni i messaggini inviati con il cellulare, per un volume d'affari che noi stimiamo sui 20 milioni di euro."

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“E’ preoccupante il silenzio della Rai sulla richiesta dell’AGCOM di far partecipare al Festival di Sanremo i rappresentanti dei consumatori come osservatori sul televoto”. E’ quanto dichiara Massimiliano Dona, Segretario generale dell’Unione Nazionale Consumatori (UNC), commentando l’assenza di qualsiasi iniziativa da parte di viale Mazzini in attuazione del Regolamento recentemente approvato Antitrust Authority of Communications.

"Nobody has contacted us, despite the imminence of the Festival, the Advocate-Dona there was no indication on the actual conduct of operations to which we should attend."

"We relied on an attitude of fairness by Massimiliano Dona Rai-go-but we are the usual: the company has not even explained where and how it intends to exclude the use of call centers and any other mechanism that affects the ' collective interest as a falsifying the results of the vote appears to have occurred in other circumstances. "

"At this point Insists the lawyer-Dona-Regulation is clear: according to Article 5, paragraph 4, it is forbidden to cast votes via automated or not, fixed or movable, which allow the sending of massive calls or SMS, or by users who provide call center services. "

"For this end-Dona-invoke the cooperation of the telcos that should reasonably be able to oversee such a ban, if the economic interests do not always prevail yet the rules are respected."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Da tifosi fanatici a cittadini responsabili: quando si comincia?

In Italia è così da molto tempo, ma in questi ultimi tempi l'ostentazione della faziosità fine a se stessa è diventata insopportabile. Le Iva Zanicchi, i Giuliano Ferrara e tutta la serie dei cortigiani e delle cortigiane che si affannano a difendere l'indifendibile - ovvero le prodezze pubbliche di un vecchio porco che, tra l'altro, ha perso il senso del limite - danno l'idea di cosa siamo diventati. Davanti alla banale contestazione di una possibile concussione - la telefonata per far liberare Ruby, magari con la paura che potesse parlare e rivelare cose imbarazzanti - cercano subito di metterla sul moralismi e l'antimoralismo.
Ferrara si spinge a mettere le mutande sul palco, rubando (anche stavolta) un simbolo al sindacato, forse perché annusare quelle sporche era il suo lavoro anche quando militava nel PCI. Dunque lui se ne intende di disinformazione e cerca di spostare l'attenzione sui vizietti del vecchio porco in nome della libertà, perché sa bene quali altri sono i peccati pubblici del suo padrone, quelli che neanche le mutande possono nascondere e potranno nascondere domani, quando tutti si scopriranno antiberlusconiani delle prima ora e la cacca traboccherà dai luoghi dove è stata a lungo nascosta.
Il degrado morale dell'Italia sta anche e soprattutto in questo: volti accecati dalla rabbia, cervelli offuscati dalla faziosità, menti altrimenti lucide improvvisamente appannate se solo si sfiora il capo, difesa a oltranza di tutto e del suo contrario in nome delle comune militanza, del comune sentire, della contiguità personale e ideale che tutto pare giustificare. Ma solo il centrodestra fa così? Sono loro i colpevoli unici di questo banchetto dello Stato ad opera delle tifoserie? Io credo Of course not.

other hand - which is also mine - the sense of the party sometimes comes before that of the State, is a legacy of the Bolshevik conception of politics. Since the idea has long since faded, the sense of the party was gradually replaced that of his own power, then of his own band, then the consortium of friends who support me, then myself, the most of my friends with me share rise to power.
Result: Mafia practices of the same center-right, populist vision of democracy, those same warlords and those who do not desire to destroy the game, the obsession to avoid that someone can draw tomorrow to compete with me. Cynicism of the right to use the same noble ideals and aspirations of equality with the ease of handling those stones instead of feathers: the law gets to go to conferences where he speaks of this, save the region becomes increasingly favor variants that do the same and a meeting every so often to deplore the greed, transparency an issue that affects more than the clothes of the young ladies with whom you occasionally accompany. The right words become like stamps of Chiquita, a certification to be obtained to sell yourself better, your confidence, your unbridled egotism.
When someone - like me now - you can report these things, now is treated like a fool who has not yet realized that between us and those others, however, there is an immeasurable difference and put everyone on an equal footing does not help the fortunes of our political party, so even those of the State. See
mouths butt chicken for former something that thoughtfully reflect on the end of those poor people who dare to say that, for our part, certain practices and certain costumes are even more dangerous and serious. These mouths can not even consider that when the distance between what you say and what you do exceed the alert level, everything would go to forty-eight cards and lose political credibility it needs to be really useful to everyone. They think only cavolacci them and their okay. And 'why, along with the band berlusconi, they too must go in order to allow those who want to find that sense of the state without which a new Italy will not be born ever.


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Barberi, sailor Fortemarmini gold medal for valor.

I remember that day I learned on the job or vocational schools Seravezza brave men of the Navy, on special "punts explosives" had violated the established British naval base in Souda harbor on the north coast of ' Island of Crete, being able to burn it after hit three tankers and a cruiser. It was part of this team of sailors, who had prepared the historical enterprise, whether the Barberi Emilio Fortemarmini that at that time wore the rank of sergeant gunner of MAS.

This exceptional undertaking inflamed the hearts of many young boys Seravezza that despite the hungry in body, sang songs praising the heroism of soldiers, sailors and airmen Italians everywhere engaged in epic battles.
Giorgio Giannelli, in his book "The Versilia won the war", published in December 1989, spoke in great detail, of great value, demonstrated by the military in Versilia Ethiopia, Libya, Russia, the Balkans, and other operational areas during the Second World War. It
count gold medals, silver and bronze medals awarded for bravery shown by so many men MIIT versiliesi of all weapons and levels, many of which, unfortunately, which have received this honor to the memory to have lost their lives during the bloody battles they fought against enemy forces.

In his valuable book shows how this historical assault took place at the naval base at Suda occurred on the night of 25 to 26 March 1941, when highly trained men, on board small boats with a flat bottom, large m. 1.90 and 5 m. long, 20, operable by the pilot and his cargo in front of 300 kg. of explosives is brought in front of the bay of Suda, to get inside it, with the task of identifying the target to hit to sink.

Bookmarks darkness of the night, all the boats were able to force three kinds of obstructions placed to prevent access to the Italo-German naval vessels. It was not easy for Emilio Barbieri and his associates in the attack prepared to continue because of an intense fire barrage that began immediately after the entry of these particular small boats in the bay.

After locating the vessel hit, was given to the sailors, which use these means of assault, ordered to attack. The "daring sea" launched their boats on predetermined objectives. Tankers were hit three York and the cruiser of 8,200 tons.

A few meters away from the large tanker that was sunk by explosive punt Emily Barberi, they jumped into the water to reach the shore by swimming vigorously. From there it was waiting to be captured British patrols, while her eyes looked towards the bay that was burning.

Shortly after he was captured and taken prisoner by a patrol, which startled and incredulous as cold blood from the Italian sailor and even the indifference shown by him in the face of likely that the British could take reprisals against him.

Barbera spent a long imprisonment in the center Bopal India. After the war he was decorated by the same senior officers of the Royal Navy who had the honor of pinning the medal on his chest of gold that was given to accomplished this feat along with other brave sailors. Admiral Morgan in 1945, he made this gesture of chivalry, he wanted to express his congratulations to both the Barberi that all other men in March 1941 had made this legendary company.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Ferment in the city, the mice were longing for freedom

We have already told of how the great leaders of Mickey Mouse handle social, political and human in the city where command. If anyone dares to criticize, put across, put forward questions and propose countermeasures or alternative solutions ... click here to ostracism mafioseggiante, more sewer rat that mouse rural what are the inhabitants of Mickey Mouse.
How does it work? All those who have an interest in common with the leaders are called, one by one, interrogated and threatened with eviction if only they dare not move away from Criticón.
Needless to Topolinia courage abound, and many are subject, in the vain hope that tomorrow there will be for them.
And so, even at the government palace of mice are beginning to not pay too much more vajassa and his courtiers, surrounded by an estimate of slightly more than the head of the government and its Olgettina girls, able to treat the workers as even in her brunette days of exaltation.

is known Face of new feats of Bambi and its transparent activity for associations that could form the basis of his election when you vote again, you know the latest débacles sister's excellent, the dismantling of public facilities in favor of the most docile topolinesca governed by the policy without rules. We also know the new frenzy of demolition and variations which are now blessed are ready to be accompanied by a plenary indulgence.
history have forgotten in several Mickey Mouse certainly have removed what is now retracing paths already traveled and who knows where they lead. But even this is done to Mickey Mouse ... until last.
so happens that - pending the release, if it comes, and not even yet know who will be the liberators - bustles intensive intelligence, made up of fifth columns and deep gorges . We begin to know things, how do you get along with the big mouse that matter, how do they keep good and what they are telling all around when someone calls their explanations.

In variants as they go forward, the land is consumed inexorably, including a convention on the law on assembly and decrease happy. Because mice are susceptible to stress about the future, what the heck!


Friday, February 11, 2011

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"The Communications Regulatory Authority has formally requested the RAI to involve two observers representing consumer al Festival di Sanremo per vigilare sul televoto abbinato alla manifestazione canora che inizierà la prossima settimana”. E’ quanto rende noto l’Unione Nazionale Consumatori, citando una nota dell’AGCOM che ha indicato i nominativi di Massimiliano Dona, Segretario generale dell’UNC e Carlo Pileri Presidente di ADOC, come rappresentanti degli utenti per le operazioni di televoto.

Per la seconda volta l’avvocato Massimiliano Dona assume le vesti di osservatore della regolarità di un programma televisivo trasmesso dalla RAI dopo la vicenda che lo portò a denunciare presunte irregolarità nel gioco a premi “Affari tuoi”.

“Il nostro compito -dichiara l’avvocato Donation is a great responsibility to ensure compliance with the principles of equality, transparency and impartiality enshrined in the regulation of televoting recently approved by the guarantor. "

"The designation by AGCOM of our Union as an observer during the Festival of Italian Song-Dona-end rewards our commitment to such a sensitive sector such as that of public participation in television programs. We hope that the company Viale Mazzini accept our presence and to cooperate fairly with consumer associations. "

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A crazy decision that harms citizens and lovers of Italian cinema, which will have negative repercussions for the same exhibitors. So
member associations in Casper - Committee against speculation and the savings (ADOC, Codacons, Defence Movement of the Citizen and Consumers Union Country) comment on the measure contained in the decree of July Milleproroghe that require viewers to pay a fee equal to 1 euro per ticket.
"This is a real blow to the pockets of the citizens - says Casper - Already the Italian cinema are among the most expensive in the world, and the cost Average ticket is EUR 7,50 / 8,00 euro, while visions of 3D films can be up to € 12. If approved the decision of the Government, a ticket will cost you € 9, € 13 for movies in 3D. "
"It is unrealistic prices, which will have the effect of keeping people away from cinemas, with huge damage for the same merchants. For this reason, unless it is withdrawn the decision, appeal to the TAR, and we take steps to protest including the strike of the spectators "- concludes the four initials.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Toscana: intesa tra Uncem e Corecom su conciliazioni

Speed \u200b\u200b'action, equal opportunity' access land. These are the objectives of the MoU signed in December 2010 between Corecom of Tuscany (Regional Committee for Communications) and Uncem Tuscany (National Union of municipalities and communities' bodies in mountains), presented today in Florence. A protocol that aims to make accessible the conciliation service for disputes between citizens and telecom operators to those who reside in remote and disadvantaged areas than in Florence. A service that the Authority provides free of charge (not 'so' to other bodies) and that since 2004 has registered an increase of 100 percent increase of applications each year (in 2004 there were 217 in 2010 are 4075). Ensuring equal access'''territorial' the main purpose of the agreement signed''the president said of Corecom Marino Livolsi. ''We are particularly pleased with this agreement with Uncem because 'will offer' a video conferencing service to residents in mountainous areas and avoiding their expensive long journeys in the capital.'' We believe''- continued Livolsi - that this opportunity 'will' rise and limit the number of applications for conciliation. Often, you give up to open a dispute because of the difficulty 'to reach the Florence location.''


Monday, February 7, 2011

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'Enter' formally 'in the Constitution the protection of consumers. " And 'what it wants Massimiliano Dona, Secretary General of the National Consumers (UNC), commenting on the current debate on the possible amendment of Article 41 of our Constitution and reaffirming the proposal to restructure the perspective of a consumer's express recognition of the figure.

"The observation of the market, says Dona-shows that consumers are not always taken into due consideration: the processes of liberalization are still opposed, the Control Authority continuously struggle to exert their role in deterrence of conduct incorrect, access to justice, including through the class action, it is exceedingly difficult for consumer disputes. "

"In this context Secretary-General continues UNCA-the consumer is likely to be exposed to the wiles of the market, including the lack of culture of their rights. That's why, according to our Consumers Union, the priorities of future government action will not miss a serious investment in education to the consumption of our citizens, from school. "

"And that's why end-Dona-enter the consumer's rights in the 2nd paragraph of art. 41 of the Republican Constitution is an important first step in guaranteeing freedom of enterprise in respect of citizens. "

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jacket, tie and a stone in his hand

The view you also have the photo of the Egyptian ladies during a manifestations of these days, he was in the square to throw a stone, along with many other gentlemen dressed for an event that another task. He was - he like the others - in a suit and tie, his hair and beard groomed stately appearance and air of being very comfortable in an environment like that.
certainly was not left home to go and throw stones. It was as if it were straight out of a school, an office, a ministry, the administrative center of a company to demonstrate together with others to demand an end to a thirty-year regime, a bit 'more freedom and democracy, a leap forward towards a future less grim than the living. Even he, the clothes she wears, seems to belong at the high end of that middle class which is the battered streets in Tunisia and Egypt because of its slow slide towards proletarianization.

really something huge is happening in the world and especially in that part of the world that has made major steps toward mass education and dissemination of the Web: young and educated adults, fully aware of what happens and how you live around the world, claiming better conditions and to indict the corruption and impoverishment.
ascribe to politicians removed from office the primary responsibility of this malaise and demand changes, reforms and freedoms that have always only dreamed about. They want change, they want renewal, a little 'cleaning and laws that guarantee a dignified life to non-runners for the success or came in last place.
Along with their growing middle class poor, who has never struggled to make ends meet and who has often taken on a whim a few more, maybe to the detriment of the poorest. They too are slipping into poverty and fear the brink: claim decent wages, controlled prices, some civil liberties and civil law. They ask for a hope, an outlet for frustrations that are piling up for too long oppressed by the lack of future. Some of them are certainly ready to throw himself into the arms of fundamentalism in order to find an outlet for anger repressed and the desire to find a meaning to existence. If

then behind all the protests are the fundamentalist parties, the CIA, all the secret services of the world, we'll know only in history ended. What is a contagious desire for change is seen and feels. The image of man in suit and tie it well, we could ask him to come and explain to us Italians asleep.


Friday, February 4, 2011

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defenders, protectors and keepers head into the twilight of

that Berlusconi is now the end is ascertained fact. Are much less the when, how and what will happen after his fall, but the fact that he can only worsen the situation is of such evidence that even the most stupid of her can not fail to notice. Yet they are all tight around him, and all vote the opposite of everything - even though they know they will be reproached tomorrow - going to be on TV sbertucciare, marrying theory that begin to make people smile even more retirees accustomed to the reality of plastic last twenty years.
The history books tell us deliver the schemes through the end of the progressive detachment of the smartest among schierani the first time, who suddenly find themselves anti always eager to legitimize the new advancing as sappers in the transition from one season to another policy.

It was expected therefore that the decline was a sign of Berlusconi's relentless posting of the best parts of his allies, to leave him naked to the goal, just hidden from the direct gaze and ridicule from opponents who die with the squad leader. Instead, at least for now, is not the case. Why?
The interpretations are varied, one has suggested to me one of my friends, talented professional and keen observer of human misery. I thought it was convincing and so linear that it may really be the right one.
"Do you remember the scene The Godfather where Marlon Brando explains how the relationship between the leader and submitted in a mafioso? , "he said," Look, in politics sick today works the same way. Indeed, it may be that it always has worked well and that this is one of the roots of the many anomalies Italian .
In the mythical scene Marlon explained that the favors you ask the boss should always pay off ... and not with the money, but obey when he'll ask you to repay glad you did. You can not escape the task, even if you want to, because the fact that you asked him, and obtained, in the past for you inextricably tied to him .
A dossier for everyone, everyone has something to be tied to him and this bond is so strong that it surpasses even the fear of doing the same end. These relationships, mixed with megalomania that has infected many and the lack of vision, sometimes obnubliata from too much cocaine, do the rest.
What a spectacle, what we're seeing! If it were not for the terrible damage it does, it would be to be happy about the opportunity that history presents to those who think that it continues to be Magistra Vitae.


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La contraffazione ed il consumatore

The consumer is a victim or an accomplice of counterfeiting? The answer is not obvious, because if in counterfeiting of food and cosmetic products and the consumer is helpless in the situation of unwitting victim of a phenomenon difficult to control, other times - it is the typical case of fake Vuitton bag purchased on stand - is well aware they are buying a fake, because a true jaw out of the reach of his pockets.

But be careful. At the request made by telephone: "Have you ever bought a counterfeit product?", Made as part of a survey on counterfeiting during construction by Assoutenti, the answer was, "click". Almost all have closed the phone. The results del pretest è emerso che nessuno degli intervistati affermava di aver acquistato prodotti contraffatti. Il questionario è stato modificato: "In Italia - ha detto Mario Finzi, presidente Assoutenti - il 15% delle persone ammette e racconta la sua esperienza di contraffazione. Al cittadino serve chiarire cosa è vietato acquistare, cosa si può acquistare, cosa non è sicuro acquistare". A fare il punto sulla situazione, il seminario organizzato oggi a Roma dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico insieme a otto Associazioni di Consumatori (Acu, Adiconsum, Adoc, Assoutenti, Codici, Federconsumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino) sul tema "La contraffazione: il consumatore vittima o complice?".

Those present at the conference have analyzed all the faces of counterfeiting, a growing phenomenon that now covers all items of daily life: clothing, toys, medicines, cosmetics, foodstuffs, household appliances, auto parts, bags and so adding to the list. The seminar was an occasion to launch the campaign "I do not want the false", sponsored by the Department of Enterprise and internationalization - General Directorate for Anti-Counterfeiting - Patent and Trademark Office of the Ministry of Economic Development in collaboration with the eight associations of consumers who took part in the roundtable. Objective, to raise consumer awareness about the illegality of counterfeiting and health hazards that often result from counterfeit items.

Counterfeiting is a complex phenomenon, therefore, represents a "parallel economy", has seen an exponential growth and is linked to the phenomenon of crime, but also sees an increased demand for fake products, in which - the Secretary has argued National Adiconsum Peter Jordan - there is often "a conscious or unconscious complicity of the consumer." A phenomenon that (Carlo Pileri, president ADOC) intersects with the changes in the increasingly outsourced manufacturing model, which creates "phenomena of ambiguity" to products resulting from the assembly of components "international" and is linked to an "imbalance market "between the intrinsic value of the product (the material of the bag is made) and the virtual value attributed to the brand (the brand). Counterfeiting is a problem (Rita Battaglia, vice president Federconsumatori) that produces a collective damage (from false invoicing for recycling), a social harm (work), a non-pecuniary damage - is transmitted in the consciousness of the pollution of the concept of consumer law. "Then there is the phenomenon of counterfeit medicines, where (Ivan Giacomelli National Secretary codes) should be acknowledged that "it is unknown how counterfeit drug therapy affects the global market", and in which the most counterfeited medicines are those related to sexual and the sports, a "traffic in high-value" foods, especially via the Internet.

Attention to the consumer, however, because often in the situation of a victim of counterfeiting. It happens in the food industry, it happens in the cosmetics industry. "In the food sector - said Silvia Biasotto, head of the Food Security Department of MDC - the consumer is almost always a victim. And it is one of the most vulnerable consumers," because "it is difficult to recognize a counterfeit foodstuff, at least in Italy." It is "a business that is worth gold," said Biasotto citing data from the Value Table made in Italy by MDC with Legambiente in 2009, the Inspectorate central control of food quality has made seizures for about 20 million euro, of which 9 million related to DOC, DOCG and IGT. The counterfeit wines: Nero d'Avola, Pinot Grigio Veneto IGT Amarone. Not to mention the kidnapping of Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano, made by the police of Agriculture from the coils and seizures of counterfeit labels for the product.

"The biggest problem - but added Biasotto - is the phenomenon of foreign sounding. It is a huge market by the numbers - Eurispes talks about € 62 billion in 2009 - in which 40% of products are sold in the United States and Canada, and in which matters most and above all "the evocation Italianness." Biasotto argues: "The consumer can hardly be protected, an indication can be represented by the price, but we need technologies and controls. And abroad, our quality is a great marketing tool but no real protection."

And the cosmetics? A search is underway by the Movement Consumatorisu Markets in Rome, Milan, Bari, Palermo and Venice has highlighted the loss of sales of cosmetics brands: the doubt is that they are counterfeit, but the same companies surveyed have not been able responding to the veracity of the products based on packaging alone or batch production, so that they are conducting specific analysis. "In times of crisis - said Miracapillo Ross, general secretary of Consumers' Movement - the cosmetics market downturns do not know. And where there is also a large economic interest in the infringement," which unfolds in this area through 'imitation of the product and packaging and through a parallel import. According to data Unipro said Miracapillo in 2008 to 8.7 billion euro of goods, 120 million were counterfeit products, and of these 85 million perfumes. "But it is a fact determined by the seizures at the border", and then underestimated.

Miracapillo recalled the case striking, exploded in the press a few years ago, the fake Colgate toothpaste, "In the field of cosmetics and medicines that consumers are unwitting victims of these phenomena," said Miracapillo, noting that the analysis made on these types of products have shown the presence of carcinogens and allergens at concentrations two thousand times higher than allowed. Citizens can still try to protect themselves. Even if you recognize a counterfeit product can be difficult, leading some signs in this direction: a price too low, the absence of labels with the origin, ingredients, production site, the presence of indications on the label written in a foreign language .

For the rest, a clear awareness of all: counterfeiting has no borders and has a thousand faces, but often the money in savings translates into health risks.

Sabrina Bergamini

2011 - Editor: BS

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Install Stereo On Jon Boat


"Many viewers are still awaiting reimbursement for the different televoting canceled in recent weeks and on the program Big Brother." And 'what is said in a statement the National Consumers Union (UNC), under which they are entitled to a refund all those who have expressed their vote:

- from 27 December 2010-3 January 2011 (votes for / against Readmission Massimo Scattarella)

- from January 4, 2011 8 gennaio 2011 (voti espressi per la nomination tra Pietro Titone, Olivia Lechner e Giuliano Cimetti);

- dal 24 gennaio 2011 al 27 gennaio 2011 (voti espressi per la nomination tra Nathan Lelli, Roberto Manfredini e Biagio D’Anelli).

Per facilitare le operazioni, l’Unione Nazionale Consumatori mette a disposizione degli utenti un modulo da inviare a Mediaset ed Endemol per richiedere la prova dell’avvenuto rimborso (scaricare da ).

Sample Of Company Aniversary Program

for enrollment in the Public Register of Objections

Presso la sede del Centro d'ascolto dello scrivente Comitato - aperta al pubblico ogni giorno feriale dalle 17.30 circa alle 19 e la mattina del mercoledì dalle 10 alle 11.45 - sono disponibili i MODULI per l'iscrizione - sia tramite fax che e-mail ed ovviamente servizio postale - al Pubblico Registro delle Opposizioni da parte degli abbonati alle varie società telefoniche e di cui all'art.1 comma 1 lett.b) del DPR 7 Settembre 2010 n°178, provvedimento con cui è stata - finalmente !...- data possibilità agli utenti telefonici di evitare il fastidio delle offerte commerciali a mezzo telefono e, sopratutto FAX.
Nel darne comunicazione esprimiamo il maggior consenso ad un provvedimento di cui l'utenza ne sentiva necessità, anche ad evitare inutile spreco di carta ed inchiostro nonchè frequenti e spiacevoli malintesi!...
Chi fosse interessato potrà passare e ritirarne gratuitamente copia.

UPDATE: sul sito è disponibile il modulo e le istruzione su dove mandarlo. Clicca qui per andare alla pagina.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brown Discharge When I Go Pee


"Credevamo che si fosse toccato il fondo, prima di vedere l'ultima puntata del Grande Fratello". É quanto dichiara Massimiliano Dona, Segretario generale dell’Unione Nazionale Consumatori (UNC), stigmatizzando la bestemmia pronunciata in prima serata da Nando Colelli, concorrente del programma eliminato qualche settimana fa e ieri presente nella diretta televisiva dagli studi di Cinecittà.

"Ormai -prosegue l'avv. Dona- pur di fare ascolti, non si risparmiano risse e scazzottate all'ora di cena, con buona pace del regolamento e, soprattutto, di chi guarda da home: respect for the public is at historic lows. "

" As if this were not enough, yesterday introduced a brilliant new program: it launched an unprecedented review of remote voting, a kind of poll, a new stratagem devised to rob viewers at home. "

" For this year-Dona-presses the viewers have to endure due to too much, while the only real announcement, that reimbursements for canceled TV voting, is still shrouded in mystery to our request for clarification, Mediaset and Endemol have not yet responded.

Dona concludes bitterly, "we should launch a tele-voting: do you think where are the refunds?"

Metal Core Scooter Wheels In The Usa

Cerpelli Pumps

remember Cerpelli pumps that the company was founded in 1904 by engineer Attilio Cerpelli. This company played an important role in giving employment to many workers versiliesi contributing to local economic growth, from 1935, when he moved from Liguria to the Central Seravezza. Mr Attilio Cerpelli at the company my father worked in the early 40s and my cousin Joseph (taken on 1 April 1964 at the age of 15 years, where he remained as an apprentice turner and, without interruption, for 38 years) and, in 1949, for a few months, even the writer. The workshops versiliesi Mr Cerpelli (acquired title after his election as MP for the Liberal Democratic Party, in the 25th legislature of the Kingdom of Italy before the rise to power of Benito Mussolini) worked in the years preceding the outbreak of World War II and also in subsequent years, many young people Versilia, employed as an apprentice mechanics, welders and turners. In the summer of '44 tragic Cerpelli the workshop was blown up by the workers of the German Todt Organization, as well as they did for part of Seravezza and entirely Corvaia and Ripa that were razed to the ground. In 1948 Mr Cerpelli resumed its activities, setting up another workshop in Querceta. In 1949 a foundry activated in a pre-existing warehouse locations Madonna, a stone's throw from the railroad. It was through the efforts of my father that the writer worked with me in this foundry were hired without being insured, three other young apprentices. Our pay was three hundred pounds a day. After the third month of work we received a letter in which it was announced that the company had arranged for us an increase of 10%, or 30 pounds daily. I always knew that the company built pumps Attilio Cerpelli he designed, high-potential, both for vessels for refineries and other industries. I had to read the Almanac Versiliese Giorgio Giannelli to learn the wide range of machinery produced by the workshop of the company Cerpelli, the most important in Italy, which had 1,200 employees, for the construction of centrifuges and rotary piston, turbo pumps, pumps, compressors low and high pressure frigoriferi per navi e impianti per condizionatori di aria, tutti macchinari di alta qualità. Se non avessi letto l’Almanacco Versiliese mai avrei saputo nulla anche sul “blue ribbon”, sì il nastro azzurro cui si fregiò il supertransatlantico Rex, il più bello del mondo, costruito dall’Ansaldo di Sestri Ponente con pompe Cerpelli, le quali furono determinanti per la conquista del primato di navigazione dell’Atlantico, che avvenne tra il 10 e il 16 agosto 1933, allorché, salpato da Genova con scalo a Gibilterra, giunse a New York con 27 ore e 20 minuti di anticipo rispetto all’orario stabilito. La traversata dell’Atlantico fu effettuata in 4 giorni, 13 ore e 50 minuti, alla velocità of 28.2 miles per hour, setting a record till then held by British navy vessels. It was a triumph for the Italian Merchant Marine. Il Corriere della Sera on 18.8.1933 in connection with this venture, he wrote: "The reason that predominates in the evaluation of the very important victory for the Merchant Navy Italian technique, is the possession, this glorious ship, machinery national total, designed and built Cerpelli workshops. Memorable expedition, which in 1985 was made by the workshop Cerpelli, a colossal machine fire for Saudi Arabia of the total weight of 24 tons, fully automated, designed and patented by its engineers. At the exit from the establishment of machinery attended the second class of a local elementary school accompanied by the teacher. A child, Fabio Verona, sent Versilia today as he noted in his diary about the event he had witnessed. The small Verona at the moment when the crane lifted the giant pump, believed to dream, as we read, among other things, nell'Almanacco Versilia, under the heading Cerpelli pumps. Cerpelli The engineer who had directed the technical study in his villa Capriglia, where every day the saliva specialized in professional design. Often Mrs personally examined the work that was carried out both in the workshop che nella fonderia. Nel suo andare e venire da Capriglia o dall’altra sua villa di Viareggio, sovente era accompagnato dal figlio, l’ingegnere Orazio, pure lui interessato alla gestione della società paterna. Mai ho avuto modo di scambiare una parola con l’onorevole Attilio Cerpelli, che di solito dialogava con il capo della fonderia. Fra i tanti bravi operai formisti della fonderia che conobbi 55 anni fa, c’era anche il signor Mazzucchi, padre dell’ attuale Sindaco di Seravezza. I modellini in legno, necessari per la fusione dei pezzi per la costruzione delle pompe, venivano forniti, nel 1949, dalla ditta costruttrice Vito Viti con sede a Seravezza. Il Cerpelli era un uomo anziano e molto distinto. Al solo apparire nella fonderia, intimava non solo rispetto a tutto il personale, ma anche un certo timore. Diversa la figura del capo dell’ufficio amministrazione, signor Feliciani, uomo affabile, sempre sorridente e gentile. La presenza dell’ingegnere Attilio Cerpelli in Versilia è stata molto importante sia per la ripresa economica nazionale che locale, in particolare a partire dall’immediato dopoguerra, quando la nostra terra, ancora piena di macerie, contava un tasso di disoccupazione molto elevato. Tanti uomini, compresi gli anziani, andavano a fare la rena nel fiume per guadagnare soltanto poche lire necessarie per sopravvivere. Alla ripresa dell’attività in Querceta, la situazione finanziaria della società Cerpelli doveva ancora risentire of the extensive damage suffered in the '44 war, not otherwise explain the failure of insurance apprentices hired in '49. It gives me great pleasure to emphasize that the company founded in 1904 by engineer Attilio Cerpelli, now known as Commercial Cerpelli Ltd based in Querceta, after passing over one hundred years of his life as "terrifying" crisis have resumed in full the its activity, so much so that counts among its current customers, the major oil companies, engineering and shipbuilding etc.., both domestic and abroad. I think also a duty to highlight another record achieved in 1998 when the company built two large Versilia split-case centrifugal pumps for the United Arab Emirates, 5,200 cubic meters per hour, never built before.